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Boring or annoying topics - what do you do?


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 There are plenty of topics that do not interest me, bore me rigid, annoy me even - some topics or questions return periodically, for some reason or other.
I just ignore them - it is very easy.

Shame mods do not have that luxury.[Www]

When old threads are resurrected all the past contributers get emails alerting them, and off we go again...... so even if you were tired of a topic, a few months down the line ones curiosity may be peaked......after all its just possibly that something new might have occured - or not ...

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[quote user="Swissie"]There are plenty of topics that do not interest me, bore me rigid, annoy me even - some topics or questions return periodically, for some reason or other.
I just ignore them - it is very easy.


Oh the irony! It's obviously not that easy for you at all.

Funny how YOU restarted a VERY old thread, one that you knew would kick off yet again. I wonder why you did that, but hey, you have all the answers!

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[quote user="ebaynut"]

[quote user="Bugsy"]Where can I find an english-speaking doctor ?[/quote]

When you find one, please let me know. [geek][/quote]

And me... [:)] And only a lady one... [:D]

Do doctors still have to learn Latin?

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"I am thinking of moving to France once I have sold my house in Burnley.  I can't wait.  I am so excited about handing in my notice.  The thing is that I know nothing about France and I don't speak French but I did watch 'Houses in the Sun' two years ago. Where shall I live in France - any recommendations?"

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Dear Cathy - as you've seen 'Houses in the Sun' you should be fine. France is France innit! As for healthcare, don't worry - just register at your parents address and jump on Ryanair in an emergency. Dutch or German might be helpful if you need a vet. Easy.

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[quote user="Swissie"]Jayjay - I said I ignore topics that bore or annoy me. I replied to a question from a member - it would have been so simple to ignore this and just let it go away. Simple.

A "Question" from 2006?????

Some leadtime!

Now here's the OP's post:

[quote user="WendyG"]

Not sure if this is in right topic.

Does anyone know of a Masonic Lodge in the vicinity of Chinon/Saumur?  My friend, who is a Mason,  has been down to lodge meetings in Perpignan/Carcasonne but obviously this is a very long way.  We have been unable to ascertain whether there are any lodges nearer.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.



Posted 18-11-2006


And here's you "Answering" the question, Swissie.

[quote user="Swissie"]Wendy if you are interested in FM in France, you could read Sophie Coignard 'un Etat dans l'Etat' published last year. She says that 22% of Masons are currently women.

Posted 07-04-2010

 And, as a point of accuracy, the book you quoted is an attack on Freemasonry: hardly an honest or constructive response to the OP's honest request for information, now is it?



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[quote user="Gluestick"]

[quote user="Swissie"]Jayjay - I said I ignore topics that bore or annoy me. I replied to a question from a member - it would have been so simple to ignore this and just let it go away. Simple.

A "Question" from 2006?????

Some leadtime!

Now here's the OP's post:

[quote user="WendyG"]

Not sure if this is in right topic.

Does anyone know of a Masonic Lodge in the vicinity of Chinon/Saumur?  My friend, who is a Mason,  has been down to lodge meetings in Perpignan/Carcasonne but obviously this is a very long way.  We have been unable to ascertain whether there are any lodges nearer.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.



Posted 18-11-2006


And here's you "Answering" the question, Swissie.

[quote user="Swissie"]Wendy if you are interested in FM in France, you could read Sophie Coignard 'un Etat dans l'Etat' published last year. She says that 22% of Masons are currently women.

Posted 07-04-2010

 And, as a point of accuracy, the book you quoted is an attack on Freemasonry: hardly an honest or constructive response to the OP's honest request for information, now is it?





Gluey topics move on we cannot be stuck in the past whether imagined or not.

You are starting to make posts like Q - he even manages to find quotes that have been deleted!

There are still questions I brought up that you cannot answer.

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