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What Has Gone Wrong With Society?

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Now, in my defence, I rarely read the Daily Mail, however glimpsed this item this morning


How on earth could any parent subject a poor wee little babe to such heinous abuse?

Death is far too humane for these scum.

I adore small children: had a wonderful time on Sunday at a family event with great nieces and ditto in laws.

What I love so much, are the little ones naivety and ingenuous approach to almost everything, before their lovely little minds have been corrupted and even traumatised by events and certain people.


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By society, ALBF, I intended my comment to be inclusive of a majority of Western societies; not UK exclusive.

As we head towards the Christmas season, let us all remember this is a season of goodwill to all men (and of course women).

"Society (UK/France or wherever) is indeed broken."

Couldn't agree more.


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I doubt very much that 'society is broken' as in before 'it wasn't!! ' There has always been child abuse, murders, rapes etc.  nothing has particularly changed in society. The huge difference now, I believe anyway, is the coverage given by media outlets including social media. A person , literally, cannot walk down the street without almost certainly being scrutinised by a camera. Never in history has the world been so scrutinised. It started really during the Vietnam war when atrocities were being filmed; The same, if not worse, atrocities were committed by the all combatant nations during the second World War but there were no cameras. Today everyone has a camera at the ready!

 There is so much coverage and publicity given to outrages I think it inevitable that people think society is worse than before. I doubt it, we just didn't know about it!!!

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13 hours ago, Gluestick said:

I read the storey a couple of days ago and wanted to weep. People who do things like this make me wish we still had the death penalty. I can only hope that the two people involved suffer every day of their lives in prison.

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48 minutes ago, NickP said:

 People who do things like this make me wish we still had the death penalty.

Personally I feel the death sentence would be too easy a way out for these two.  If I were a UK taxpayer, I would be quite happy to see my taxes spent on incarcerating them both till the end of their natural whilst being subjected to the same treatment, daily, that they subjected the little chap to.

I also ask myself what kind of detrimental effect this trial will have had on the jurors who have had to view and listen to 9 weeks of every incident, including videos and messaging, of the events leading up to this child's eventual death.  I can't imagine anyone getting over that experience in a hurry.

RIP Jimmy.

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We have a 3 year old. We just want to build a shell around him to protect him from society. I really don't want him to go to a French school.

Back on topic....society is fÜcked up. France very much included.

Slightly off topic but relevant.

So a political discussion in my daughters class yesterday. The subject of Eric Zemmour came up.

A kid turns around to a black kid in the class and said 'if Zemmour gets in, you are going home'.

The black kid bursts into tears.

We are talking about 14 year olds here. Off the cuff joking comment maybe....or perhaps parents influence on the kid that made the comment.

This is a catholic school BTW.

Seriously, we are one fÜcked up society.

I don't know much about the UK, but I fear for France. 

Anyone moving here with kids would be mad. 








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2 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:


We need to understand why people do this !

Sociopaths and in all probability druggies too.

So sadly, supposed "Social Workers" and Social Services are now (In UK anyway) mostly a waste of space.

The furore over the Rotherham et al grooming and rape gangs has clearly demonstrated, at long, long, last, that both the police and social services were frightened to take any meaningful action as they were scared of being labelled "Racists"!


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2 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:

We have a 3 year old. We just want to build a shell around him to protect him from society. I really don't want him to go to a French school.

Back on topic....society is fÜcked up. France very much included.

Slightly off topic but relevant.

So a political discussion in my daughters class yesterday. The subject of Eric Zemmour came up.

A kid turns around to a black kid in the class and said 'if Zemmour gets in, you are going home'.

The black kid bursts into tears.

We are talking about 14 year olds here. Off the cuff joking comment maybe....or perhaps parents influence on the kid that made the comment.

This is a catholic school BTW.

Seriously, we are one fÜcked up society.

I don't know much about the UK, but I fear for France. 

Anyone moving here with kids would be mad. 







What you have described has been going on since time began, nothing new.  You want to build a shell around a 3 year old!! I doubt that that will make the child well balanced!!! As for your 14 year old and the discussion in class; Again, I was hearing (and probably saying) things like that at school 60 years ago! There is, and always has been such 'problems' in society and I don't hesitate to put most of the blame with parents. I'm absolutely convinced that todays generation of parents have the 'It's my right' and why can't I have—' attitude that is being passed on to their children.  Discipline, responsibility  and parental control, what's that!!!! It's always someone else's fault isn't it?


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Such a sad story.  I see the photos of him with his sweet smile.  Appears he had a very loving heart.  It is so hard to imagine anyone being so cruel.  As for the social services; it appears they are a waste of time.  Shameful all the way around.



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2 hours ago, NickP said:

 Quote from the BBC.com "But two months before Arthur died from a head injury, Solihull Council workers concluded he was living in a "happy household".

Putting aside the inadequacies of the social care the child was not afforded, it probably was deemed to be a "happy household" by them.  Unfortunately and catastrophically, this happiness was not extend or intended to include the poor victim!

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7 hours ago, alittlebitfrench said:


We need to understand why people do this !

Two things spring to mind. Inadequate or just sheer bad parenting and the mental derangement of the perpetrator  of such crimes.

It was reported the stepmother had twice previously attempted to take her own life by hurling herself from buildings including a multi storey car park which resulted in 6 months hospitalization. 

That would seem to tick one of the above boxes.

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1 hour ago, anotherbanana said:

Which damns social services even more, surely?

It is necessary to understand what sort of person becomes a social worker.  Quite obviously they are not high flying lawyers or Brain surgeons. They are more likely to be easily duped well meaning people that a child could twist around their little finger. People who work in this field, including people like probation officers are riding a white horse. They think that most parents of abused kids are victims themselves and therefore are given leeway when it come to deciding if they are bad parents. Social workers, probation officers, parol board members they are , more or less from the same mould. It is astounding how these people are selected for such important work. Many have an excellent education and mean well but there is something in their character that simply cannot see evil when it stares them in the face. The selection process is quite obviously poor but then again I doubt there is a huge pool to be selected from.  Social work is the bottom of the ladder and the people who work in it are from that bottom rung too. It won' t change I'm afraid. It has been the same from my childhood in the east end; a very long time ago!!

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12 hours ago, Ken said:

It is necessary to understand what sort of person becomes a social worker.  Quite obviously they are not high flying lawyers or Brain surgeons. They are more likely to be easily duped well meaning people that a child could twist around their little finger. People who work in this field, including people like probation officers are riding a white horse. They think that most parents of abused kids are victims themselves and therefore are given leeway when it come to deciding if they are bad parents. Social workers, probation officers, parol board members they are , more or less from the same mould. It is astounding how these people are selected for such important work. Many have an excellent education and mean well but there is something in their character that simply cannot see evil when it stares them in the face. The selection process is quite obviously poor but then again I doubt there is a huge pool to be selected from.  Social work is the bottom of the ladder and the people who work in it are from that bottom rung too. It won' t change I'm afraid. It has been the same from my childhood in the east end; a very long time ago!!

Sadly, I have to agree with the above.

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16 hours ago, Ken said:

It is necessary to understand what sort of person becomes a social worker.  Quite obviously they are not high flying lawyers or Brain surgeons. They are more likely to be easily duped well meaning people that a child could twist around their little finger. People who work in this field, including people like probation officers are riding a white horse. They think that most parents of abused kids are victims themselves and therefore are given leeway when it come to deciding if they are bad parents. Social workers, probation officers, parol board members they are , more or less from the same mould. It is astounding how these people are selected for such important work. Many have an excellent education and mean well but there is something in their character that simply cannot see evil when it stares them in the face. The selection process is quite obviously poor but then again I doubt there is a huge pool to be selected from.  Social work is the bottom of the ladder and the people who work in it are from that bottom rung too. It won' t change I'm afraid. It has been the same from my childhood in the east end; a very long time ago!!

Ken; my own experience of social workers is that all too often, they are Lefty Liberal Do-Gooder types who read Sociology at a pretend university and early on decided such moronic conclusions that criminals only become so because they suffered a deprived childhood.

The genus social worker, believe in apologism: i.e. "It's not his/her fault because he/she was drunk, under the influence of illegal drugs etc at the time of the offence and so on.

Now if they had have read Psychology instead of the mainly nonsense of Lefty Sociology, then perhaps they would recognise any society throws up Sociopaths, Psychopaths and etc.

A most interesting book to read is titled Mind Change, written by Baroness Susan Greenfield; who is one of the World's foremost authorities on how the brain works: she is a Neural Scientist not a doctor.

Her inescapable conclusions are that constant exposure to mass media, the Internet etc have re-wired the neural pathways and explain how and why younger people suffer increasing incidence of behavioural problems.

The dire and growing problems associated with proscribed drugs (Skunk in particular) are clearly yet a further root cause.


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