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Complete France Forum

Use of Real name rather then Pseudo


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Something similar happened to me on another forum where a not so neutral moderator decided to "out" me [:(]


I agree that its probably a glitch but given the diligence shown on forum upgrades dont be surprised if the wrong button is hit and we are all outed!!

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This is nothing to do with the other person's question, although it is related.

Why are people worried about using their real identity, surely if you believe what you are posting is true and is not legally wrong why the mystery? It just might; if it was required by forums, stop a lot of the wannabe wind up merchants posting their stupid comments, but I think that is too much to hope for.

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In these sort of situations, forums etc and non financial sites, I never use my real name anyway but that of a kid I sat next to in elementary school.

The reason I do this is for total anonymity for if my real name was uncovered, and we all know how people react to a known name,I am concerned as to what steps I would have to take for me to deal with all the begging letters.

Having discussed this scenario with my wife I have decided to keep sending them.

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If this is not resolved very quickly call them. Would the Data Protection Act be involved in some way too??????

Archant Specialist Ltd

Cumberland House

3 Oriel Road


GL50 1BB

Telephone: 01242 216050
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[quote user="NickP"][quote user="AnOther"]So NickP is your given name then is it ?

[/quote] Yes first bit is my name and the last letter is the start of my surname, is there a problem with that, another.?[/quote]Only that it's not your real name which you're chastising others for not using [;-)]

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I had trouble many years ago on a car forum where I used my real name. This culminated with a man on my doorstep with a knife, and he wasnt there to cut the ribbons on my birthday present.

So, IMO its best to keep things anonymous.

On the other hand, people are willing post every tiny detail of their tedious lives on facebook for the world to see, and willingly have devices in their homes that make George Orwells two-way televisions seem primitive, so maybe dont worry?

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[quote user="AnOther"][quote user="NickP"][quote user="AnOther"]So NickP is your given name then is it ?

[/quote] Yes first bit is my name and the last letter is the start of my surname, is there a problem with that, another.?[/quote]Only that it's not your real name which you're chastising others for not using [;-)]


Don't be silly your clutching at straws to try to be clever, I'm not chastising anybody I just stated that I didn't understand why people are afraid to use the real names, Ernie.
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<BLOCKQUOTE><table width="85%"><tr><td




class="quoteTable"><table width="100%"><tr><td

width="100%" valign="top" class="txt4">So NickP is your given name

then is it


OK ALBF, or is that ALBOF now?? What the hell is all this Bollockquote business? The same for numerous other Bollockquotes?

Perhaps the P is silent like the P in swimming, but P or Y, Y P [8-)]

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What is wrong, well, as I have mentioned on numerous occasions, when I joined this board A LOT of members (not all) thought I was a troll, I was viciously attacked, because I made comments that were about life in France, without rose coloured specs.

I had been in France for almost 20 years then,and disliked the nonsense being spewed out. And for my acts of heresy one poster, posted my name, address and phone number, no idea how he got this information. That people didn't like what I was saying and arguing with me on a board is one thing...that they knew where I lived and could call me, or come to my home was quite another.

When my details were posted, I called Archant the next day, the post removed and I got an apology from the nincompoop who had posted it.

His logic was as follows:

I obviously knew nothing about France if I posted things that showed France in a bad light, basically about things that were not 'good' about France. And also with such ideas, couldn't possibly live in France either.....which is even weirder still, when he posted my french address and french phone number.

SO, yes, value your anonymity. And the Facebook stuff... just plain weird how folks live.
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ALBF, if I were in that situation I wouldn't care at all.

In fact I wouldn't give a fork  [:-))]

In fact, that reminds me of a situation with a VC10 flying to Singapore from Brize Norton when I was stationed there. It was after a 'flag stop' at the R.A.F's own holiday camp in the sun, Gan!

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Right you take the mick ALBF......... it is very frightening just to think that someone could come to my home or even call me......... and  I was often at home alone too. And the fear persists for quite some time, in my case, at least........... how would your wife feel ALBF...... if she was in the same situation??????????

..........you just don't know what nutters who do such things will do. Because you have to be deranged to go to someone's home in the first place. In fact I felt like I was dealing with a lunatic when they posted all my details....... and sadly this person was not the only one who was angry with me......

......... heresy on here back then, to say anything bad about France.......... only it was never bad, just honest, posts that were realistic, because France is just a country and there is good, bad, and just life........as far as I am concerned, that makes France, France and nothing exceptional........ it is how one lives one's life that makes anywhere exceptional.

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[quote user="AnOther"][quote user="NickP"]I just stated that I didn't understand why people are afraid to use the real names, Ernie.[/quote]Perhaps for the same reason you've chosen not to ?

Do make your mind up [:P]


If you're going to quote me please have the courtesy to use my whole comment, not your edited version to try to make yourself look clever.
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In light of recent events and weapons used in the London attacks, I find albf's comments offensive in the extreme. I would like a moderator to poke his head above the parapet and explain to me why you allow such puerile comments to stand on a forum that is supposed to promote living in France. I'm sure the magazine publishers wouldn't feel that such comments are in keeping with their approach to gaining advertising for the publication.
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