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Everything posted by Simon-the-censored

  1. KathyF I own LHR airport and I'm sitting beside the runway. A plane takes off - I record the time it did that and post it on my website. A plane lands - I record the time it did that and record it on my website. Why on earth wouldn't I be able to guarantee the accuracy of that information? A plane lands, a plane takes off - it either did or it didn't. That's my point - simples!!! Simon :-)
  2. PaulT - not really sure what you're going on about! My original posting is about the BAA disclaimer and the fact that they take absolutely zero responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information they provide. Quite obviously (and regularly) planes arrive and depart off-schedule - it would just be helpful if the information provided was in real-time, accurate and that the BAA did take responsibility for it. Simon :-) PS: Naughty passengers being late - they should at the very least be shot......
  3. andyyh4 - I was referring to LHR - not really interested in what goes on at other airports - unless of course they're in the Caribbean where I go on holiday! ....a little bit of snow...pathetic. Simon :-)
  4. PaulT - I'm not interested in delays, diversions and crew pre-flight checks, or indeed the myriad of other reasons flights are late! It would just be nice to know the ACTUAL flight departure and arrival times in REAL TIME and know they are accurate. Obviously just far too difficult for BAA to provide this in-depth level of detail !!! (not) Simon :-)
  5. Wow Another - you don't work for them do you? So - I own and operate an airport but I can't accurately tell you when the planes take-off and land. Furthermore I take no responsibility for the flight information I provide on my own website..... One heck of a 'standard' disclaimer! Mind you - they can't even cope with a bit of snow so not surprised they haven't got a clock either! Simon :-)
  6. The following text appears on the BAA Heathrow Live Flight Information webpage: BAA Airports Limited does not verify the accuracy or completeness of this flight information and disclaims any implied warranties with regard to it. BAA Airports Limited shall have no liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of relying on flight information on this site which may prove to be inaccurate or incomplete. You've got to ask - what's the point of it then? Barmy! Simon :-)
  7. Christine - like you I haven't stopped thinking about those images either - so appallingly sad. Thanks Frederick for cheering me up ! Simon :-)
  8. Jolly good - Kindle wasn't developed for 'dull' textbooks! Simon :-) (I just love my Kindle)
  9. Bob T - it will definitely look much better on the Kindle - no screen glare and you can read it in any light conditions - even in the dark with the nightreader cover.... Simon :-) (you may have heard I love it!)
  10. PaulT said - Is it only me thinking that you are making an absolute fool of yourself? PaulT - you are not alone ! Simon :-)
  11. quote WJT - Thanks Pachapapa. I am with Chancer on this. If I were to change French banks I think I would change to Britline. However, I still don't like the idea that they don't have a local branch. Even if I don't need it I still like to know the option is there. Why ?
  12. Hi Chancer and thanks for that - it's a Cabinet Henderson Document which I also found very useful and VERY accurate - but it's only in English as far as I can tell - you could contact them for the original French version..... Here's the link (now I've found it!) http://www.cabinet-henderson.com/img/website_gite_and_furnished_letting_reform.pdf Only major difference since Feb 2010 (I think!) is that you MUST also now make a declaration for Meubles de Tourisme (gites) on Cerfa Form 14004 (search and download) with your mairie. I also get great info re filling in your Income Tax declaration from the owners section of the Clevacances website - not sure if this link will work (may be password protected): http://proprietaires.clevacances.com/contenu/telechargement/fiscal/declarationfiscale2010.pdf Simon:-)
  13. Wow - I've read this far, forgotten what I was going to say, nearly lost the will to live and am now off to find a Forum where English is the first language..... Simon :-) PS - Lock him up for longer :-)
  14. Hope this helps - still valid this year. Sorry it was on a pdf so couldn't attach! Micro-BIC abatement: Starting from 1 January 2009, furnished letting activities under regime micro are subject to a threshold of € 32 000 and 50% abatement for expenses. (Until 2008, a threshold of € 76 300 and 71% abatement was applicable). However this provision does NOT apply (CGI art. 1407-1° to 3°) to gîte rural, meublés de tourisme or chambres d’hôtes. Such self-catering holiday letting activities benefit from a €80 000 threshold (new threshold applicable from 2009) and 71% abatement. The property does not have to be located in a Zone de Revitalisation Rurale (listed communes located in rural areas offering tax advantages to new business). No services such as those offered by quasi-hotel activities (parahotellerie) have to be supplied with the lodging. SIRET and activity code NAF: A furnished letting activity should be registered with the local Centre des Impots (form P0i). You can download the form on-line. The CDI will circulate your details around all relevant departments. You must have a SIRET number and a code NAF 55.20Z Hébergement touristique et autre hébergement de courte durée. This code applies to seasonal letting of furnished accommodation. (Code 68.20A Location de logements applies to residential property lettings, empty or furnished). RCS registration: Registration with the Chamber of Commerce on the Registre du Commerce & des Sociétés (RCS) is optional. It makes the rental income subject to social levies and enables one to benefit from a health cover and contribute to an old age pension under the self-employed social security regime (RSI or Regime Social des Indépendants). This purpose will also be achieved under the new autoentrepreneur status (micro-social simplifié), under which you can declare quarterly your furnished holiday letting takings as 'vente de merchandise ou fourniture de logement' and pay 12% social levies and 1% income tax (total 13% of takings). NB: RCS registration is necessary to benefit from the loueur en meublé professionnel tax status but it is not enough: annual receipts must be at least € 23000 and exceed your other net taxable activity income. Classification: A furnished holiday lettings property must be officially classified via the local mairie or registered with a commercial brand such as Gîte de France / Clevacances but this is not mandatory. It is also compulsory to declare your chambers d’hotes (B&B) to the mairie. What paperwork do you need to keep In order to be able to complete your income declaration you need to keep: - a note of all the rent your receive and the dates you rent out the property - a record of your expenses - sales receipts, invoices and bank statements - all these records for 3 years after the tax year concerned The reform of the furnished letting tax regime, as set up in the draft Loi de finances for 2009 aimed to reduce the access to the status of loueur en meublé professionnel for the sake of the capping of tax avoidance opportunities. Incidentally (not to say insidiously) the reform was going to have a significant impact on rural tourism as all the furnished holiday lettings subject to the micro-BIC tax regime would have seen their abatement for expenses reduced from 71% to 50% of the rental receipts. Fortunately, thanks to the mobilisation of the main federations for rural tourism and the intervention of certain deputies, the government went backward and amended the law to exclude gites ruraux, chambres d’hotes and meublés de tourisme from the reform. These will therefore continue to benefit from the 71% abatement. The final law is not perfectly clear as in order to define the furnished letting activities excluded from the new regime, it refers to article 1407 of the Code General des Impots, which provides for communes located in a Zone de Revitalisation Rurale (ZRR) to vote for an exemption of taxe d’habitation for such letting activities. A quick reading could let one believe that only the furnished holiday lettings properties located in ZRR could benefit from the 71% abatement and that those outside would be subject to 50% abatement. However careful study of the parliamentary debates shows that this was clearly not the intention of the legislator. The reference to article 1407 is only to define the qualifying letting activities without taking into account their geographical location. On the other hand, the legislator does not refer either to parahotellerie, despite the insistence of Mme Christine Lagarde, the French Minister for the Economy, Industry and Employment in classifying gîtes as parahotellerie. Parahotellerie or quasi-hotel activities are characterised by the provision of at least 3 of the following services in addition to accommodation: regular supply of linen, meals or breakfast, reception desk, daily cleaning). Parahotellerie activities are not concerned by the furnished letting reform. Furnished holiday lettings are expressly excluded from the reform but no provision of services in addition to accommodation is required. Finally, what is essential is safe. gites ruraux, chambres d’hotes and meublés de tourisme under the micro-BIC regime will continue to benefit from a 71% abatement on their takings and not 50% as initially envisaged.
  15. cooperlola - the Wiki info is out of date - only up to 2008! Take a look at this : http://www.gfmag.com/tools/best-banks/10619-worlds-50-biggest-banks.html (sorry - can't do links - no idea why!) Simon
  16. WJT - a couple of things to help you out.... 1. Cash Dispenser Withdrawls - CA You can take out much more than 300€ from CA dispensers. Britline will fix limits for you dependant on your circumstances. They do however have a limit on cheque withdrawls at another branch ! 2. Credit Agricole is the WORLD's 4th largest bank (France's 2nd largest) in terms of assets as at Sep 2010 - following BNP, RBS and HSBC.. BNP Paribas is in fact the current holder of the title ''biggest bank in the world'' (and France!). Simon :-)
  17. Wow WJT - you never heard of cash dispensers ? I've banked with HSBC for 30 years - never been to a branch anywhere in the world. I've Banked with CA Britline for 12 - never been to Caen. Can't imagine why I'd want to go to a bank branch.... Simon :-)
  18. Will said : Surely Norman is as entitled to his opinion as anybody else? No Will - he isn't, and neither is pachapapa if he's just passing through in his caravan! You get to have your say when you pay your way - simples :-)
  19. NormanH - get a life mate! Your comment is even more miserable than our weather today! I say let's get MORE English words into the French language......seems to be a bit of a worry (for some!) at the moment..... and...CA Britline - absolutely brilliant!!! Have a great Sunday - Simon :-)
  20. Mangas and BDs - not sure they're very popular in France - are they authors ?
  21. You know what ? As it's New Years Eve tomorrow - I'm going to replace my Sporran with my Kindle - I'll let you know how I get on..... Happy New Year everyone ! Simon :-)
  22. Good points well made Salty Sam! Let me just try and bring this subject back to my original point / s. I received an Amazon Kindle 3 (Wifi & 3G) for Christmas - so that I could read electronic books. For that purpose alone - it's amazing. What I find even more amazing are the 'bonus' features I hadn't been expecting - i.e. web browser, mp3 player, audio book function and FREE INTERNET ACCESS. The Kindle cost £149 all-in. I currently pay nearly about 530€ a year for internet access (ONLY) - so for me, the Kindle is brilliant - value, functionality, weight, ease of use, design, readability...... How often do you get something that really surprises you??? (probably a daft question and a whole other topic!!!!) Simon :-)
  23. pachapapa - 3,500 Yuan - that's around 400 € - double the price of a Kindle - for Wifi only with no free internet access. You;re getting into the realms of an iPad here - completely different product. It helps to compare apples with apples..... Simon :-)
  24. Hi Mrs R51 - don't understand? The Amazon Kindle DOES have more functionality than just e-books - that was the point of my original post. It has a web browser with FREE internet access globally, an mp3 player, an audio book facility, dictionaries etc. And it weighs less than 250g! And as for a comprehensive choice of books - I'd say 520,000+ books in the Kindle store alone is pretty comprehensive - no to mention all the other e-book sites you can download from. Plus, for EmilyA, nearly 24,000 auto/biographies and around 13,000 travel related books. Maybe we're not talking about the same thing? Simon :-)
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