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Everything posted by foxyloxy25

  1. Loire, Thank you for your reply. We knew we would need to return to England in the not too distant future, as our son's health deteriorates. We thought our house might take a year or two to sell, so got started. We contacted Century 21 to get a quote. As we were returning to England for six or seven weeks, we agreed to let them have sole agency contract for three months, as we did not want to leave our door key with too many agents. I had to up the price a bit as I thought they were giving us a figure that was too low. They accepted our reasons. Three weeks, three visits it was sold. We had fully intended to go it alone after the initial three months as the fees (to be paid by us) are 16000€ which I think are steep, but they were professional and did the job. Hope this helps. Jeanne
  2. Bonjour à tous, Reluctantly, we have sold (three weeks and three viewings) and returning to England. Would any of you know about a removal van returning empty to England (West Country) anytime during June or July. Thank you very much in advance for help/tips and advice. Jeanne
  3. I will follow your advice. Thanks again. Jeanne
  4. Thank you Theiere, appreciate your advice. Jeanne
  5. Hi Théiere, Our pool is 12 m x 5 m or 51/2 m, it has a plastic liner and is a Magiline. Yesterday we put in 7 ltrs of Brico javel, (it says Extrait de javel, formulae concentret @ 5.6% de Chloe actif 36%). I have just done a test with a strip, The ph is low, the chlorine is low alkalinity between low and ok. What should be my next step. Thanks for your time, and help must appreciated. Jeanne
  6. Due to problems with a pump break down and leak caused by frost, I was not able to start treating the water until after it had gone green. Since then dispite adjusting the ph etc, adding algicide the water remains resolutely milky/cloudy. The pool is a salt one, This morning I have tested the water, and all appears correct expect there is very little chlorine dispite my having heavily shocked. I would appreciate any advice, and thank you in advance. Jeanne
  7. Two years this coming February, my husband had his hip replacement done. Amazing, it was a super job, and he went directly to the the Centre de reeducation for four weeks. By the time summer came he was gardening on the vegetable patch. Obviously he followed the guide lines about not sitting on the haunches etc, but he has truly never had any problems, and does all the heavy gardening. Good luck with your hip replacement and I hope it all goes well for you. Compliments of the Season
  8. Pomegranite that sounds great, I would love to have one of them. Citrus plants need ericaeous soil. In England you can buy a little soil testing kit for about a £1 not sure if they do them in the garden centres over here. I keep mine in pots as they do not like temperatures below -5 and the Kaffir lime -4. I keep them in a cold greenhouse over winter, but I expect you can cover them with layers of fleece. jxx
  9. Welcome to France, hope you settle in well. If you are talking about a large area for your potager, you could do worse than putting some of it down to green manure, until you settle in. You could sow beetroot successional sowings until June and July, French beans (think you will be too late for Broad beans) Runner beans(if you are lucky), climbing French beans, Winter cabbage (you might also get in a sowing of Summer Cabbage),Kohl rabi,Swede, Sweet corn (if you are quick, prepare to be laughed at if you do, my neighbours who are all farmer think this is really funny as they only grow maize ) you can buy Courgette and Melon plants etc always lots of lettuce. As it is a potager there are lots of flowers and herbs you will be able to plant as well. Good luck have lots of fun.
  10. Can't help with the chitting process, though you might find something about that on the Gardener's World web site or the Kitchen Garden one, not absolutely sure. You cn buy them from Thompson and Morgan who will only post to an English address, they are delivered in May.
  11. We were given a SEB yoghurt maker, and have used it ever since. (I have not looked at the Lakeland site for a while) We start of with a pot of Greek yoghurt and full fat milk. Thinking about it I am not sure if this is a helpful reply, as I cannot comment on the yoghurt maker you are looking, I can only say that we get really thick yoghurt from our yoghurt maker and have used the machine for months now.
  12. Cathy, I cut my geraniums back quite hard, then put them in a box of used compost slightly damp, and keep them in a frost free green house, or the spare bedroom (remembering to open shutters during the day)they must not be wet and don't let them get too dry either, when they start to shoot in the early Spring, use the new shoots to build your supply or replace the odd casualty. Make sure you check them regularly. Jeanne
  13. I am sorry that I did not see your message earlier, I do not read the site regularly. If you are still interested there is a Bridge group at the Maison de l'Amitie in Albi, they have a web site, and are enrolling now. Hope this helps. Jeanne
  14. Oh! dear, I feel for you, I have the same problem and it just grows worse each year.  Unfortunately celandine has little bulblets and all it takes is leaving one behind in the ground for it to all start off again. Bob Flowerdew says that the only thing to do with it, is to move house!!!! I have started putting weed supressant material over my beds. I am going to try out the advice someone else gave you about putting woodash on some of the stray ones.  On the bright side, they are really pretty on a grey day!! Good luck j..     
  15. Fiona if you have a dream, then live it! so what if find out that you want to move back to England, people are forever, moving from one area to another, why not from one Country to another.  Having done your research you will know that what is good and not so good about France, all Countries have a bit of good and a bit of bad in them, just like us folk.  If you are in IT you might be able to get some work from England which you can do while you are in France, extra pennies are always helpful.  It would be sensible to rent a property rather than buy one for the first year, but you might already have a property here, I have not read all the emails.  I would go back to England if my husband died before me, I would feel the need for comfort and familar surroundings, but I also think that we might go back when we get a older, as the house and garden get too much for us, but that will not stop us shedding tears at the big wrench it will be to leave our home and our little corner of France.  Good luck, let us know how you get on when you settle down in France. Jeanne  
  16. foxyloxy25


    I have taken Lavertera cuttings several times, they are just so obliging, all I did was cut a piece about 12" in length removed most of the leaves, pinched out the growing tip and left just two leaves on it, I pushed this into the soil in a semi shaded area, kept it watered, when necessary, it is now growing well.  Good luck with your cuttings, it is just great when they start to root, but be sure to take several more than you need. Jeanne  
  17. Newbiee go into the rhs website they have a list of vegetables, with instructions on each.  It really is a super site.  We have our aubergines growing outside, so can give you no help about growing them indoors.
  18. I am sorry this reply is very late, but I just happened across it, while browsing for something else, as one does.  I know exactly what you mean a little pan with a brush that fits into it.  I bought one for my daughter a few years ago from Carrefour it was in the car section, I had assumed it was for cleaning up debri from car seats etc.,  
  19. ......... and if you run out of space when the glut!! continues try drying them, works great in soups and casseroles in the winter ..  Jeanne 
  20. I just wish to thank all of you for your advice and suggestions,  I took it all on board, as a result, with the help of friends the whole shindig went off very well, there were 45 people who all stayed until just after midnight, and we had a great time.  My thanks for taking me through the process. Jeanne  
  21. Like you I grew my seeds on wet kitchen paper then transferred them to filled toilet roll inner tube, when we thought the time was right we planted them cardboard tube and all, they seem to be doing ok. Jeanne 
  22. At the moment here in the south-west, the weather is as I feel it should be - warmer than up north. 25 and hazy sun.
  23. I'm Plod (on my wife's log-in!). The house has 3/4 bedrooms, two baths and hot water and central heating come from oil. I had thought that the cost of conversion would make it not viable financially but wondered if anybody had done it. I think we have a relatively limited time in this house so the cost of any major expenditure (eg solar) may not be recouped.
  24. Thank you so much for your advice, I have arranged to borrow a whole lot of chairs and tables, we also have a low wall around the terrace, which can be used as seating.  I have been given great advice and plan to follow it, now all I need to know is how to get rid of the butterflies in my tummy!!! Jeanne  
  25. Frenchie, as my comments to the others, thank you so much.  I can now go forward with more confidence than I felt yesterday. Jeanne  
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