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Attitude Problems?

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21 minutes ago, EuroTr@sh said:


Sorry to disappoint but no, still alive and well, still gainfully employed in France.

Totally agree. Also, generally, with Catalpa.

One or two of the posts on this thread sent my irony meter off the scale. Either they were written tongue in cheek or some posters never look in a mirror. 

I used to like the friendly banter and the sharing of random experiences, it was a feelgood place to come for a bit of lighthearted chat or to discuss what was on your mind. There was the guy who used to be on call for gite guests who had endless stories- folks who called him out just to switch the TV on, and daft stuff like that - and he had a way of telling them that made me laugh. Other posters too could be relied on to bring a bit of sunshine in their posts.

It's a long time since I found much feelgood about it. I find it way too serious and judgmental with a hard core of posters taking it in turn to get up on their soapboxes and ram their views down the throats of anyone who will listen. I never went on forums and particularly expat forums to get heavy about politics or French news and current affairs, I go to other places for that. I mainly use forums as a bit of a break from the serious side of life. A discussion is good now and again as long as it doesn't get confrontational and personal and repetitive but discussions on here frequently seem to me to be all those things. But I realise that others have a different perception and are happy with what the forum has become.





Blame Macron not forums users ET.

I went for the traditional Easter meal last Sunday in Nantes with the family. 12 French in total. They were all banging on about this that and the other about France. I kept quiet. ?

Then you have all sorts around here on a daily basis telling you their life story and how France is that and the other. 

Macron has torn France apart.

Peeps are upset. 



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Edit...An 80 (ish) relative (who was supposed to go to thesaid meal) got taken to hospital a few days before after feeling not very well.  They were suffering the after effects of covid. She got released many hours later when the hospital felt it safe to do so. 

No hospital taxi would take her back. She had to catch two buses and a tram to get home. She got back at eleven at night. 

Worked, payed taxes and patriotic to France all her life.

Take off you rose tinted glasses ET. 

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54 minutes ago, NormanH said:

I would  guess  that  replacing the  helpful, practical concrete  advice or information that used to be the 'norm' (intentional pun)  by  opinions unsupported by any evidence  that a couple of more recent posters flood the Forum with  discourages others from posting.



Edited by alittlebitfrench
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50 minutes ago, NormanH said:

I would  guess  that  replacing the  helpful, practical concrete  advice or information that used to be the 'norm' (intentional pun)  by  opinions unsupported by any evidence  that a couple of more recent posters flood the Forum with  discourages others from posting.


If I wanted to move to France from the UK or elsewhere I would want to know the good the bad and the ugly.

Norman, you have limited life experience in France to be fair. Not like children going through school, work related matters....living in a large French family. 

Not sure what you can add to such debates to be fair.


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38 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Blame Macron not forums users ET.


There's plenty of bad and ugly out there. It only swamps forums if forum users choose to bang on endlessly about it.

Take off my rose tints? No way, they're what keep me sane. You and those blinkers of yours that give you tunnel vision, on the other hand... The thing is, I do actually know what the world looks like without them on. It's a glass half full thing, you can choose to look at the bad and the ugly and rub everybody's nose in it, or you can make an effort to look for the what's good. As you know I came here on my own and I've been totally reliant on working and earning a living for the whole time I've been in France, my life here has certainly had its challenges that I have had to get to grips with, so I am not sure why you, as a house husband whose French wife brings home a good salary and sorts out all the problems, are telling everybody how difficult France can be while I am saying, France can be good fun.

'Nana, we're talking about issues on this forum that you are supposed to be moderating I think?


38 minutes ago, alittlebitfrench said:




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25 minutes ago, EuroTr@sh said:

so I am not sure why you, as a house husband whose French wife brings home a good salary and sorts out all the problems, are telling everybody how difficult France can be while I am saying, France can be good fun.



House husband and wife ET.

Good god ET, nobody goes to the office anymore. ?

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1 hour ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Blame Macron not forums users ET.

I went for the traditional Easter meal last Sunday in Nantes with the family. 12 French in total. They were all banging on about this that and the other about France. I kept quiet. ?

Then you have all sorts around here on a daily basis telling you their life story and how France is that and the other. 

Macron has torn France apart.

Peeps are upset. 



In my experience family meals in France have always been "animated". And political. My cousin Pierrot once threw out the table decoration because it included red roses which he said were "Mitterrands flowers". Another refused to speak to me once for months after I let slip I'd met Giscard d'Estaing and thought him charming. The French just love to hate their President. It's what they do. Who can forget all those people with pegs on their noses voting for Chirac in 2002.

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2 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

If I wanted to move to France from the UK or elsewhere I would want to know the good the bad and the ugly.

Norman, you have limited life experience in France to be fair. Not like children going through school, work related matters....living in a large French family. 

Not sure what you can add to such debates to be fair.


Short of the first sentence, I found this to be incredibly rude.

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3 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Take off you rose tinted glasses ET. 

I do find these clichés tedious.

Someone's experience of France - or any country - is just that: their experience. If others have different experiences and perceptions - and, unsurprisingly, they do - their's are no less important or less valid or anything else. Just different. Which is fine.

3 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Macron has torn France apart.

Macron (and any previous president) may have exacerbated if not caused various rifts in France but duh! Brexit and the UK? Johnson and the UK? Scottish independence? The UK not a bitterly divided nation at present? ? Germany has its problems too. And that's before we look further east. Macron's France and its challenges in the 2020s is not unique.
And a re an earlier ALBF remark:

<<  Sell house UK buy cheap house France. Retire, convert it into a gîte, set up some dumb tourist business and live a fruitful life in France. Mostly all move to the same places and try and do the same thing. Which is as dumb as the idea in the first place. 

They never ask the question why French people don't do this. >>


If ideas and people have to be referred to as "dumb" in order to (try to) make a point, I don't think that argument is particularly strong or even well thought through. To say the least. ?

However, tens of thousands of French people clearly do operate successful gîtes and b&b businesses. That's bleddy obvious! In fact, plenty of nationalities are successful and do make adequate livings from them. They might not be able to support a family of 5 on their earnings but as a supplementary income, good quality properties and the right location will deliver - particularly in this new Covid world where many tourists want a holiday where they retain some control over their environment.

I don't know why people who find a niche and do something well and receive an income from it should be described as dumb. That's just petty and negative.

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46 minutes ago, Lori said:

Short of the first sentence, I found this to be incredibly rude.

Not really, Norman has a rude habit of calling everyone out for some reason that is beyond most.

Lets be clear, he has picked on Ken since he joined the forum.

And I admire Ken's staying power. Most would have vanished after their first post. 

People can pick on me all they like....I don't care.  It comes with the territory. 


Buy hey, the forum is talking. And we have a new member called Riggers. 

Hi riggers !

We could play countdown or slag off the UK/USA and everything in between like they do on the other French forum!



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1 minute ago, Catalpa said:


but duh! Brexit and the UK? Johnson and the UK? Scottish independence? The UK not a bitterly divided nation at present? ? Germany has its problems too. And that's before we look further east. Macron's France and its challenges in the 2020s is not unique.

But I don't live in the UK or Germany.

So why should I talk about that ?


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@RiggersThanks for the vote of confidence LOL, it is not often that people say I am well-balanced! But you are right, I do see a lot of good things, and plenty bad things, but I try to stay cool and not let one blind me to the other. 


5 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

Norman, you have limited life experience in France to be fair. Not like children going through school, work related matters....living in a large French family.

Yes it is rude but it's worse than that, it's dismissive and arrogant. Everybody has limited life experience, including you ALBF and perhaps especially you. For somebody who claims to regret the divisions in society, dismissing everybody who doesn't happen to live your middle-of-the-road lifestyle and share your MOTR preoccupations, and saying these people don't have anything to say that's worth listening to, is a very divisive thing to do, don't you think? People don't like being brushed aside. By the time you've dismissed all the childless couples and single people because they haven't put kids through school, and all the retirees because they're retired, and all the gite owners because they own gites, and all the other groups of people who don't happen to think like you do, you've marginalised a whole lotta peeps. I think me an' Norm and a few gite owners should have a demonstration and throw tins of beans or whatever it was at all you smug middle-of-the-roadie types who think you "are" France and everybody outside your circle is chaff

Only joking ALBF, as always, but as always not entirely. 




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On 25/04/2022 at 19:22, cajal said:

I've loitered around here for around twenty years, and it has always been the case that confrontation attracts all comers and rubber neckers, which translates into high viewing figures.

Well I rest my case, point proven, 40 replies in just two days with nearly 500 views. To survive, the forum obviously requires more contentious topics and posters. ?

While we are on the topic of posters and their attitudes towards others, let's not forget the attitude of all the self servers who, at the first sign of a problem, descend here from their ivory towers to elicit help and assistance from the knowledgeable.  Once they've extracted the help they require, it's an exit stage left without even a by your leave or kiss my a.ss until the next issue ensues, and then back they come. Yes, you all know who you are.

Here, I must give a shoutout to people like Martin963, although having departed France, still follow and offer up knowledge and assistance just as they willingly did whilst resident in France.


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9 hours ago, cajal said:

Well I rest my case, point proven, 40 replies in just two days with nearly 500 views. To survive, the forum obviously requires more contentious topics and posters. ?

While we are on the topic of posters and their attitudes towards others, let's not forget the attitude of all the self servers who, at the first sign of a problem, descend here from their ivory towers to elicit help and assistance from the knowledgeable.  Once they've extracted the help they require, it's an exit stage left without even a by your leave or kiss my a.ss until the next issue ensues, and then back they come. Yes, you all know who you are.

Here, I must give a shoutout to people like Martin963, although having departed France, still follow and offer up knowledge and assistance just as they willingly did whilst resident in France.


I certainly agree with your first sentence, with a caveat! Nothing wrong with being contentious or critical but there are several that when questioned or criticised simply become self righteous and arrogant with a  'I have been here longer than you therefore I'm right and you are wrong' attitude! That is what leads to a full blown argument and trading insults. And yes, you know who they are too!!!

The second point I can't agree with. Many do not want to involve themselves in contentious debate. Personally If I want information I will go to a proper source and not here where often the information is simply an opinion, or worse! To be fair I have read some responses to people's posts that have been excellent. I don't know of any who have descended from their 'ivory towers', as you describe them . Then again I don't 'study' the makeup of posters. I see nothing wrong that some ask for information or help. If you or anyone else don't want to helpit then leave it alone, why criticise it?

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9 hours ago, EuroTr@sh said:

Maybe it just needs post that don't contain the words "Macron" or 'EU" ?

Talking of which!!!!! The E.U. still can't get its act together regarding financing Russia in its war with Ukraine! Several countries are still paying in roubles to comply with Russian requirements. As for Germany! !! When it comes to Russia the E.U. is shamefully weak. When it comes to the U.K. an ally, then the E.U. wants to make Britain suffer, particularly Macron!!! Know who your friends are! definitely not the E.U. for Britain.

There, I have managed both the E.U. and Macron!!

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I don't often post primarily because there are very few posters so you tend to get the same people saying pretty much the same thing all the time, add in that some are overly aggressive and it's not a pleasant experience to engage in any sort of discussion.

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1 hour ago, DraytonBoy said:

I don't often post primarily because there are very few posters so you tend to get the same people saying pretty much the same thing all the time, add in that some are overly aggressive and it's not a pleasant experience to engage in any sort of discussion.

Not like the scottish mafia UK hating mob eh? Nothing agressive over there is there? ? ?

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On 25/04/2022 at 18:10, ssomon said:

Is the confrontational attitude in the responses of some/many members responsible for the waning popularity of this Forum?

Just wondering .................

Personally, I would say 'wonder' no more.

The 'waning popularity' you refer to is certainly not a cause and effect of 'confrontational attitudes' of posters, as this thread has shown.

No, the demise of posters on the forum must surely be attributed to the recent installation of the appalling  software by Archant's misguided hierarchy.

Just check the double posts this week alone due to the inordinate amount of time it takes to load a reply.  The hassle and aggravation, so many experienced, attempting to sign-on following the installation of the 'updated'  software. The lack of input from the technical dept. The spam. The list is endless. Check out the online users at any time of the day, and I guarantee you will find there are at least 4 or 5 times the number of Guests viewing the forum than there are Members viewing.

Archant need to hurry up and sell it on, as we are informed, to an organisation or body of people who are in a position, should they so choose,  to fix these issues or install fresh software.

If that situation is achievable, then  the forum just may survive. Failure to act, and it will be dead in the water.


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