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DSK, can we believe this?

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[quote user="Lori"]slate.fr has named the alleged victim. [/quote]

They had an article online earlier this week: http://www.slate.fr/story/38311/nafissatou-diallo-dsk-portait-guinee

Also, DSK's friends are putting her in their "ligne de mire" (taking aim).

Her lawyer said she had no idea who he was until the day after the alleged assault.

It has been said by a group of DSK's friends that contrary to that assertion, they have found out that that morning, the staff had been given a briefing and a list of guests for each floor they were working on, showing a photograph of each guest next to the suite number. Therefore, she had to know who he was.

I think that's presuming he is an important or famous person in the eyes of a chambermaid, beyond his being a hotel guest.

She might have known his name and seen his picture on a list next to a suite number, but that does not mean she knew who he is.

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Yes, that difference between 'not guilty' and 'innocent'. 

I thought that the Grand Jury was sitting tomorrow? I can't keep up with this.


I did see a former french justice minister on tv saying that he was known as a libertin.

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[quote user="idun"]I thought that the Grand Jury was sitting tomorrow?[/quote]

The Grand Jury started examining the case yesterday, when they heard the alleged victim and the prosecutor.

From the elements presented during that audience, the Grand Jury decided there was a case to answer.

I am watching the court session on http://www.itele.fr/direct.

It's quite difficult to hear the original US dialogue as it's being translated into French as they speak.

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

From tomorrow , he's going to stay in a flat , with his wife, in Manhattan ( flat rented by her.)

He'll be filmed in that flat, and will have an armed guard on his doorstep.


Mmmm Not the daughters flat ...the daughter he first put up as his alibi . Speaks volumes

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Did anyone else watch the "debate" on channel 2? It seemed to me to be an uncontrolled shouting match and the woman journalist from the Guardian (or Gwardian as they called it) couldn't get a word in edgewise.

I do find it extraordinary that in all this talk of privacy laws the French press have apparently published the alleged victim's name and address.
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[quote user="EmilyA"]I do find it extraordinary that in all this talk of privacy laws the French press have apparently published the alleged victim's name and address.[/quote]

I'm not. She's not French or in France. [:)]

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[quote user="Clair"]Good article from Reuters: Special report: The two faces of DSK[/quote]

Yes that was a good article Clair.

I hear that Christine Lagarde is being tipped as a potential successor, or should that be replacement, she has always impressed me the most of all the French politicians, I understand there is another much lesser scandal hanging over herand that the Americans will not be happy with another French leader of the FMI.

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[quote user="EmilyA"]Did anyone else watch the "debate" on channel 2? It seemed to me to be an uncontrolled shouting match and the woman journalist from the Guardian (or Gwardian as they called it) couldn't get a word in edgewise.

I do find it extraordinary that in all this talk of privacy laws the French press have apparently published the alleged victim's name and address.[/quote]

If you cared to watch the french TV coverage of any media worthy criminal case, the TV will have daily updates from the local Procureur of the Republic of the the Triple Values. The very idea that there is any discretion or confidentiality in a french legal process is sorely mistaken; sub judice and contempt of court are alien to french concepts of justice and legal procedure. Indeed the verbal intrechanges outside the court are more important to soften up the potential jury and public opinion before the commencement of judicial procedure.
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I cannot reconcile why the French media, and public, get so animated about the image of the accused being shown, whilst they are happy to print the name, address, CV, and photo of the accuser. To an Anglo-Saxon this completely topsy-turvy, particularly in rape cases. Would a Frenchwoman make an accusation of rape? Don't think so!

The ACCUSED gets animinity. The ACCUSER get flagged all over the media. [:-))]



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[quote user="breizh"]

I cannot reconcile why the French media, and public, get so animated about the image of the accused being shown, whilst they are happy to print the name, address, CV, and photo of the accuser. To an Anglo-Saxon this completely topsy-turvy, particularly in rape cases. Would a Frenchwoman make an accusation of rape? Don't think so!

The ACCUSED gets animinity. The ACCUSER get flagged all over the media. [:-))]



[/quote] I ve never seen any picture of the woman, and yet, I watch French TV a lot, I read the papers....

Just heard her name being said on TV for the firsdt time yesterday.

If you had followed the debate on France 2 last night, you would have noticed that everybody agreed on the fact that she deserves respect , and protection,  as much as him by the way ..

I'm amazed by this thread in which most of you seem to have already sentenced him.

Personnally, I don't know who's speaking the truth, let's listen to what BOTH OF THEM will now be able to say .


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For sure detailed infomation of the alledged victim was in Le Figaro and Le Monde.

In the US the accused is shown to the public, the accused is now part of a Federal process. The populous is informed to protect the accused from the State, and at the same time tell the populous the State is now protecting the accused, it is not intended for any other purpose. If any accidents occur the populous know who to blame. It goes back a very long time, to when lynch mobs and summary justice were common.

American juries are well used to this process. It does not affect their judgement. I agree that to European minds it is difficult to understand.

If it is decided to continue the judicial process, then I am sure in due course you will be able to follow the trial on TV.


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I certainly don't know if he is guilty or not. And do you know as soon as he was arrested I thought of Coluche and how convenient that was that he died when he did, so a conspiracy did occur to me. And who knows maybe there is a conspiracy, it seems a cack handed way of doing it though, although looking back at the Rainbow Warrior, which was terrible but cack handed, then maybe.

I'll watch the court case and decide. I'm pretty sure it will be televised. Though I have to say that even  if he is found not guilty, that may not, in my mind, make him innocent either, EG OJSimpson.

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