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We tried at our local pharmacy that did the two others, no slots till January.  We took ourselves off to one of the walk in ones to the north of Nantes, queued 30mins in the cold and damp, no appointment needed, got our third booster that way.  First time we had been to a centre, quite interesting to see the organisation to set your info checked, jabbed and the issue of the subsequent paperwork.  Scanned in to the app to keep it valid.  All done and dusted in about an hour.

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1 hour ago, betise said:

If you are over 65 you can go to any vaccination centre, no appointment needed.  Castex announced some time ago that all vaccination centres are now obliged to give the booster, without RDV, to anyone over 65.

Could be interesting here in our village, only the one big vaccination centre, in the fire station and manned by the sapeurs pompiers (they do a brilliant job), but they are always fully booked, and in my experience almost every patient I've ever seen there is well over 65 ...! 

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8 hours ago, Lehaut said:

We tried at our local pharmacy that did the two others, no slots till January.  We took ourselves off to one of the walk in ones to the north of Nantes, queued 30mins in the cold and damp, no appointment needed, got our third booster that way.  First time we had been to a centre, quite interesting to see the organisation to set your info checked, jabbed and the issue of the subsequent paperwork.  Scanned in to the app to keep it valid.  All done and dusted in about an hour.

More or less the same thing round here.  So, we went to the Vaccine center in Camaret.  No appointments accepted; just walk ins.  Got there about 15 minutes before they opened.  There were about 75 people ahead of us in line - outside in the bitter cold wind (at least no rain).  We waited for about 50 minutes before we entered the building.  By then, there were about 75 people in line behind us.  All very organized.  Got our boosters.  No real problems.  Sore arm and tired for the next 36 hours.  My arm was sore and red for about 10 days.  Much better now.



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  • 5 weeks later...
54 minutes ago, anotherbanana said:

I had my third shot in September, quite a long time ago; should I be looking for number four or are none being offered?

According to the Israeli experts it would seem one now needs a minimum of five! i.e. THREE boosters on top of the original two!

I would suggest that until all mutant strains of the Covid-19 virus have, thanks to herd immunity, become less virulent, then it will probably be a bit like an annual flu shot.

However, who really knows?


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The third jab strengthens the immune system, so after the fourth dose you are protected, and when 80% of population has received the fifth dose we are close to a resolution because the sixth dose stops the virus from multiplying and prevents it from spreading, which means the seventh dose will solve our problems and we no longer have to to be afraid of the eighth dose because clinical studies with the ninth dose have shown that antibodies are more stable after the tenth dose and the eleventh dose ensures that there will be no new mutations, so there is no reason to criticize the idea of a twelfth dose.

Tongue in cheek?

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2 hours ago, Gluestick said:

According to the Israeli experts it would seem one now needs a minimum of five! i.e. THREE boosters on top of the original two!

I would suggest that until all mutant strains of the Covid-19 virus have, thanks to herd immunity, become less virulent, then it will probably be a bit like an annual flu shot.

However, who really knows?

Apparently, the theory that herd immunity will end the progress of this virus is not going to happen as it is becoming more and more certain that this virus was manufactured in a laboratory using molecular tools.

Herd immunity cannot occur with manufactured viruses.

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11 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

How do we know this?

We don't, of course. We are in the lap of the Gods, (And no more comments upon naughty body parts, Woolly!)

The Ex Head of SIS (The Secret Intelligence Service; more commonly and erroneously called MI6), Sir Richard Dearlove, asserted way back that the Covid-19 Virus was bio-engineered in the Wuhan virology research lab, in China.

Take your pick on source.


Many conspiracy theories maintain that the Chinese government carried out this programme and sort of accidentally released the virus into "the Wild".

"John Case" published a good novel called The First Horseman back in circa 1998 in which a group of Eco-Terrorists bio-engineered a sample of the Spanish Flu to become a virulent virus which would decimate a majority of human global population: before releasing it, of course, they also developed a preventative vaccine for themselves.

Since China seeks to dominate the World it is quite possible that Wuhan developed an engineered form of Novel Corona Virus and a powerful vaccine and released it.

Sir Richard Dearlove maintains that the Covid-19 virus has extra bits which may be clearly observed under an electron microscope, thus proving it has been engineered...

The next Conspiracy Theory is that the vaccines have been produced, with government leaders support, to earn vast sums for Big Pharma and that, of course, top politicians who are puppets to big business have earned nice little back handers paid into their secret offshore accounts.

The final theory is that the lockdowns and controls have been brought in to ready the sheeple (Majority of dumbos) for the WEF'a globalist agenda and what is called The Big Reset, in which the uber-wealthy globalists will own everything and the sheeple will be reduced to a state of serfdom.


The final thought, for me, is that since all politicians are basically utterly, totally useless and marginally brain dead egotists and conmen (and of course conwomen) and would be hard pushed to run a bath, let alone run a country, the resultant chaos is simply incompetence!

Take your pick!

On a personal note, I would have dearly loved to discuss all this with my cousin, Professor Dr. David Sims Reeves; a noted microbiologist, however, so sadly, he passed away, suddenly  in 2019. Until when, we spoke and exchanged emails very often.


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13 hours ago, Harnser said:

Apparently, the theory that herd immunity will end the progress of this virus is not going to happen as it is becoming more and more certain that this virus was manufactured in a laboratory using molecular tools.

Herd immunity cannot occur with manufactured viruses.

The theory is that as this virus has been manufactured in a lab:-

"In a challenging question, Dr. Jean-François Lemoine inferred that the coronavirus under investigation may have come from a patient who is otherwise infected with HIV. No, “says Luc Montagnier,” in order to insert an HIV sequence into this genome, molecular tools are needed, and that can only be done in a laboratory"




As the virus has had strands of other viruses, - HIV attached- to it by molecular tinkering, it cannot behave as a natural virus, but as it mutates it will degrade and become less harmful and become more like a natural virus, is this what is happening with the Omicron variant?

 "As the virus is mutating it seems to be mutating in those areas where the HIV segments were added.  According to him, the altered elements of this virus are eliminated as it spreads: “Nature does not accept any molecular tinkering, it will eliminate these unnatural changes and even if nothing is done, things will get better, but unfortunately after many deaths.”



We won't know until the next variant emerges.

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22 hours ago, Harnser said:

 "As the virus is mutating it seems to be mutating in those areas where the HIV segments were added.  According to him, the altered elements of this virus are eliminated as it spreads: “Nature does not accept any molecular tinkering, it will eliminate these unnatural changes and even if nothing is done, things will get better, but unfortunately after many deaths.”

Forgive my cynicism...

At the beginning of the BSE (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy) crisis, we were informed by experts that this disease could not jump species and thus beef was safe to eat. Indeed, the then Minister of Agriculture even went to the lengths of feeding his lovely little four year old daughter, Cordelia a beef burger for a press call! He, of course is now a baron (Deben) and earning a fortune from supposed green energy.

Unfortunately, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) DID indeed occur in humans after eating BSE infected beef products.

We shall see.


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23 hours ago, Gluestick said:

I can empathise...

A recent - significant - birthday, saw me deluged with rather nice bottles of single malt!

Clearly, my friends and relatives know what I like.


It tends to be good bottles of red that I get, but I can live with that .. though a nice bottle of bowmore would not go amiss either!


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