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Everything posted by Russethouse

  1. The thing that I am uncomfortable with is that the staff at Charlie Hebdo have published a cartoon yet they are now pretty much protected, it's someone else who will most likely pay the price, not them ....and for what, the joy of a quick laugh poking fun at someone else's religion ? They know the score, why add fuel to the flames right now?
  2. That doesn't make it any less rude..... I don't much like the idea of not being able to say what we think, but there is such a think as tact and diplomacy...if we truly want people of different faiths and none to get along then we have to respect their individual ideas, mocking doesn't win friends .....
  3. [quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="Patf"]If France is a secular country with strong principles of liberty equality and fraternity, surely this explains why French people are so insulted ?- by a challenge to their ideals by a different nation. Or are the Muslims French too, if so have they the right to oppose the ideals of their hosts? [/quote]I am sure some of the muslims are French and were born and brought up in France so in my opinion they have as much right to their ideals as any other French person.[/quote] I think there is a fine line between France being a secular country ( which I broadly don't find it to be ) and being a secular state which it is. Rights bring responsibilities....I guess I have the right to be rude to my neighbour, but if it was going to bring trouble to my doorstep why would I choose too.....?
  4. I feel torn by the whole thing, yes we have the right to free speech, but why go out of your way to upset a group ypu know operate by different standards ? What is free about that ? Of course what happened was totally wrong, but I have a feeling things are moving backward, not forwards ....
  5. [quote user="gardengirl "]I thought the march in Paris yesterday was superb, along with supporting gatherings around the world; support for those murdered at Charlie Hebdo despite not necessarily supporting the cartoons was vast. I was another who found the 'world leaders' short walk a bit hard to stomach. An American forum I frequent has suffered from wholesale removal of threads, even those giving very useful advice on what would be closed yesterday, such as museums, metro stations etc. That has made me appreciate this forum even more than previously.[/quote] An American friend is questioning why there was not an American representative ...is she right or has she missed something?
  6. I guess most of the time the patient with dementia is blissfully unaware, with perhaps occasional moments of possibly hellish lucidity , but I suspect it's worse for the carers who can see the gradual demise....
  7. My father died of cancer, frankly it was like some kind of protracted hell for nearly three years for me and my sister and probably my mother too...it's not only the patient involved.... My mother died in September, she was unwell for less than a week, even the day she died she managed breakfast and lunch and then just went to sleep...that's what I call a good way to die.
  8. [quote user="gardengirl "]Better news! Food scientists at Reading University report that a glass of Champagne can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Despite its pale colour, Champagne (and English sparkling wines) includes red grapes rich in polyphenols - plant chemicals that dilate the blood vessels and improve circulation. I enjoy a glass of red wine, mentioned by Idun as supposed to be good for health, and have drunk a glass of Champagne most days since my op earlier in the year, so my 'diet' isn't too bad! On a more serious note, that's a very impressive thing you've done Chancer, and surely must have helped your future health.[/quote] I met one of the leading experts in Alzheimer's a few years ago ( they collect the same pottery as I do ) and he recommends a glass of red a day.....
  9. We'll if anyone is giving their Kindle up there is a charity that takes them for the visually impaired.....http://www.sense.org.uk/content/there-nothing-disappearing-bookor-kindle
  10. Now it is on Facebook I guess it's safe to say that Mr Cooperlola is remarrying.... Many congratulations Ian......
  11. I find the paper white kindle fine, Reading on a tablet us a different matter though.....
  12. I have just caught up with this thread...I am so sorry to read your news Grecian, I'm sure the advice here is very sound and I wish you Bon Chance.
  13. [quote user="Gardian"]I keep on seeing the title of this thread and think to myself that it must be a wind-up.[/quote] I think a more accurate title would be 'French man wins the Nobel prize for economics'
  14. You are correct, however they may make.bigger inroads to the 3000 books if reading is a more comfortable experence and I find a kindle screen more comfortable...
  15. I much prefer a Kindles paper white technology to Reading books on a computer/ iPad screen....... For me part of the joy of a kindle is the amount of space it saves.....
  16. I was in France with a party of people many of whom had booked flights via Air France. After this disruption they will never fly Air France again, like many others, so it will be no surprise when there are redundancies .
  17. That's the point, .....I know lots of countries had or have coalition governments.....but I wonder homw much Brits may take to it in the long term.....
  18. [quote user="Quillan"]Its why Cameron is going to do an extra year. The next (general) election is in 2015 but if there is a yes vote and the Scottish PM's leave the H of C in 2016 there would have to be another election according to Andrew Neil today, quite why was not really explained. It would therefore be a bit silly to have two general elections over two years. What I would like to know is if it all starts going wrong after the Yes vote and they decide they want to return 'to the fold' will we have a referendum in the UK about letting them back coz I know what my answer would be. [/quote] I think it should be made very clear...no way back Also I suspect even died in the woll Conservatives can see that to be effective parliament needs an effective opposition...I fear we may be doomed to coalition governments for evermore if there is a Yes vote.
  19. That's dreadful, I hope you get lots of help to sort this out...I'm so sorry....
  20. The parents tried to discuss taking their son out of the hospital to get other treatment and were threatened to with having the child put under a protection order......
  21. It seems as if they had thought it was appropriate they could have provided it, certainly other places have, so now we'll have to wait and see if it is truly because of the 'postcode lottery' or if there were other medical reasons that made the specialists think it was inappropriate and how communication with the parents broke down. In the meantime it seems that the little boy is still alone in a Spanish hospital....[:(]
  22. As far as I know Southampton is a centre of excellence for Cancer care, so some thing seems to have gone badly wrong with this little chap....
  23. My understanding is that the eldest son has been allowed to spend time with the child, but I'm only reporting what I have heard on various media...and things seem a bit confused....
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