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Mad Mad UK


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[quote user="Marton"]....."That means that in the UK, there are people of 13 different nationalities"      which kind of takes us back to the original title of this thread MadMad UK and my statement that the island is too small to take them all.       I will now continue the care and concern for that relative in hospital after the mugging.[/quote]

But Marton, what you seem to not appreciate is that mugging could have happened anywhere. I don't know many people who have been mugged, 3 in fact, one in London and two in Venice !

A few weeks ago our decorator (in the UK) had to have a few days off as his brother in law had been murdered, the BIL was French and lived in Bordeaux......

At least your relative is being treated free of charge, no one asked if they had insurance before hospitalization and whats more my bet is that some of the nurses and doctors make up the number of immigrants you complain about.

I wish them a speedy recovery.


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[quote user="Panda "]


[quote user="You can call me Betty"]Maybe this is more your style, eh Panda?http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/974805/ShowPost.aspx[/quote]

[quote user="Panda "]


You can call me dim, if I can call you Betty but ummm nooooo, I like a good row, anyone fancy a quicky?


Still sat here thinking Huh?



Sorry, bad joke. Just felt that there might be other places with equally good headbanging opportunities...but I do fancy a quickie![;-)]

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[quote user="oakbri"]


Excuse my ignorance but you imply that illegal immigrants receive nothing, how do they survive? I can't imagine lasting more than a couple of days in the UK with no money or accommodation.

I know the media lie, but all the people you see massing in Calias, what are they coming for if they will receive nothing? Have they been misinformed? It was probably the British press.



Try browing the links in the BBC website on some of these topics and you'll find some real horror stories. The sweatshops of Britain (and they DO exist) are filled with illegal immigrants who can't afford to complain.  Remember the cockle-pickers who drowned in Morecambe Bay?  They were illegal immigrants ruled by totally unscrupulous gang-masters. There is always work to be had, though often at derisory rates, and if you're desperate enough you will work for almost nothing....

For women (and for increasing numbers of young men) there is of course always prostitution....[:(]

As for accommodation, they sleep rough or on the floors of others who have managed to find accommodation, or they get accommodation of a sort along with their virtually bonded labour.

I agree that many of them are probably misinformed, but when your own country can offer you little or no hope, people will try elsewhere.

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[quote user="Cat"]Feel free to use mine...[/quote]

You put me to shame Cat. The Great British traditions of 'fair play' and 'offering a helping hand to those in need' are alive and well.[:)]

And yes, of course we can double up on my wall Panda.

Poor Coops keboard must be absolutely trashed by now.[;-)]

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[quote user="Tresco"][quote user="Cat"]Feel free to use mine...[/quote]

You put me to shame Cat. The Great British traditions of 'fair play' and 'offering a helping hand to those in need' are alive and well.[:)]

And yes, of course we can double up on my wall Panda.

Poor Coops keboard must be absolutely trashed by now.[;-)]
[/quote]"Smithereens" (sp?) sums it up nicely, Tresc.
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[quote user="Tresco"][quote user="Cat"]Feel free to use mine...[/quote]

The Great British traditions of 'fair play' and 'offering a helping hand to those in need' are alive and well.[:)]


Unless someone, somewhere has "statistics" showing otherwise [Www]


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[quote user="KathyF"][quote user="oakbri"]


Excuse my ignorance but you imply that illegal immigrants receive nothing, how do they survive? I can't imagine lasting more than a couple of days in the UK with no money or accommodation.

I know the media lie, but all the people you see massing in Calias, what are they coming for if they will receive nothing? Have they been misinformed? It was probably the British press.



Try browing the links in the BBC website on some of these topics and you'll find some real horror stories. The sweatshops of Britain (and they DO exist) are filled with illegal immigrants who can't afford to complain.  Remember the cockle-pickers who drowned in Morecambe Bay?  They were illegal immigrants ruled by totally unscrupulous gang-masters. There is always work to be had, though often at derisory rates, and if you're desperate enough you will work for almost nothing....

For women (and for increasing numbers of young men) there is of course always prostitution....[:(]

As for accommodation, they sleep rough or on the floors of others who have managed to find accommodation, or they get accommodation of a sort along with their virtually bonded labour.

I agree that many of them are probably misinformed, but when your own country can offer you little or no hope, people will try elsewhere.



I only hope the government are doing everything to catch and imprison the owners of the sweatshops and deport the people in them. I haven't read anything about it, but it probably wouldn't be newsworthy

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[quote user="Panda "]

[quote user="Marton"]....."That means that in the UK, there are people of 13 different nationalities"      which kind of takes us back to the original title of this thread MadMad UK and my statement that the island is too small to take them all.       I will now continue the care and concern for that relative in hospital after the mugging.[/quote]


There were 12 different nationalities in my class at Uni here in France (shock [blink]) and it made for lots of interesting debates...

Now where are we with that wall Benjamin?



17 different nationalities in my French Ecole Superieure - and only 88 students!!!


and, as a little aside.......one of my students here in the UK came to college last year with 25 stitches in his face, his arm in a sling and having spent 2 days in hospital. He'd been beaten up and left unconscious by a load of yobs in a pub. Unfortunately for those seeking to blame Britain's migrant population, the student was Polish and the yobs were Brits, and it appeared that the crime for which he was being beaten up was being Polish. It's a funny old world, eh?

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"] ...Unfortunately for those seeking to blame Britain's migrant population, the student was Polish and the yobs were Brits, and it appeared that the crime for which he was being beaten up was being Polish. It's a funny old world, eh?[/quote]


'He kicks me and bellows: "This is it, right? You've got two weeks to

get them f*****g Polish out the house or I'm gonna burn it down! Get

it?" As I stand there bleeding, he points at me and says, "You're not

bleeding" and launches into a tirade about how "these Polish" are

"coming here and taking over". Turning to go, he points back at me and

says, "I'm serious about them Polish - get them out!"


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[quote user="Russethouse"]

[quote user="Marton"]....."That means that in the UK, there are people of 13 different nationalities"      which kind of takes us back to the original title of this thread MadMad UK and my statement that the island is too small to take them all.       I will now continue the care and concern for that relative in hospital after the mugging.[/quote]

But Marton, what you seem to not appreciate is that mugging could have happened anywhere. I don't know many people who have been mugged, 3 in fact, one in London and two in Venice !

A few weeks ago our decorator (in the UK) had to have a few days off as his brother in law had been murdered, the BIL was French and lived in Bordeaux......

At least your relative is being treated free of charge, no one asked if they had insurance before hospitalization and whats more my bet is that some of the nurses and doctors make up the number of immigrants you complain about.

I wish them a speedy recovery.



Thanks for your sentiments.   Free in the sense he did'nt have to be asked about insurance, but has paid N I for quite some time.   Yes the mugging could have happened anywhere but that does'nt discount the fact it was 50 yards from his door, and his Christmas and New Year celebrations were spent in intensive care and now he could be brain-damaged, it also does'nt discount the fact that his self-employment could be down the pan.  It also does'nt help to know the holders of the iron bars had just been released from prison serving a mere 7 weeks for another offence.    Yob culture to blame, I want what you have and I will get it anyway I can, whether I take your life or not.  

I am sorry to read the news of your decorator's relative.

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[quote user="Tresco"]

[quote user="You can call me Betty"] ...Unfortunately for those seeking to blame Britain's migrant population, the student was Polish and the yobs were Brits, and it appeared that the crime for which he was being beaten up was being Polish. It's a funny old world, eh?[/quote]


'He kicks me and bellows: "This is it, right? You've got two weeks to

get them f*****g Polish out the house or I'm gonna burn it down! Get

it?" As I stand there bleeding, he points at me and says, "You're not

bleeding" and launches into a tirade about how "these Polish" are

"coming here and taking over". Turning to go, he points back at me and

says, "I'm serious about them Polish - get them out!"



Jesus tresco, how did you get the F word past the Naughty Word Police? I can never do it [:D]

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[quote user="oakbri"]

I only hope the government are doing everything to catch and imprison the owners of the sweatshops and deport the people in them. I haven't read anything about it, but it probably wouldn't be newsworthy



Just google "gangmasters" oakbri. Believe me, it's newsworthy.

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[quote user="raindog"]

Jesus tresco, how did you get the F word past the Naughty Word Police? I can never do it [:D]


Ooops, sorry. [:$]

Not for the first time I thought it would get asterixed out. Never trust the swear-word software.[;-)]

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The story linked above is horrendous, as I said before yob culture. Those morons probably hear the same media reports we all do regarding immigration and have an instant target. I still believe as well as poor press the government must take some blame.

Two years ago I was living in Italy and took my son along to enrol in a primary school. As we filled in the forms a muslim man arrived. He started to ask for the forms and said something along the lines of " yes my daughter can come here but you must take that down" and pointed to a crucifix hanging in the hallway. Luckily common sense prevailed and he was quickly and quite unpolitely shown the door. He obviously didn't know Italy is a predominately catholic country. But if it happened in the UK what would have happened, remember this is the same country where the schools were falling over themselves to ban the nativity this christmas, I think I know the answer. Then the press would hear about it, report it and hey presto the thugs again think they have a legitimate target.

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[quote user="oakbri"]

But if it happened in the UK what would have happened, remember this is the same country where the schools were falling over themselves to ban the nativity this christmas, I think I know the answer. Then the press would hear about it, report it and hey presto the thugs again think they have a legitimate target.


OMG I think my head is about to explode. No one, no school, no Government Policy, has sought to BAN Nativity Plays.

Some Heads have decided to do different things. That is all they have done. How does that translate into people even thinking they have a 'legitimate target?

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[quote user="Tresco"]
OMG I think my head is about to explode.


Forum would look very untidy with disintegrating bits of blue fluff all over the place.

Sorry off topic, just trying to help the headbangers, who deserve commiseration, and in many cases, a medal.

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Can I just ask a question again that I asked so many pages ago that I've subsequently started to lose the will to live?

Among the huge number of righteously indignant people on this thread protesting in the strongest possible terms about the erosion of British society evidenced by the lack of school nativity plays, how many of you are in fact practising Christians and regular churchgoers? Because unless it actually means enough to you to actually maintain it, then regrettably you've only got yourselves to blame when it disappears. The Government doesn't make you go to church, or prevent you from doing so. It's a matter for you, your conscience and your personal choice. If you want to defend your right to a set of traditions based on traditional Christian values, then what about the other 364 days a year when you could be upholding them?


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[quote user="Bugbear"]

I've lost count of how many times this subject has come up. It always ends up a slanging match with the pro 'this' and anti 'that' brigades. Jump in to mediate or add your little bit and you'll immediately get put in one camp or another.

At the end of the day does it really matter, surely it's all about how an individual sees a particular situation. Thats not to say that those who see either places as nirvana or the depths of hell are wrong, it's just that particular individuals perception.

It is a fact that both countries have good points and bad. (also true, sur la monde)

It's also a fact that individuals have moved from one to the other for many different reasons.

It is also a fact that in the great scheme of things, as long as the individuals are healthy, happy and can pay the bills, none of this other stuff is really important.

Lighten up guys and gals, smoke if you've got 'em (but outside please [:)]), and enjoy what you have.


the eternal optimist...................................[;-)]

No more, I just give...................and people wonder how wars get started





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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]

Can I just ask a question again that I asked so many pages ago that I've subsequently started to lose the will to live?

Among the huge number of righteously indignant people on this thread protesting in the strongest possible terms about the erosion of British society evidenced by the lack of school nativity plays, how many of you are in fact practising Christians and regular churchgoers? Because unless it actually means enough to you to actually maintain it, then regrettably you've only got yourselves to blame when it disappears. The Government doesn't make you go to church, or prevent you from doing so. It's a matter for you, your conscience and your personal choice. If you want to defend your right to a set of traditions based on traditional Christian values, then what about the other 364 days a year when you could be upholding them?



Sorry Betty I didn't know I had to be a churchgoer to celebrate Christmas. I think I am going to get a wall, it seems to be the thing to do when someone disagrees with you. Does anyone know a forum where adults can debate a subject, no matter how different their take on it is to your own, without getting into a huff.

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