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Everything posted by HoneySuckleDreams

  1. http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/F1464.xhtml   you need insurance, and for the little cars if you were born after 1988, you need a brevet de sécurité routière, but I don't think that will apply to your friend 
  2. I quite like the chap. He always seemed to put a bit of effort into the game whilst he was wearing an England shirt. He does seem a bit thick, but then whilst the rest of us were learning to read and write, he was kicking a ball against a wall. The reason for the move was because the owners of PSG (Qatar investment authority, who also own most of Sainsburys, Harrods and ArcelorMittal amongst others) could make some money out of him. Brand Beckham is quite big wherever you go, surprisingly, even in France.
  3. Thanks Martin. I will see which input the "straight" LNB is connected to. I was going to bypass the switch completely by plugging the "out" cable from the switch directly into the LNB, but I can't figure out how to open up the LNB at the moment. I will have another go tonight   ta
  4. Putting it simply, will a Sky box pick up a signal via a Diseq switch? I've pointed the dish to the right place but I don't get a signal. There is another dish higher up the pole that I could also point in the right direction and this one has a direct output, i.e. no diseq switch. It's just a little more difficult to get to   thanks
  5. [quote user="Pickles"] Actually, that is one step on from what I was advocating: you can remove the PCB from the HDD without being in a dust-free environment: you don't get involved with the platters themselves if you just change the PCB that is mounted on the outside of the HDD ... or at least, that was the case for the one I did ... [/quote] Many thanks for the advice Pickles. The replacement PCB worked a treat, my pet geek has managed to get all the data off. It wasn't without problems though as he found a trojan that had hijacked the folder permissions and then buggered the FAT, just before the power supply blew. I'm hoping that they aren't related! It would be a bad thing if people can remotely knacker your PC. However, everything is OK now. Other than the PCB cost, it only cost me some Scotch Eggs...pet geek got attached to them when he was England for a year...the cheaper the nastier the better apparently. So once again, many thanks for the heads up on the PCB
  6. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/dec/15/jacques-chirac-guilty-corruption   I particularly like the bit that he couldn't take part in the trial because he suffers severe memory lapses. I thought that was a major pre-requisite for being a politician, french or otherwise.
  7. Have a look at the Chausson catalogue on-line. It tells you the maximum pitch you can have for a specific type of tile. We had to fill in a form to get permission to change from slate to tile.
  8. Bloke has a really bad motor bike accident and loses his manhood. The insurance company finally pay out and he decides to go to a Harley st surgeon and get a replacement So of he toddles and has a meeting. The surgeon says "of course we can help, what size would you like?" The bloke replies..i've got a bit of cash, what can you offer. So they go into a back room and the surgeon has a display of what he can get... Here we have a 8" replacement....it wll cost you 5,000 "Well", says the bloke, "Ive got a bit more than that, have you anything bigger?" Here we have a 10" replacement..it wll cost you 10,000 I've got more to spend How about this 12" ? 15,000? "How much for your biggest?" says our man... Here we have our largest... at 18" it's 25,000 says the surgeon "Great, I'll take it"...says the bloke "...but do you have one in white?"  
  9. A big night for Man City fans it will be the first time back at Stamford bridge since they were Chelsea fans   Edit: maybe I should add a Red Devil [6]
  10. We have the same problem on our Xantia. It could be the ring that the sensor tries to read as these become rusty (fixable), or even detached (fixable x100) We disconnected our ABS because the sensors were playing up but only when the car was moving very slowly e.g. crawling up to a roundabout, the brakes wouldn't work at all. So we have the light on all the time now, but we don't miss it really, I don't think we have had a reason to use it in the last 4years since we originally had the problem.
  11. [quote user="Quillan"] It was about ten to twelve and we wanted to ask what colours they did them in, we were ready to buy, I had a wedge of money in my hand, "sorry we are closing now for lunch, your have to come back after two", we went to a shop that was open and spend just under 10k. Seems to me they have about as much business sense at a lemon but then thats France I guess. [/quote] Customer service? LOL I went to the closest Point P for a quote for some wood (around 4500euro worth)... them : sorry we don't do that sort of wood me: you do do wood i can see it in the yard, i only want a quote them: you will have to go to our other place as they do that specific wood me: but you have the same computer system them: you have to go blah blah ... so i did and got there at 11:30am me: i would a quote please for ... them: we're closed me: really? the door was open them: we're just about to lock it me: what time do you shut!! them: 11:45 me: but it's 11:30 them: we're closed, come back at 1:30 me: but i've got 4500euro to spend them: 1:30 me: bollocks to you so I went elsewhere... customer service .. my arse
  12. One of cats came back yesterday with an air-gun pellet in it's neck. Wifey has had a chat with the Mayor who said it must have been kids as air-guns are kids toys. He wasn't much help really, but we're going to ask around a few of the neighbours to point out that it's illegal and they will get a good kicking if we find out who did it.
  13. http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/2630035/ShowPost.aspx
  14. Just had another go...because I'm belligerent. Nice young lady this time explained that I would have 3 countries on my booking and that is not allowed. No T&C's fobbing of tonight So, credit card out for another wrestle with website...
  15. [quote user="NickP"]( Rooney has his 3 match ban reduced on appeal by the FA)[/quote] Just a small point, it was UEFA that reduced the ban not the FA...(or am I reading that wrong?).  The 3rd match is suspended for 4 years, so methinks he will be serving that at sometime in the future..do you really believe he won't be sent of again in the next 4 years. Probably in the game against the Ukraine on his return, he's that stupid! I think the sponsors for the Championships next year might have had a word in the odd shell-like over this. Rooney is one of the big names and without him, their advertising revenue might suffer. I'm a red by the way. Born in Urmston so i think i'm allowed to be. My cousin was born in Urmston as well but his girls are all blue which I have always thought odd. They live down towards Marple so maybe that's why... a bit posh if you asked me. I never like advertising i'm a ManU supporter as the level of abuse I get in pubs and such gets pretty nasty sometimes, so I try to keep it quiet. When it comes to Europe though I tend to enjoy watching/supporting the "English" teams. I say that loosely as there aren't many English playing in the teams anymore. Any time an English team gets a chance to poke Platini in the eye is fine by me.  
  16. [quote user="Alpinemist"] My question is where to start installing the flooring. Bedrooms and work out to the hallway or hallway and go into the bedrooms and your reasoning why would be valuable. [/quote] Work out which way your flooring is going to "flow" i.e. up and down or side to side. I think it normally goes lengthways with the longest length of the room. All the stuff on the interenet always talked about starting in the middle of the largest room and working out from the center to the walls, but that was with solid T&G, not the thin klic-klac stuff. We started against a wall to get the first length parallel, and then worked across the room, but our rooms weren't square and that worked best for us. Will all the boards go the same way? Or will your corridor be perpendicular to the bedrooms. If so, I think a threshold would look OK. That stuff will expand so be prepared for some buckling if you don't leave a gap.
  17. Thanks for the offer. I'm back in Lux Sunday afternoon though. I will bear you in mind though for the future....I think we're working on the same plateau!
  18. Yes, I agree. I can buy a new ticket for 88euro so I might go down that route. I just feel agrieved (who doesn't when dealing with RyanAir) that the T&C's don't mention anything about only allowing changes to the same country and just being fobbed of. Thanks for the flibco link, but I already know about them. I'm doing Luxembourg-Charleroi this weekend on the bus as I'm flying to Manchester for saturday night. In fact the return ticket for the bus is more than the return flight to Manchester.  
  19. Just been on the phone to the worlds favorite airline [+o(] I was asking to change my return flight FROM Dublin->carcassone TO Dublin->Charleroi Can't be done apparently. I can only change my flight to a destination in the same country, i.e. somewhere else in France Why? I was told to read the T&C's as it says it plainly in there....really, i'll be a***ed if I can find it? So, I have two questions. Has anyone been able to do said changes? Where in the T&C's does it say so? I will accept the fob off if I can be pointed to the relevent bit. The only blurb I could find is the following. FLIGHT AND NAME CHANGESFlight dates, times and routes are changeable (subject to seat availability).Such flight changes can be made up to 4 hours prior to the scheduled flight departure time either online (unless you have already checked in online*)or via a reservation centre (subject to opening hours). Internet/web only fares cannot be booked when flight changes are made through an airport or reservation centre. Bookings that include a Spanish resident discount or Spanish large family discount cannot be changed online, please contact a Ryanair reservation centre during opening hours. If booked online the flight change rate of £50/€50 per one way flight/per person applies or if booked at an airport or reservation centre the rate of £75/€75 per one way flight /per person applies. In addition to these flight change fees, any price difference between the original fare paid and the lowest total price available at the time of the flight change is charged. Please note that if the fare on the new flight is lower, no refund will be made
  20. [quote user="Dart16"]It costs a shed load more than £600 for the equipment that can access any failed drive and recover data[/quote] I agree, but they don't buy the equipment just for me. The expensive equipement is a long term investement that they will recoup the money on from lots of punters.  Anyway...an update. My Ebay PCB arrived and I swapped it over. My PC came back from pet geek and it booted OK [:D] but I got a message that I have to reactivate windows, which I reckon is OK, but I can't find the bumf with the code on. I didn't get any further than that at the weekend but things are looking hopeful. I should be able to mount it externally and see the data...but we will see.
  21. This is the bible I use. It's the Chausson on-line guide. It gives quite a comprehensive overview of what the materials are and how to use them and the interactive website is pretty good   https://asp-indus.secure-zone.net/v2/index.jsp?id=821/896/1634&lng=fr  
  22. [quote user="suein56"][quote user="HoneySuckleDreams"]Don't you have to declare anything you receive as part of your world-wide "income" so that you pay cotisisations on the amount? Like premium bond winnings [/quote] Yes but a lump sum is not 'income' in the sense it is not part of an income stream. Premium bond wins - which I declare - are classed as interest - which is part of an income stream and therefore taxable income. Sue [/quote] I realise it's not part of an income stream, which is why a quoted it, i wasn't sure how else to describe it. The point I was trying to make was that you pay a % for cotisisations I didn't realise bond wins are classified as interest. I was told to declare it (if any) in the box marked - "anything else". i.e. have you received any money from any other source that you can't already put in a box. Interest doesn't really fit very well. Maybe it's down to each tax office how they define it
  23. Don't you have to declare anything you receive as part of your world-wide "income" so that you pay cotisisations on the amount? Like premium bond winnings [Www]
  24. Cats are on the list of domestic animals and are protected by law. 3 years in prison and/or 45000€ fine This gives a brief overview http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_domestique_en_droit_français  
  25. I got my taxes refunded by Airfrance when I missed my flight. I emailed the help desk and they got back to me the next day and the refund arrived in the account a few days after that  
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