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Riggers last won the day on June 22 2023

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  1. A previous Gp of mine said he used to find it noticeable that patients and families would plead with the doctor to ‘ free them from their suffering’ yet there would be big bottles of morphine solution in the house that only the minimum dose would be taken from,he felt that people want to put the responsibility ultimately onto someone else
  2. I hope Keith Stammer is a better politician than his brother
  3. I have a bad habit of putting mine on my head while I am in shops as I can’t read labels etc clearly with them on
  4. It was onthe BBC news that admissions to the ED with allergies have increased since Covid,so I am not blaming anything
  5. I went this time last year,lovely city and fantastic atmosphere
  6. It’s been 14 at one point in North West England
  7. The major cancer centres are linked to NHS facilities is what it was meant to say at the end of my post
  8. I don’t think that apart from quicker surgery which HRH doesn’t appear to be having there’s much private cancer treatment in the UK .The major cancer ce
  9. Who else remembers the days when if there was breaking news in the middle of a broadcast,a telephone would ring on the presenters desk and they would have to answer it
  10. My friend has had stage 4 breast cancer for over 20 years,she’s been fortunate that the treatments she has received have suited her
  11. Found as a result of his recent prostate treatment but not prostate
  12. I’m sure a lot of the people selling houses in the UK would have worked hard to pay for them initially
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