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Le martin-pêcheur

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Le martin-pêcheur last won the day on May 16

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  1. Someone has to pay for JO 2024 I suppose🤔................
  2. Wire you blaming Mrs C, its not her volt😉
  3. Me, fish, chips and mushy peas at the harbour at Looe Cornwall................many years ago😀
  4. Why Titanic?............ because the performance "went down well" Sorry couldn't resist that one!😉
  5. Don't take my word it: https://www.statista.com/statistics/547090/average-annual-first-team-player-salary-in-football-clubs-english-premier-league-uk/
  6. The joke of all this football nonsense is that.............do a quick wage comparison on Google if you like............... between footballers, brain or heart surgeons, doctors, airline pilots, air traffic controllers - the list is endless of all those people who do a lot more than kick a ball around a field, or dare I say it, whack a small green ball across a net to each other for hours on end. Of course Nike do not sponsor surgeons, pilots etc. do they?😉
  7. Menthe, I obviously don't know which laboratory does the blood tests for your husband, however, I thought it may be worth mentioning, for you and other members that Astralabs laboratory will send you the results by e-mail. Normally the same day and sent as pdf file. Our nurse gave us the option of e-mail so may be worth asking. Hope that helps.
  8. Whilst the recall for Citroën could be serious and I thank Harnser for alerting people, I couldn't resist placing this picture that could affect Renault owners 😀
  9. Talking of music...........I wish people would stop putting the words "rap" and "music" in the same phrase. IMHO rap is not music, it is not even a sound it is a noise!! Just sayin' 🙂 Many of my generation (no reference to the Who song🙂) learned to play instruments, played in bands and wrote songs with meaningful content. Not sure what is happening these days
  10. Yes, and the skill levels of snooker players are not remunerated as well as the footballers! When you look at the size of a goalmouth in relation to the size of the football - how do they miss so often and get paid millions to do so!!!! Obscene amounts of money that could be better spent elsewhere in the world. Football stopped being a sport many moons ago and became a massive money making racket..........just my opinion😉
  11. Try a quick search on ebay.fr or similar and grab a "stylus for phone". Just over a euro from China. I use one a lot as my chubby fingers were not designed for precision typing on a smartphone😉
  12. Thanks to Dave Lister and no doubt anotherbanana for persevering with the powers that be, looks like we're live again. I hope so, as this forum is too greater resource for so many contributors, past, present and future to be lost. Vive le forum!
  13. Hi, If you can receive ITV4+1 you'll be able to see the snooker. We've had to do this this afternoon as most HD channels on our system are ..........not the best, but they are free. Hope it helps
  14. Nope, I saw one bird changing his watch this morning, he must have forgotten to do it last night😀
  15. Ditto, Dave, Joined in 2003 and used to receive the magazine. Long time ago, but this forum has served us well, and hope that we have been able to help others. Vive le forum!!
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