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  1. [quote user="pomme"]You should complete 2047 first (Section 1 and Section 6) using the gross figures and then transfer the information back 8TK on 2042C. You also need to complete 1AL/1BL on 2042 for the government pension. 1AM/1BM on 2042 are used for state (OAP) and private pensions.[/quote] Yes I have completed 2047, and transferred over to 8TK, but 1AL seems to be for non-residents, or am I misreading "Pensions perçues par les non-résidents et pensions de source étrangère avec crédit d'impôt égal à l'impôt français" RegardsS
  2. Hi I took early retirement from the Civil Service, I see that the FAQs on here state I should put my govt pension in box 1AS as it is taxed in the UK, however I cannot access that box online, I assume because I am under pensionable age, am I right to pop it into box 1AM instead? S
  3. FranceConnect only works properly if you have verified using a French ID, using my UK passport through La Poste verified OK but did not work elsewhere.
  4. Hitting someone is wrong, child or not. There are better ways to modify behavior and assault is not one of them. I witnessed a father slapping a child's face in public a few years ago in Perigueux, such a shock to see that sort of thing still going on. If my French had been up to it I would have given the guy some serious feedback.
  5. I am a regular Ocado user here in the UK, and usually do a shop online from France during visits so that a delivery is made the day after we get back. It is really useful and I would love it if something similar was available for when we travel the other way. Much as I like shopping in France, after a 12 hour drive I could do with the following day off!
  6. [quote user="woolybanana"]Are whores more expensive in different countries?[/quote] I was once informed by a very drunk truck driver in a bar in Arras that he loves driving in Portugal because "the women are cheaper" http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance/cs/images/emotions/blink.gif
  7. I use my UK based Citibank euro account, I transfer in at the business rate with no charges direct from my UK bank account online. If I need to weigh into my French account I usually withdraw using the Citibank card, again with no charges.
  8. We read it recently in our book club, horrible subject matter, but brilliant writing.
  9. It depends on the thickness of the wood as much as anything, the space between the logs will vary depending on their diameter, so the length is less relevant.
  10. There is no special relationship, the US uses whoever for whatever serves its purpose at the time.
  11. I can put up with the shops being closed Sundays and over lunchtime, but it drives me crazy to wait 8 deep at 1 of the 3 checkouts that are actually open even though there are 20 available.
  12. [quote user="Dog"]Why not get a humane trap that needs no batteries. After catching the little critters take them on a long walk and realease them.[/quote] Better be a very long walk as they have a 5 mile homing range.
  13. Thanks chaps, not as bad as I thought. regards Simon
  14. I need some more, it has been a while now since I bought any, how much can I expect to pay per litre? Regards Simon
  15. [quote user="P2"]'und I vont no soggy chips'[/quote] Your name vill go on ze list.
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