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Everything posted by bkm7

  1. Many thanks for your reply.  I hadn't thought to look at the English version !  It seems that the English version refers to a quite differnt version of 2041E but both headed "2020" !  I have decided to put both impots and CSG in Column 9 and then confirm the breakdown in the supplementary note that one can add.
  2. I have returned to the UK but have French Pensions AGIRC-ARRCO and CNAV. These have been paid monthly with deductions for impôts and CSG. On Form 2041E column 9 - « Retenue a la Source prélevée par votre employeur, caisse de retraite en France ». Should this column have both inpôts and CSG deductions added together or just impôts alone ? Appreciate advice Barry
  3. I can't remember exactly what happened with last years form but when I decided not to complete 2044 then BL on 2042 disappeared. The net result was that I obtained a credit d'impot on impot but was charged CSG and then had to claim a dégrévement. Was thinking for 2020 that I would complete 2044. Grateful for any advice. B
  4. I started to receive French Pensions (CNAV, AGIRC & ARRCO) when I was 60 but UK Resident. The French taxed me at I think at 25%. I then declared the French Pensions to HMRC and claimed the French Tax paid as a credit. Now French Resident I have some Rente Viagère which I put in Box 1CW (I started claiming the Annuity when I was 65) Hope this helps B
  5. I phoned our tax office on 3 September and it was agreed that the CSG should not have been charged on UK Rental Income (in my case the credit had already been given on the 'impots' part !) and that a rectification would be issued. Received the Avis de Dégrevement yesterday 15 September. B
  6. This year I completed 4BA, 4BL and 8K. Have just received my Avis D'Impot 2018 on line. I have been given Crédit d'impot sur rev étrangers on Impot sur le Revenu but have not been given the corresponding credit for the Prélevements Sociaux. I received both credits in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. Am believing this is an error and I plan to go to the Tax Office once everybody is back at work, Will post result ! Barry
  7. Many thanks for all your replies. As all my dividends fell after 6 April 2016 I am going to put the actual dividend amounts received in line 203 and put the taux applicable as 0.0% in 204. Grossing up the figure for 2DC and then claiming a tax credit in 8VL does result in a lower impôt and CSG figure but not so easy to justify if asked to do so! B
  8. On Form 2047 Heading 2 Dividends. Line 204 the “Taux applicable” remains in place and is 17.7% for the UK. (this in spite of UK Dividends under £5,000 not taxable in the UK since 6 April 2016). In previous years, the credit d’impôt calculation moved out to a box on the right which was then posted to box 8TA on 2042 resulting in a tax credit. This year there is no posting to 8TA and hence no tax credit. Am I missing something asking why dividends received would be increased by 17.7% for French Taxation when they were not taxed in the UK in the first place? B
  9. For the last 2 years I have declared the net income (i.e. after all mortgage, insurance, letting costs and repairs) on 2047 heading 6. I then put this same figure in 4BA and 8TK on 2042. I did not complete the 2044. I put a note on the page where I have declared all UK bank accounts indicating that the declared UK Rental income should be used only be used to calculate the "taux effectif" and social charges should not be applied to this income. Taxes were charged as I had expected. B
  10. I claimed for several years for our youmgest son au Uni in the UK. I put the amount of the support finnace in box 6EL on the blue 2042. There was a ceiling figure of around 5,600€ from memory. I was never asked to justify the figures. Hope this helps B.
  11. I recently started fusing, slumping and draping of float glass. In order to sell my creations to recover some of my raw material costs I have applied for Auto entrepreneur status for myself only and obtain a Siret number. I understand that under this system I will pay 13.3% Charges Sociales and 1% Versement libératoire de l’impôt sur le revenue. I expect to sell around 500 - 1000€ per annum. I have received my Siret number from the INSEE. I have now received a Certificat d’adhésion to AGIRC and ARRCO from AG2R La Mondiale. I do not wish to join or contribute to either of these regimes, either as cadres, non-cadres or salarié. I would be grateful of advice as to how I should deal with this matter. I would add that I am 62 and had the UK Government not changed the dates at which pensions are paid, I would normally have already been receiving my UK Pension. B
  12. Many thanks for that. Am afraid our joint tax allowances do not cover our rental income – we were more than a bit pleased that they decided to leave PA in place for non-residents until at least 2018. Will give it go this year on line – we both have UTR’s and on line accounts with the tax office. Am treading a bit warily with the tax office. They got very excited a few years ago when they discovered that I had not indicated a SIPP in drawdown from which I was not drawing down (having taken the tfc before becoming resident here) on the Form France-Individual. They removed the NT coding and insisted I complete an HS304 in future which seems to be not possible on line; certainly using TaxCalc it doesn’t seem available.
  13. Thanks Hereford. With property rental income paid under the NRL scheme we have to file a paper SA and HS304 return. We have online accounts paying interest but some only show the interest nett of tax, hence we previously waited until we received Tax Deduction Certificates. Do you think that it is accurate enough for HMRC to take the nett interest and multiply by 0.25 to get the tax deducted? This would enable us to file now. Thanks for any guidance. B
  14. [quote user="Hereford"]We have just done our 2014/15 UK tax returns online (we still have to file them as well as a French one). The previous problem with needing a UK postcode seems to have disappeared. Our file showed our correct French address, with postcode in an address line, and the box for a UK postcode is not now mandatory so we ignored it. Now we just wait for the repayment!! Mrs H. [/quote] If only I could get our tax deduction certificates that fast! B
  15. We are looking to sell some ISA's and are aware that the sale will be subject to French Tax.  Would like to do a tax simulation before selling and would appreciate any guidance on declaration of profits A. Can we use the abattements of 50% and 65% "Detenu entre 2 et 7 ans Detenu a partir de 8 ans" ? B. Would we declare on 2047-K?  If so which box ? C. Could we declare directly on 2042 in box 3VG ? (I rightly or wrongly declared some ISA losses in 3VH some years ago and have been carrying these forward on form 2041-SP without any questions being asked)   Thanks in advance   B
  16. [quote user="Lehaut"]+l for the Carte Grise. A friends husband died. The ancient SAAB was only in his name. The Notaire had to write to the children all over the world to get their permission to sell it! Took weeks.[/quote] Any ideas about how one changes the Carte Grise from single owner to an 'ou'? I thought I was being smart putting one car in each of our names but if the survivor needs to sell the car in the name of the non-survivor, then problem! B
  17. Good Morning Mint After opening a joint account with Boursorama we each received a letter with our 'identifiant' and a 'mot de passe' to be changed at first logon. I have only used CurrencyFair to make payments from GBP to Euros, SA Rand and AUS$, however I believe that you will set up a SEPA virement in your Boursorama account using the BIC/SWIFT/IBAN provided by CurrencyFair. Unless the sums involved are very large I do not imagine that Boursorama will require a 'justificatif' for the transfer to be completed. Hope this helps Barry
  18. Hi Mint. Opened a joint account with Boursorama 4 years ago now and it has proved to be excellent. Virements easy to setup and operate. I migrated all the DD's, EDF/SFR/Impôts etc.etc.myself whilst leaving enough cash in the High Street account in case something went wrong. I have not used the High Street bank account again. I use Currencyfair to bring funds from the UK; that leaves our UK bank in the morning and is in the Bourso account before going to bed! We took out the 3.50€ per month over against fraudulent use of the account. If you take the Carte Visa Premier there is a shedload of good travelling type cover including "La Garantie Véhicule de Location". Am sure we'll get this current problem sorted - we want to have a joint account (which only I use) and an account in MOH's name only with a CC to move her from a High Street account where she is still paying for a CC! Hope this helps Barry
  19. Many thanks for the replies. So it means balance on account! I now remember when I took out the first card some years ago they wanted a copy of our tax return showing the 'Revenu fiscal de reference' which satisfied them. Thanks for you help. Barry
  20. Am asking for a second CB on a Bousorama Banque online account. Any ideas what 'encours' means in this context? Not in my 937 page Harraps! "Nous vous informons que les encours nécessaires pour la commande de visa internationale sur un compte joint sont de 7500 euros, c'est pour cette raison que la commande de la carte bancaire ne peut pas aboutir." Many thanks Barry
  21. Sue - I used a modified 2008/2009 R43 and sent it off on 2 May to CAR Liverpool. How long did HMRC take to repay you? Thanks Barry
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