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All in all I'm sure it's a good decision.   I'm probably also going to be able to go out for the day tomorrow so won't be tied to the hospital which makes it better.  The silly bit is that they would have been happy for my gp to monitor me but....

she's on holiday.[:-))]

Now all I have to figure out is how to top up the Orange Dongle..  The phone numbers are unavailable, it can't send me an SMS with a password because I don't have an onnline account and they need to send me an SMS with the password to I can open one and I don't have an Orange phone so they can't send me an SMS to open an account......[:-))][:-))][:-))]

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[quote user="NormanH"][quote user="cooperlola"]

[quote user="NormanH"]
Get well soon so I can disagree with you again[:P]


It's a no.  So I'm stuck here until Friday when we start all over again.[:-))]

Sorry about that.  I had that experience several times, which is why I ended up spending so long away.
Still best to be there where they can look after you when you need it...and you do have access to us [kiss]
[/quote]Hmm.  I'm beginning to learn all about the mirage of a return home, Norman.


I spent a lovely day at home yesterday "en permission."  Very quiet and relaxed - catching up on the first half of the Goodwood Festival which I'd recorded, cuddling the cats and sharing cancer stories with my neighbour (we're beginning to speculate about a cluster as four of the women in the closest houses to us have one form or another.

Mr C delivered me at the due time, so I sat down to await the arrival of dinner.  Just as the nurse tapped on my door to bring in the blood pressure monitor, I was quite convinced I'd had a little "accident" - something I'm not really prone to but given what's gone on down there...

So I stood up to go to the loo, whereupon the nurse said: "It's blood."

A couple of pints (well, nearly an armful anyway) and an hour or so later when all attempts to stop the flow had failed, I was rushed down to theatre for an emergency op'.  Because I'd had a cuppa and some bikkies before leaving, this was done with a spinal block so I had the very bizarre experience of being awake whilst they re-did what turned out to be a dislodged scab on the internal scars.  The upsides : I was able - at the doc's suggestion - to take my MP3 player into theatre and listen to music whilst they worked and also, no funny after effects on the digestive system and very little in the tube department post-op except for the drip and the drain.  The downside :Yet another couple of days before any release is likely.

Thank goodness we'd got back to the hospital when it happened, though.  But will life ever be normal again?  I guess probably not, eh, Norman?

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Just as well you take these things in such good heart, Coops.  As you say, it was fortunate that you were already in the hospital.  Meanwhile, I, as so many others on here, will think of you and Mr Coops and send all positive vibes in your direction.

Take care, Coops.  Get well soon.[kiss]

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That sort of thing is why they keep you in...

I had a dreadful time with a stoma bag which kept on coming unstuck. I joked about the 'caca' strophe, but was glad there was someone there who cared enough to phone the manufacturer and get the rep in to solve the problem.

Nothing like as serious as yours, but it shows that you need to allow time for everything to sort itself out.

For me things are more back to normal than I dared hope, as I get about on my rollator to places in the town I haven't been for ages, so sometimes things are actually better than before[:)]

Go back in for phase 3 in September so am enjoying the restaurants while I can.

Keep fighting, and look at the thread on Hospital vocab when you are strong enough and bored enough.

I'm sure you will have loads to add

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I just can't believe what you're going through Coops!  Can't believe you're already back posting after that and that you were listening to music all through it, how brave you are.  As you say, how lucky you were back at the hospital though.

I really sincerely hope things will get better now, even if it takes some time.   [kiss]


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Norman, is your rollator the souped up version?

Excuse me, Coops, for butting in but I'd just read your post on the "car" thread!

Chin up, old girl.....try not to fret if they do keep you in for a few more days.

In the distant past, when there wasn't the need to free up hospital beds, they kept patients in for much longer because the thinking was that if there were going to be any little glitches, they tended to occur within the first TEN days of an op.

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I may seem sanguine (note the careful vocab' choice here) about some of this, but the staff here could tell you  a thing or two.  Oh, and they have learnt a lot of foul English words.

Just had the last of my staples taken out.  Far worse than last night's op'.  Bring on the anaesthetics.

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Coops, you're going through such a lot - I must say, the picture of you relaxibg with your MP3 player in the theatre was lovely! Maybe your Kindle could have read to you instead!  [:D]

Hope your stay is over soon with these few extra days added on for bad behaviour - bad language, anyway!  [:D]

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Deb is looking a bit wan, but eating as well as recently. Sadly her 3G dongle credit has now expired, and of course until the dongle is registered with a piece of identity, she can't renew it. French silly paranoia knows no limits, does it? I will try something in Auchan tomorrow. Still no word on the biopsy or any form of prognosis.

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[quote user="cooperlola2"]Deb is looking a bit wan, but eating as well as recently. Sadly her 3G dongle credit has now expired, and of course until the dongle is registered with a piece of identity, she can't renew it. French silly paranoia knows no limits, does it? I will try something in Auchan tomorrow. Still no word on the biopsy or any form of prognosis.[/quote]

This can take 3-5 weeks ( I have just spent a couple of months with several people all waiting for post-op biopsy results) , so don't panic

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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="Catalpa"]Bloody hell, Deb. [blink]

Indeed.... [blink]
[/quote]Yes, it was!


Just to let you know that I have just got home.  The biggest problem now is discouraging half a ton of orange cat from sitting on my knee whilst I type this.[:-))]

Digits crossed I'll be back here for a while barring follow-up treatments.

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