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Everything posted by blondie

  1. I won't be disabling ours. It is a godsent.
  2. In the South West here we have 2 main airports in reach and use Easyjet mostly. We did have three but Ryanair pulled out again. If we drive back it takes about 11 hours including ferry crossing which isn't bad. As long as I have diesel in the car and money in my pocket I never feel stuck anywhere really.
  3. "Will the euro crash in 2011?" I think it might.
  4. We hav'nt got a huge ammount of money to lose but would rather hang on to what we do have and our home. Hopefully.
  5. I booked our Christmas crossing with LD, as usual, a couple of weeks ago and it was quite a bit cheaper than last year.
  6. Its a very cheap way to heat the hot water and of course its always hot never running out as in the old systems.One 13kg bottle lasts us at least 2 months. However it is a very very expensive way to heat central heating you are looking at hours not days. We kept it for the water. Took out the radiators and put in log burners.
  7. It was a very small tree and he liked laying next to it. He was a puppy at the time and all vegetation interested him for some reason. He demolished a bowl of irises too and liked eating fushias. Anyway, I ended up with a stump and it died. I even put a wire cage round it after his first attempt but it didnt deter him at all. I lost my last apricot tree as well when someone threw his ball and he ploughed straight through it.
  8. I agree. Its best , considering your concerns, to say no thankyou from the start. Our new neighbours are the given an inch take a mile variety. We have no access issues particularly but because we were easy going when they arrived they have parked their cars on our garden over the lane, attached their aerial and satelite dish to our hall chimney, damaging the roof. Connected to our water supply and had the use of our electricity for over a year now. They are paying per unit but it is the inconvenience and although the renovations are complete the reluctance to pay for their own connection. We have now given them 2 months to get it sorted or we pull the plug. This has soured relations and why I didnt want to really get involved in the first place, but when people say pretty please face to face it is so hard to say "No" most of the time. I tried but after much pleading gave in. Its virtually impossible to stop these things when they are started and has caused us much grief that we could have well done without and im sure its not over yet. So be firm and say "No " from the outset to keep your sanity . They will get over it and if they dont then their friendliness was just based on getting what they wanted from you and nothing more.
  9. I have had a few Lemon trees here but they have not survived the winter outside in a pot on the patio. At the moment I am growing another from a pip and its about 6 inches high. I have also bought a lime tree this year and that is just going to blossom so fingers crossed. I also have an advocado on the go. Its in a pot about 18 inches now. Our dog ate the last one so I hope this one survives now he is older. I will take the citrus trees into the garden room for the winter though this time. [:)]
  10. [quote user="Deby"]District 9 - excellent film - a Sci Thriller and its not what you expect not at all predictable. Inglourious Basterds - excellent film - Mr Pitt plays an excellent character - as well as the German Officer - I tip him for an Oscar![/quote] Loved both of them . Definately recommend.
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