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Any News of Pachapapa


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[quote user="Chancer"]

PPP certainly was pleased to have helped SW17 and myself.[/quote]

WOW, so he helped two people and manages to get himself banned from here and at least two other French related fora!

There's just no justice in the world!!!!!!

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

What happened to Dog and Weedon, not to mention dear Furryknickers?


Dog is no longer a member of the forum, as to the other two their accounts are still active but they have not posted since the middle of last year.

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Some people don't need to complain and can fend for themselves but others can't, that's life and that's why there is a report button. Sometimes, as moderators, we will make a note and do nothing because we feel it is a minor 'offence' other times, especially when somebody made some racist comments for example, we get a load of complaints and of course it can end in the poster being banned, the posts removed or edited.

The main reason, well for us anyway, the report button is there is because as you know we are volunteers and don't sit reading all the forum posts 24/7 so we do rely on users to bring things to our attention. I would say that over 90% of the posts that are reported are actually adverts. Using the report button should not be seen as being sneaky, underhand, telling tales or a form of admission that you can't handle the problem yourself, it is there to bring a post to our attention that you may feel will upset other members of the forum. It's only when it gets in to a 'mud slinging' match or has drifted away from the original post do we step in. What we sometimes forget (and I include myself) is that we have many members who very seldom post but use the forum as a point of reference and they don't want to have to go through loads of posts that have nothing to do with what they are looking for just to find the bit they need. That's the reason we introduced this section of the forum.

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Selfishly, perhaps, I don't really care too much about the readers. There are many people on this forum who post for their own pleasure, but more generally their contributions make the forum what it is: without posters the forum simply wouldn't exist.

 Of course, everyone starts as a lurker. Some go on to join and contribute, some remain as lurkers, some join but contribute very rarely. However, in the end, it IS the regular contributors that allow the forum to continue, because without them the rest would have nothing to look for.

There are people who post here and who, knowingly or unknowingly, have provided me with a great deal of useful information, and I've watched over the years as they've done the same, tirelessly and politely, for many others, seen and unseen.

That said, I can appreciate that in certain instances you can only give someone so much rope....

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[quote user="NormanH"]
Surely what offends one person may amuse another.


Quite So Normy,

[quote user="NormanH"]
I suffer more than most from insults because of my views which tend to be different from those of many posters, but I never take offence.  [/quote]

Not too paranoid then[:)]

[quote user="NormanH"]
 In fact am often amused by the feebleness of the efforts.[:)]


Damned with faint praise . . .


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The original reason I posted the question was that last year when I was incommunicado for a considerable time in Hospital a friend told me that someone (Chancer perhaps?) had been asking after me on the Forum.

That bucked me up no end [:)]

I was not intending to raise questions about moderation, although given the facts it is clear why that has become part of the thread

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Yes it was I but I was not the only one Norman, I was a little concerned in the same way about PPP but knew that he was very well known in his locality, hanging banderolles from your facade has that effect! and that he has 2 daughters who keep in close contact.

The absence of a poster is a bit like seeing milk build up on a doorstep, or the publicité here in France so I think it is neighbourly to enquire when it happens, in your case I was aware of your health problems so was more than a little concerned.

There was a case recently where the decomposed body of a retired and i think widowed British guy was discovered in his French home after IIRC close to a year, I know that were something to happen to me it would be the same and the same excuses would be trotted out by those who pass my door every day and to whom I have been saying bonjour to for 7 years but never managed to get any further than that.

Betty I think made some comment about an ex posters final comment, I didnt see it if it was PPP's but whoever it was it sounds like they knew what the consequences would be.

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[quote user="NormanH"]
Surely what offends one person may amuse another.

[/quote]True.  I'm sure that bullies think they are hilarious, as do those who stand around in the playground egging them on.  However, I don't reckon that makes the bullying behaviour any less offensive to those on the receiving end. 


I am very glad that PPP has not gone due to some personal tragedy - I would not wish that on anybody. 

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[quote user="basquesteve"]It appears the mods are jumping on me I cannot correct a spelling mistake[/quote]

I have checked your account and the history of these two posts and everything is as it should be. We do not have the option to turn off the edit button for individual users, perhaps it is your browser that is causing a problem.

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And my missing post on this thread?  I did reply to a post by RH and my post should have popped in on page 5

just below Cooperlola's. Why didn't it post?.... it  is the only post of mine that has not posted in a very

 long time,  and is why I have not posted any further comments.



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Idun, no-one has deleted a post of yours.

When a post is deleted the poster is automatically informed.

Basqusteve, what would be the point of the mods stopping you correcting your spelling mistake ?

It can be a bit disheartening when people suspect you are behaving badly all the time.

Yours sincerely,

Dismayed of North-West Leicestershire.
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