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Re: Favourite quotations...


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"A bad liver is to a Frenchman what a nervous breakdown is to an American. Everyone has had one and everyone wants to talk about it."

Art Buchwald

He used to brighten up my day in the office back in the seventies with his column on the back page of the International Herald Tribune, he could be so funny.  I just saw he died last year.

“Everyone seems to think that yesterday was better than today. I don’t think it was and I would advise you not to wait ten years before admitting today was great. If you’re hung up on nostalgia, pretend today is yesterday and just go out and have one hell of a time.”

Art Buchwald's Eightieth Birthday Party


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I went to view a Siamese cat for sale in Anascaul last week, and Mrs Lynch (the seller of the Siamese cats) was showing me her photos of previous cats she had sold over the last few years when her husband stormed in and said "would you lend me 50 euros you owl whore" I politely replied "I need me few quid to buy the cat off of your woman"  He then asked his wife, well she pulled up her dress and said "would you ever kiss that for an hour" The lad was raging and stormed out of the house cursing like a banshee. I wonder why they just can't say "no" instead of these terrible vulgar sayings?

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The last words of Brillat-Savarin's aunt Pierrette who, after a long life devoted to the pleasures of the table, exclaimed:

I think that I am dying - bring in the dessert immediately!

must surely be among the greats. 

And the addendum of B-S's brother:

… but she took coffee in another world.

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[quote user="Gengulphus"]I think that I am dying - bring in the dessert immediately![/quote]


[quote user="FurryKnickers "] ...I wonder why they just can't say "no" instead of these terrible vulgar sayings? [/quote]

"Let them call me Rebel, and welcome; I feel no concern from it. For I should suffer the misery of devils, where I to make an owl whore of my soul".   

Apologies to Thomas Paine.[:)]


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"An after-dinner speech should be like a lady's dress -
long enough to cover the subject and short enough to be interesting.".
                                                                                                        - Rab Butler (1951–1955)

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"I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend.... if you have one." -- George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill
"Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second... if there is one." -- Winston Churchill

He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire." -- Winston Churchill "

A modest little person, with much to be modest about." -- Winston Churchill

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