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Everything posted by pomme

  1. The Attestation d'accueil is for visitors to a home in France. It is not for owners. There is no mention of what second-home owners need. I think all you need to do when you travel there is to take some documentation confirming you own the property e.g. a taxe d'habitation or utility bill. There is a discussion here http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance-forums/cs/forums/3684288/ShowPost.aspx
  2. Writing the e-mail address with spaces [or square brackets] either side of the at/arobase/dot/point makes it clearer so mazandcol[at]emailco[dot]com mazandcol at emailco dot com mazandcol arobase emailco point com or mazandcol[arobase]emailco[point]com are better than mazandcolatemailco.com
  3. Mint: I'm not sure what else to suggest regarding the online version except for the following: Last year there was a bug in the system (it was later corrected) with an unwanted form (2041E) appearing and persisting even with the necessary 8SH unticked. The only way to be sure of getting rid of it at first by completely clearing the cache and cookies (probably overkill but it worked). So it was necessary to untick 8SH, exit the tax forms, log out of www.impots.gouv.fr completely, close all the web browser tabs, delete all browsing data (depends on browser, usually under Tools) and then reboot the PC. Then 8SH could be ticked without the 2041E form appearing! If you decide to try a similar cache clearing exercise as that, I would suggest you go to the first 3916 page where all accounts are listed and delete them all (sorry!) Hopefully that would help to get rid of all problematic 3916 references. After you have done the reboot and logged back in, I think it should be possible to add an account at a time to 3916 as was suggested earlier? If it does come to needing to submit paper versions the deadline for them is Thursday 20 May this week! It is possible to download and print the forms. 2042 (2042C is on the same page), 2047, 3916: https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/formulaire/2042/declaration-des-revenus https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/formulaire/2047/declaration-des-revenus-encaisses-letranger https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/formulaire/3916/declaration-par-un-resident-dun-compte-letranger-ou-dun-contrat-de-capitalisation-ou You might want to add a printout of the first couple of online 2042 pages which contain your name, account number, etc rather than copying all the information? And send a message to the tax office explaining why you are sending the paper copy.
  4. Chessie I can't help you with the printed form as only you know what information you need to provide. although none of the fields on 2042/2042C have changed their meaning and content from last year. They are just in different places. So you should be able to use previous years as a guide. There is a good step-by-step guide with screen shots of each section of the forms 2042, 2042C, 2047, and 3916 and how to complete them online https://bh-assurances.fr/how-to-declare-your-tax-online/ It is probably applicable to most here and is easy to follow and much easier to use than the printed versions. There is also a help guide to the forms and fields https://bh-assurances.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/fichier-help-tax2.pdf However, it is for last year. There have been a couple of minor changes for this year. Ignore the exchange rate and the 2047 sections 1-11 should now be sections 1-13 - but that is only a renumbering not a change of content.
  5. Judith-aka-Judith: I wrote they simplified it as much was unnecessary for those who now pay all their tax by prélèvement. For the French who just have employment and French bank accounts/investments all the necessary information will have already been communicated to the tax office so their 2042 will have been completely filled in for them. All they need to do is to check it. If I understand correctly, it is possible in future years they even need to do that if their circumstances haven't changed.
  6. The k at the end of the form just means it is a pre-printed version of 2042C and it may contain numbers and other information added which the tax office know about. You can change that information if you think it is incorrect. They have made changes to the 2042 form and simplified it as much was unnecessary for those who now pay all their tax by prélèvement. As a result, some fields were moved to 2042C without any change of numbering, just located on a different form. You can find all the various 2042 forms here https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/formulaire/2042/declaration-des-revenus along with the notice on completing the form. The use of the k at the end is the same for all printed forms sent out. The versions without the k are available just by searching for the appropriate cerfa number.
  7. I assume you mean Visa de long séjour. There are different types depending on your reason for coming to France I think it will be from when you first arrive in France as you can request a visa up to three months before you arrive. But there are a lot of other conditions to fulfil e.g. https://tinyurl.com/yju39u89 https://tinyurl.com/yj8pg3x5
  8. You now just need to tick 8SH/8SI There is also a page INFORMATIONS towards the end of 2042 online where you could add the note, as was done in the past. but see also http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance-forums/cs/forums/3684172/ShowPost.aspx
  9. One last thought. Fill in the page with a bank account - I doubt it checks the contents. Hopefully it won't create another blank page. Then go back to that first 3916 page which lists them all and delete that last account page. Have an enjoyable birthday.
  10. Mint: can you go back to the first page of 3916 online where you have COMPTES DÉCLARÉS and need to state how many at the bottom of the page "Combien d'autres comptes ou contrats d'assurance-vie hors de France souhaitez-vous déclarer ?" What happens if you reduce the number you put in by one? I wonder whether it is displaying the extra page you don't need because the number you have put in is one more than the number of pages you need? It is possible, since you are completing 3916, it assumes you need one page so you need to put in one less than the total number of pages you want. ("How many OTHER accounts or life insurance contracts outside France do you wish to declare?")
  11. This https://bh-assurances.fr/how-to-declare-your-tax-online/ is a good guide to filling in your declaration online including dividends (see image 15)
  12. Your documents for past years are also available online in your account. Go to Tableau de bord then Documents then Consulter mes Documents. Select a year. Then click on Afficher les documents liés under Déclaration en ligne des revenus There will be lines for Déclaration en ligne des revenus = 2042 Déclaration en ligne des revenus encaissés à l'étranger = 2047 and Déclaration en ligne par un résident d’un compte bancaire, d’actifs numériques = 3916
  13. I save mine by printing each screen as a PDF file. If I remember correctly, in past years you needed to do that before you get to signing off the submission.
  14. And at the same time Germans seem to be clamouring for the AZ vaccine in order to qualify for a vaccine passport https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/07/world/europe/germany-vaccines-astrazeneca.html
  15. It is because it relates to a part of the forms you completed last year and they've assumed you will need to do complete the same sections this year. If you click on the Help ? on the right-hand side of the line you will get an explanation of the coverage.
  16. Having to complete form 3916 is an exception this year due to the requirement to add more information and digital currency accounts. Hopefully next year it will be back to the old system of just making additions/deletions and accepting all the others.
  17. nomoss: You don't need to tick 8RP/8RQ see the discussion from last year http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance-forums/cs/forums/3678892/ShowPost.aspx which you concluded with Thanks, pomme. Ticking them didn't hurt anything anyway As an explanation, I wrote The full 2020 tax brochure pratique https://tinyurl.com/yc69bavh explains 8RP/8RQ: NON AFFILIATION À UN RÉGIME FRANÇAIS D'ASSURANCE MALADIE La CSG et la CRDS sur les revenus d'activité ainsi que la contribution salariale de 10 % applicables aux gains de levée d'options et aux gains d'acquisition d'actions gratuites imposés selon les règles des traitements et salaires sont dues par les contribuables affiliés à un régime obligatoire français d'assurance maladie. Si vous ne relevez pas d'un régime obligatoire français d'assurance maladie, cochez la case 8RP ou 8RQ. Les revenus déclarés case 1TT ou 1UT ne seront pas soumis aux contributions sociales (CSG, CRDS, contribution salariale). and 1TT/1UT are only for Gains de levée d'options attribuées à compter du 28.9.2012 ; gains d'acquisition d'actions gratuites attribuées à compter du 28.9.2012 sur décision prise au plus tard le 7.8.2015 ; gains d'acquisition d'actions gratuites attribuées sur décision prise à compter du 31.12.2016 pour leur fraction excédant 300 000 € So I don't think 8RP/8RQ are of relevance to many of us!
  18. Did you check box 8TT on 2042 by mistake? Contrats d’assurance-vie souscrits à l’étranger Joignez la liste des contrats ..8TT which is next to 8UU Comptes ouverts, détenus, utilisés ou clos à l’étranger Joignez la déclaration no 3916 – 3916 bis ou la liste des comptes sur papier libre ... checking 8TT will result in you needed to add the information on assurance vie on 3916
  19. You should complete 2047 first (Section 1 and Section 6) using the gross figures and then transfer the information back 8TK on 2042C. You also need to complete 1AL/1BL on 2042 for the government pension. 1AM/1BM on 2042 are used for state (OAP) and private pensions.
  20. There is an article in the FT today "Global death toll from Covid more than double official number, study finds" (behind a paywall?) which includes: Academics at the University of Washington estimated 6.9m people had lost their lives to coronavirus, much higher than the 3.2m total recorded by the World Health Organization. This is the origin of that report http://www.healthdata.org/special-analysis/estimation-excess-mortality-due-covid-19-and-scalars-reported-covid-19-deaths It includes United Kingdom Total COVID-19 deaths 209,661 Reported COVID-19 deaths 150,519 and France Total COVID-19 deaths 132,680 Reported COVID-19 deaths 105,506 Lots of other statistics and predictions e.g. https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-kingdom?view=cumulative-deaths&tab=trend and https://covid19.healthdata.org/france?view=cumulative-deaths&tab=trend
  21. Online, when you get to the page SELECTIONNEZ CI-DESSOUS LES RUBRIQUES QUE VOUS SOUHAITEZ FAIRE APPARAITRE you need to scroll down to DIVERS and tick Comptes à l'étranger, reprise de réductions ou de crédit d'impôt If you click on the ? to the RHS it will bring up an example of the page it refers to, which includes 8SH/8SI When you then go through and complete your return you will be presented with the page headed Divers which includes those boxes. I think you should be able to correct your return online.
  22. Nombre de décès mis à jour quotidiennement pour les décès survenant à l’hôpital et chaque mardi et vendredi pour les décès survenant au sein des établissements sociaux et médico-sociaux. (105,419) from https://www.santepubliquefrance.fr/dossiers/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-chiffres-cles-et-evolution-de-la-covid-19-en-france-et-dans-le-monde So no count of deaths at home.
  23. There is a version of the notice and the form in English which may be clearer? https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/files/formulaires/2041-e/2021/2041-e_3408.pdf It looks as though the label column 9 on the French version might be an error and should be column 7?
  24. Countries use different ways of deciding whether deaths are caused by Covid. The UK figures within 28 days of a positive test will include a lot of non-Covid deaths whereas I think France still only counts hospital deaths? For those countries that keep them, excess mortality is possibly a better measure. A good analysis of the issues in the calculations and figures for many countries (but not India) https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid A search for covid excess deaths "india" will give various articles on figures for India
  25. I've just had a look on my form. I didn't have a figure in the boxes but I did have a click button "Pour consulter ou modifer le plafond global" Clicking on it gave a pop-up explanation box: ÉPARGNE RETRAITE Le plafond de déduction des cotisations PERP et produits assimilés (PREFON, COREM et CGOS) de 2021 est affiché sur votre déclaration des revenus si vous avez déclaré des cotisations au titre des revenus de 2020. Si vous n'avez pas cotisé l'an passé, ou si vous déclarez cette année un mariage ou un Pacs avec une déclaration commune, vous trouverez ce plafond sur votre avis d'impôt sur les revenus de 2020. Détail des plafonds de déduction Plafond de détail calculé 2020 4052 Plafond non utilisé 2018 3862 Plafond non utilisé 2019 3923 Plafond non utilisé 2020 3973 Plafond global 15810 (which is the total of those four figures) Attention : Si vous souhaitez modifier votre plafond global, indiquez ci-dessous le montant correspondant. Si vous avez validé par erreur une modification de plafond, effacez la zone de saisie concernée et cliquez sur « Valider ». Vous conserverez le plafond global connu de l'administration. So it is just a calculation of the maximum you can contribute to a PERP savings plan and can be ignored.
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