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Everything posted by sid

  1. You'll have to find a workaround yourself. You don't say which browser you use, but firstly try a different one. For Internet Explorer try the Compatibility View if the normal view doesn't work. I'm using MS Edge (Windows 10) and it looks OK to me, however I can't post links or smiley icons in my replies unless I go to Internet Explorer.
  2. Oh good! I've recorded it so I've got that to look forward to. EDIT: I watched it after lunch and thought it was very good. I'm not a train buff as such, more of a nostalgia freak, and I love those snippets of the post-war period that I remember so well . My parents didn't have a car and we always went on holiday by train, usually to North Wales.
  3. Tread carefully, Mint! This looks interesting: http://tinyurl.com/nr42h9v Eurosport offering 1 month's access to their video coverage for 1 month at 5,99€ on a 12 month contract or 7,99€ a month at a time. I can't follow it properly but think it's live or up to 3 hours after the start time.  Perhaps other posters have some experience of this? I've no idea what speed your broadband would need to be, often these things (like Netflix) work from 2mega upwards but I'm open to correction.    
  4. Mint, the free streaming sites are exactly that, FREE. You mustn't give your details and definitely not give your credit card details to anyone who you don't know is legit. You don't need to sign up either. Most of these sites that I refer to are merely lists of links to the free streams for that day, and they change often. There is always lots of advertising and most of the annoying little windows partially obscure the live picture underneath. You have to be patient and work your way through finding the almost hidden little "x"s to close each advert or notice. Often they tell you that your video player is out of date, or your Java is out of date, but you don't need to click on their "update now", you'll just get more advertising.  I guess I've got adept at it now after several seasons of this. Tread carefully, I'm sorry I mentioned it now.      
  5. At the start of every football season I go through the same routine, looking for "reasonable" subscriptions to satellite or online services to receive just the Premier League matches. Every year it's the same, too expensive at around 39€ because I also have to take additional channels that I don't want. I already have the free French TNT channels for news etc. So, every year I settle for streaming feeds, of which there are plenty, although the quality leaves a lot to be desired on our 2mega broadband service. If only the "powers that be" would wake up to the fact that there is a market out there for people to pay for specific channels! One of my French friends lives in the local old people's home and he gets BEIN for 12€ pm and tells me he watches PL games (I'd be happy with that, so long as I didn't have to live in the home!) but it's part of some special deal with the home itself. So, Mint, just Google for "live streaming tennis" and see what you get. Not that I could ever condone doing something so illegal !! This year I was able to watch the Tour de France online because one of the French TV stations (francetvsport.fr) supplied a free feed, which was excellent, and showed all of the marvellous helicopter shots and fast descents which are normally cut from the ITV4 coverage. We live in hope.
  6. I can't see you point of view at all Q; I think the other replies have pretty well summed it up, holidaying on home turf you expect to be able to relax and speak your own language. Sometimes I think it's us Brits who are lazy about languages, going to Spain where "everyone" speaks English and all you have to do to make yourself understood is shout louder!
  7. Thanks Nick, I've seen those adaptors, but it's a totally unnecessary contraption at the top of the tripod for such a small camera (Canon G7X). I just need the "old-fashioned" ball/screw fastening. Really what I was hoping for was that someone had the same experience as me, but maybe I'm the odd-man-out, and everyone else likes the quick release ! In my experience they become loose and wobbly after a while and if you're doing anything requiring absolute rigidity, like photographing the moon or Milky Way it introduces more problems than it solves. Why would you want a plate fastened on the bottom of a pocketable camera, rendering it un-pocketable? I accept that I may have to go down this route in the end.
  8. The usual solution would be a Velux in the roof; I've certainly slept in rooms like that... only the warder kept me awake.
  9. I haven't been able to buy books from the UK site either. I know that many people have managed to register their Kindles in UK; my wife included!!! I see from her account that there are many more books at very low prices on the UK site. Wot a swiz!
  10. Not just in France, but a general query. I've bought a new "high-end compact" camera and I'm looking for a tripod, not too expensive as I only use it (the tripod) occasionally. My current one has seen better days and the telescopic legs collapse on their own accord now. What has always annoyed me is the quick-release mount. I've had this one for over 20 years but find the quick release more trouble than it's worth, and now the little camera doesn't fit it particularly well. You can't access the battery/SD card and it's almost twice the depth of the camera. I can't find one with just the standard screw, apart from mini-tripods, and I've already got one of those. Any suggestions?
  11. GG, I wondered that about the medals too! Not much mention of it on TV news, just a picture of the 3 guys holding the medals, but it was so soon after!
  12. I read this book by Graham Robb (I think it was free in the Kindle boutique) two years ago and I'm on my second read right now. I agree with PatF that it is a little disjointed but I've found lots of interesting stuff in it. EDIT The Kindle version is 1,30€ on Amazon.fr now.
  13. sid


    I think glysophate is a systemic weedkiller and therefore needs to be absorbed through the leaves. I think there are other products for removing the remains of the "trunks" such as "destructeur de souches" (sp?) normally used when you cut down a tree. Best to ask at the garden centre, I'm sure they'll sell you something expensive and useless!  [:-))]
  14. sid


    Yes, I agree with Minnie, and I do exactly the same. The new shoots are black and they grow very fast. Cut them while they're only a foot high (that's one day's growth, mind you!) and you can keep it confined. The more recent tall shoots have a ball type root system and will come out with a pick axe, anything from a previous year is difficult as others have said. I cut them with a saw and then run over with the tractor mower (but my mower is old so I'm not too worried about potential damage!).
  15. Hmmm, the OP was a first-time poster; I wonder if we'll find out how they went on, or is it another of those threads where we don't even get a thank you.
  16. I've just retired a Dell laptop that I bought in 2003; it was used until the end of last year for email. I couldn't bear to throw it away so I guess it'll be in the loft until doomsday. You can hear stories about all makes but really what counts is your own experience or people close to you. Same for cars, washing machines... anything.
  17. Which make? 40 years in IT and I've probably tried them all, but I haven't tried MAC simply because of cost. I don't like anything that hasn't got a proper keyboard and I do lots of image editing and logo stuff so I have to have a mouse, not a touchpad. I've always regarded Toshiba as "entry-level". These days I use Dell and have done for the past 15 years. Critics will say that they are not upgradable because a lot of the circuitry is on the motherboard; that's been fine for me as all I've ever done is swapped a HDD occasionally when they've got full or failed (HDDs are made by other well-known manufacturers in any case and you could have the same problem an any machine). I'd second ANOther's comments and use any well-known brand (maybe including Toshiba, but that wouldn't be my choice). You don't need a lot of firepower to write emails and browse the WWW.
  18. We've used B&B Hotels as recommended already, and IBIS Budget (Accor hotels). All the B&B and most of the Ibis ones have a machine for out-of-hours check-in. 
  19. [quote user="Cendrillon"]Hopefully their parents will accompany the little ones.[;-)] [/quote] Ha ha, yes, I would hope so, however we do have our grandchildren without their parents, although they are a few years older! [8-|] You'd be surprised (or perhaps not [;-)] ) to find how much better this makes the visit; no parental influence, just grandma and granddad to spoil the kids! [:D] We are just 23km from Ruffec, so I can vouch for a lack of organised entertainment. It's back to the simple life, which is why we like it! I'll second that mention of La Rochelle, and add the zoo at la Palmyre (near Royan), although it takes around 2 hours to get to the coast; not ideal with the little ones.  
  20. Ruffec is a small town in the middle of the countryside, as I'm sure you must have realised already, therefore it's a little unrealistic expect to fine organised entertainment for children, especially this young. The French themselves seem to make do quite adequately with simple things like the village frairies which take place during August, and also paddling/swimming at the local plan d'eau or open air swimming pool. Ruffec has a pool and there is a nice loisires spot on the river Charente at Le Rejallant (just outside Ruffec) and another at St Macoux. You could visit the Monkey Valley (Vallée des Singes) which is just north of Civray, or further afield Futuroscope outside Poitiers. From our own experience you'd find it difficult to entertain 2 and 3 year olds with organised stuff, they seem quite happy just splashing around on a beach, albeit an artificial one. There is a tree-climbing place which looks good for older kids, and this is just outside Ruffec at Taize-Aize on the Charente; again not really for the youngest of your party. At Confolens there is the Velorail; trucks that you pedal on the old railway track to Manot. Maximum 5 people per truck so you'd need to split your party to ensure you've got a pedaller for each truck and it still might be too hard. Ideally you need 2 adults to pedal with 3 (lighter!) passengers; the first leg is slightly uphill. We took our youngest grandson when he was about 3 and used a car baby seat to strap him into the truck seat. An afternoon trip takes about 3 hours and you have time for a picnic at the turnaround. You can find all of these via Google. EDIT: I forgot to point out that 4 grandchildren plus 2 adults (?) is normally more than a standard car is equipped to carry. If you want to travel together and haven't got a large people carrier (that's not a carrier for large people!) you may be in time to hire one from Super-U (Civray or Saizé-Vaussais) who have a Nissan Qashqai+2 (7-seater).  
  21. ... and my ears are burning. [blink] Woolly sussed me out though, I made loads of money on the old gas thingy and retired to France. [;-)] And this it the last post on this thread! [8-|]
  22. Is it me, or is the use of English getting worser! [Www]
  23. I enjoyed it too, Mint.  Taken in context with the other programmes, it is about the Wests and their travels and family. I love looking at and hearing about architectural and industrial heritage, but surely it would be a drier (no pun intended) proposition for the average viewer. I've never done a canal holiday and I'm rather envious; it all seems so tranquil. Perhaps not so, if you had to moor up overnight in central Manchester/Birmingham/London. I'm looking forward to the Falkirk Wheel next episode. A fantastic piece of modern engineering.  
  24. [quote user="mint"]..... as a man of some substance...., [:)] [/quote] Well, at least that made me laugh! [:D]  
  25. Congratulations, Mint. I received a letter today telling me that my application was unsuccessful due to not having supplied the requested proof. My money has been refunded directly to my UK bank account. So that's £5k for 2 months, lost interest. There is supposedly an investigation into my complaint which is still on-going, but no news on that, and I've lost interest (literally!) in what happens now anyway. The words "left hand" and "right hand" spring to mind.  Also, no news on my Premium Bonds encashment. As I said in my letter to them, I have been an investor for 60 years and I think the way they have handled this application and subsequent correspondence is really shabby. Customer service? I don't think so.  End of story for me.  
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