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Everything posted by suein56

  1. suein56


    idun wrote the following post at 20 Jun 2020 23:43: To be polite, I am pretty 'fed up' tonight. I have an awful feeling that 'sports' fans will be pandered to for some considerable time, as some sort of what, compensation. And yet it really does not feel as if non sports followers were well catered for during lock down. I have a feeling that the huge amount of sports coverage is simply there to fill the gaps caused by the lack of the normal style of programme .. rather than to pander to sports fans. The missing programmes are those with 'live' hosts and 'live' audiences .. which won't be featuring on tv for a while. OH and I watched 'Young Montalbano' on BBC 4 ..
  2. Lehaut wrote the following post at 10 Jun 2020 9:04: Literally less than a minute to sell the car. What irks me most (as a Yorkshire lad) is that I paid the 6.40€ for extra photos! Ahh .. but as a Lancashire lass I can almost confidently say that it would be the extra photos that confirmed the family's opinion of you as someone genuine and honest .. simply because you didn't just stick to the basic 3 photos. Congratulations to you both (smiley face)
  3. suein56 wrote the following post at 09 Jun 2020 10:20: choose déclarer again, start from beginning and untick 2041 if it is ticked .. Sorry that was not quite right .. the rubrique mentioned is the one labelled (IIRC) 'smthg to do with non- residents' .. which ticks itself. Right at the beginning you can untick this .. and it should stay unticked. This category, if ticked, leads to the appearance of the 2041 .. as I said a glitch in the system.
  4. sueyh wrote the following post at 09 Jun 2020 7:45: I have not ticked these and it’s still there. It's a glitch .. undoable by logging out completely .. déconnexion .. closing all pages; open up again, log in again .. choose déclarer again, start from beginning and untick 2041 if it is ticked .. that way it should stay unticked and should not reappear. Worked for me and my friend who had the same problem.
  5. Paying for health cover has changed since 2016 when PUMA cover replaced what went before. Eg. Before 2016 OH had a teacher's pension at 60 but we continued to pay URSSAF for our French health cover via CPAM until he received his OAP at 65 and then I did too. With the arrival of our S1s no more contributions at 8% of our income was demanded of us. Nowadays (I understand) receiving any pension at all entitles you to PUMA health cover without contribution. But, as regards S1 cover, you don't have that yet. So you don't tick 8SH or 8SI ..
  6. sueyh wrote the following post at 08 Jun 2020 20:56: What if we are not on an S1? Under whose health cover are you if you have no S1 ? Edit : If you are paying your (health) way via payments to URSSAF .. ie you are considered an 'inactif' here, as you are not yet receiving OAP payments from the UK, then you don't tick 8SH or 8SI.
  7. Gardengirl wrote the following post at 05 Jun 2020 20:58: It’s a bit like parsnips - they were regarded as animal feed in France not so long ago, but they are not only on sale in greengrocers, but on menus, or were in winter. Absolutely .. you beat me to it GG ? .. I love parsnips .. especially roasted when they become so sweet .. and also parsnip soup, which is superb with a smidgeon of chorizo, to give it a slight kick. There are some delectable delights which French menus seem to have passed up on in past times .. no more .. France is waking up to the benefits tastewise of humble foodstuffs.
  8. Alan Zoff wrote the following post at 04 Jun 2020 21:46: Oo-er. I sent an email to the Maire earlier and used "tu". That's done it for me then. Not necessarily .. if the present Maire is younger than you then you should be OK. If he's older than you .. then you might well be right and it's curtains for you. OTOH .. if you are both the same age .. then you might 'just' get away to live another day ?
  9. pomme wrote the following post at 01 Jun 2020 17:33: They are greyed out because there has been nothing to report by the pension provider. If you were French the pensions would have been reported automatically to the tax office and those boxes would contain the correct pension figure. You don't need to be French to have a French pension. My elderly friend taught here after taking early retirement in the UK so she has 2 small French pensions in her 1AS box. The figures are not always correctly represented in the box either .. French pension providers are notorious for making glaring errors.
  10. Kong wrote the following post at 01 Jun 2020 16:49: It changed three years ago .. Now they've tweaked the software which now knows you're not really french...:-) Possibly because Gyn-Paul had been declaring UK sourced pensions on the 2047 ? (Imagine cheeky grin here)
  11. Gyn-Paul wrote : I've done our tax on line for about 8 or 9 years now, and I've never come across this glitch before. Boring, straight-forward UK pensions (private final salary + state pension, paid gross in euros) has ALWAYs gone into 1AS/1BA without problem. Now these are grey'd out .. They're greyed out as those boxes are for French sourced pensions. UK pensions are now put in boxes 1AL/AM and 2BL/BM .. as Weegie says.
  12. Lori wrote the following post at 01 Jun 2020 12:41: Idun your pizza process sounds very interesting. I think it would work well in a cast iron skillet. I will definitely give it a try. It works very well .. I use bought-in pizza dough as I am not a gifted cook like Idun .. once you get used to the idea of using a frying pan instead of the oven.
  13. I buy my OH a product available in most supermarkets (except perhaps very tiny ones) called Minisel .. it says it contains 3 times less sodium than normal salt. https://www.labaleine.com/minisel Contents : potassium chloride 66%, sea salt 33%, magnesium carbonate.
  14. PaulT wrote : One problem is that not all 4G routers have an RJ11 telephone socket, it would seem that only some Huawei ones do. This enables the 'landline' telephone to be connected to the router and use the call package of the SIM. The sim router including the telephone socket is, IMO, the way to go. Since Martin posted last year the costs of said routers have dropped hugely .. as more and more have been sold. SFR had a dreadful reputation a few years ago, but have improved enormously since then. At 12€ a month (no binding contract) for 100GB it seems a genuinely good deal to me. You can check out SFR's mobile coverage for your area via any of their offers .. simply by implying that you might be interested.
  15. BJSLIV wrote : Any news for your area of morbihan here.....? http://www.thdbretagne.bzh/la-fibre-dans-votre-departement/la-fibre-dans-le-morbihan/ Zero zilch nada .. we're a lost cause for the time being. There is a long story behind the reason why .. some people even tried to get together a group to organise a people-led outfit to dig a route but the logistics, because of where we are, were insurmountable. We're an almost island which sticks out into the sea and Orange owns all the connections and all the service rights until I-don't know-when. Most, but not all, people are with Orange, or Sosh, here because all other providers have to pay a fee per client to provide a service .. at present 8€ a month extra on your bill. And the lines are the same .. in fact Orange ascribe the crappiest lines to other providers. It should be scandalous ..
  16. pomme wrote : Have you asked at your mairie whether they have any information on you getting a higher speed connection? The government originally was originally planning for everyone to have at least >8 Mbit/s by the end of this year by wire or by wireless with a grant of up to 150€ for wireless equipment, if needed. How lovely that would be .. because of the odd geographical location we live in there is zero chance of anything above 8 Mbps happening here in the foreseeable future .. there is a blank page on your link for our postcode. If it weren't for the tourists and the revenus they (usually) bring to the area I doubt we would have our 1/2 way decent mobile coverage. Orange owns all the lines here and they are doing nowt and plan to do nowt.
  17. Excellent .. and good to know. For those of us who live here it is always good to hear what works in the sense of Internet at home and calls to other countries. If it's not too intrusive .. what do you pay for your Internet and calls package ?
  18. Yippee ! Le Fisc got the message .. today I redid a declaration that I had put on hold until the 8SH snag was sorted .. wasn't holding my breath. Today I looked again .. to discover that the glitch had been dealt with ?? Chapeau ?
  19. DraytonBoy wrote : We've not a landline for three years. What do you do for calls to the UK and other countries where your family might find themselves living ? Can you plug your phone into the back of an Airbox ?
  20. pomme wrote : It was only when i clicked on Déclarations ANNEXES I saw it was ticked.So I unticked it on that page and all is now OK and 8SH is also ticked. The 2041E I had completed has disappeared. No reply from the tax office yet. Well done; I wouldn't hold your breath about a reply from the tax office just yet, as I am sure they are overloaded. But I am sure they will get round to it one day.
  21. Eurotrash wrote : I think Starmer has handled this cleverly. Instead of focusing on the Cummings incident, which will go away even if it doesn't go away quite as fast as Johnson would have liked .. All Starmer has to do is keep picking up on them. I wonder how many Tories who had never thought of Johnson as weak are starting to think, "Actually now you mention it... " Drip. Drip. Drip. Regretfully there is no like button on this forum ?
  22. Pomme .. If you start again .. as I described, albeit not too coherantly .. then you can untick said rubrique and continue as normal. If you have an S1 and you live permanently in France, then you do not need to fill in the 2041E ..as it's a form for French citizens who are non-resident at present. It's appearance this year is an acknowledged glitch .. get rid of it, tick 8SH and/or 8SI ars us your right and continue as normal. Edit :Bravo for raising the question with your tax office .. but it depends on who replies. Non-resident French citizens are not in every tax agent's repertoire. It should all come good .. eventually.
  23. So Bixy .. any luck in deleting 2041E ?
  24. Super .. excellent to hear your thoughts. I think this solution would be ideal for you at your 1/2 time home in France. There are some super French offers .. SFR regularly offers 60GB a month for around 10 ish € .. they recently offered 100GB for 12€ a month. Others .. including Bouygues .. make almost equally good special offers regularly. There are maps which will show you which providers are best for your area. Good luck.
  25. If you look back to last year (I think) there was a vibrant discussion on this. Martin .. who has now left France .. detailed how he got on buying a router, inserting a 100GB per month sim card and connecting his fixed phone to the back port of the router so as to be able to receive and make the free calls included in the sim package. There are some small downsides but you will get whatever 4G speed is available in your area. For us this is around 45 - 55 megathistles or Mbps, so better than the max of 6 we have to live with normally. Though during the lockdown we shot down to around 3 Mbps via our Livebox. I haven't gone down that route as I have a high data allowance on my mobile so, in times of need, I simply use my mobile as a hotspot. This works extremely well .. and would probably be sufficient for holiday periods. OTOH if you buy an actual sim router you can take it home with you or you can take it with you if you move about in France. They only need plugging into an electric socket.
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