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Where has the sun gone?

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Down here its 9 deg, same day last year 30 deg. We have not turned off the heating yet which we normally do at the end of March. I even have the fire going and am actually burning next years stock of logs. My guests went to visit Montségur today but halfway up from the car park returned because it was snowing and with the wind and all it was like a blizzard, the 'feels like' tempreture was -3 there. The other day I read that the average temperature due to global warming had gone up by 4 deg globally, if only, not round here it ain't.
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I was not far from you in Mirepoix at the beginning of the week. Wet dark and cold ....    brrrrrr

Had lunch outside today in the sun-trap today though now I am back in the Languedoc, though I do admit it is an exceptional spot..

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Some guests have just arrived from Spain via Andorra and said it was a nightmare. They had to go over the top as the tunnel is closed for re-lining again. Loads and loads of snow. The sun just appeared here, it is reasonably warm when your out of the wind but the wind is so very cold and blowing quite hard.
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Thursday I had to do the final module of RIFAP, I suppose that you would call it Rescue diver training, it involves recovering a diver or swimmer from the bottom, hauling them out and then alerting the rescue services, administering mouth to mouth, heart massage, defibrillator etc.

The course started in Feb and the final test in open water is always the end of May so as to have good weather and warmer water, it didnt work out that way this year.

All afternoon we had hailstorms and when I left for the lake at 17.00 it was 3°C I kid you not [:(]

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NE England and sunny and warm today, not in the house though, although I remember this time of year in France and often our house was chilly when it was  warm outside.

This is a pleasant end to rather a cold week with some rain and hail. Sounds like it is bad in quite a lot of europe. On french news the other day they were showing the terrible weather in most of France and then some people on la côte sunbathing in rather hot conditions.

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Well, Q, if you hadn't posted, I would have done!

Not as bad as where you are, but temperatures have been typically 5 or 6 at nights and maybe 14 or 15 in the day.  However, the "ressenti" temperatures are a lot lower.

We have had the chauffage on most days and breakfast on the verandah is only possible if the poêle à pétrole is on.  Now the warm weather is supposed to have arrived, we can't get any pétrole anywhere (what is it with French shops who don't seem to stock out-of-season goods?) and we are on our last bidon.  So, I guess it will have to be an electric heater on the verandah if this cold continues.

I have been on a couple of group randos but the numbers turning up are miniscule.  On the plus side, when lunch is laid on, there is a lot of space on the tables and a LOT of food because they have catered for much larger numbers than the actual ones turning up.

The rain is something else.....rain, rain, rain day and night and cold winds more often than not.  Now that I am chief dog-walker, I have noticed that one pair of boots has split open and the "best pair" has some suspicious looking fissures.

Time to buy new boots, extra pairs of warm socks and maybe even an extra thermal vest or two.....

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Now the warm weather is supposed to have arrived, we can't get any pétrole anywhere (what is it with French shops who don't seem to stock out-of-season goods?) and we are on our last bidon.


I bought some today at Intermarche. They sell it from the pump as does LeClerc. Might be worth a try if you have either nearby (both are within 30 mins drive for us). I do know what you mean though. Still I see LeClercs annual swimming pool sale is on, we had a brochure the other day stuffed through our door. Bright side is that if it does not stop raining you should be able to fill one up for next to nothing. Doubt the ducks will be complaining. [;-)]

Talking about pétrole it seems not that long ago it was 16 Euros a container now you can't seem to get it for much less than 25. [:(]

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Thanks, Q, will have another scout round.

Inter seems to only sell the fancy, expensive odeur-free variety and the cheapo stuff in LeClerc was nowhere to be seen.

Never bought as cheaply as 16 euros but used to get it at 18 euros in the brico in Barbézieu when we were living in Charente Maritime.  As you say, it's minimum 25 euros a bidon these days.

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It's the same this side of the pond. Very cool, lots of rain, and wind. This is Memorial weekend here, and traditionally it's the weekend where the neighbourhood pool opens. Just had a look in, no one there apart from the lifeguard on duty who is very bored. This time last year, it was so hot that the pool hardly cooled you down. This year, I think you could skate on it.

It has to turn soon, surely?

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It's pretty manky and depressing around here too, good job we didn't come to France just for the sun [blink]

It's the inconsistency which is really b.uggering me up, I have outdoor projects which involve mixing significant quantities of concrete but even when the sky is clear and the sun out it can cloud over and change to torrential rain in what seems a matter of minutes sometimes so I daren't start any of them.

I'm never lost for something to get on with indoors, I've got a couple of MGBs in mid refurbishment apart from anything else and and it's dry and warm in my garage, but it is irritating all the same as I like to get on with what I feel like doing and not have it dictated by the poxy weather.

Looking out of the window now at the evening sky there is not a trace of a cloud to me seen but I don't think it's a portent of better weather to come and everybody I talk to seems convinced it's going to be stormy and unsettled well into June !

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Just got back from La Grand Motte, where I attended a meeting today, with a welcome meal last night, in (technically) a restaurant on the beach.  I say in, because were were "inside" but not that it felt like it, with the wind blowing through the slats of the walls.  Overcoats for those who had them were de rigeur...  needless to say, I forgot to take mine entirely, as out of the wind and in the sun, which it was when I left home, it was not too bad.  Strong winds, as only the Languedoc can do. Returning home today, on the autoroute, I thought I was going to take off

at times, the wind was so powerful and the windsocks horizontal.

Same meeting last year, same time, was in the Gers (it covers a big area!) and we were in 30+ degrees, and sweltering, and I remember it being a hot drive, both ways.

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It isn't as if it is the very first time ever that the weather has been like this.

So let us go through my memorable weather things in France.

One winter, so cold that in spite of leaving a tap on 'dribble' and the house heated, and the water pipes in being insulated, our taps froze as did the pipes leading to the fosse and my was that a delightful job defrosting that. And yet, it was glorious too on the sunny extremely cold days.

Another where we had that much hoare frost that the trees were covered for weeks, bitter and also splendid,  and no frozen pipes.

July when it is usually between 28 and 32 every day, cold and rained for a sold two weeks my brother visited for the first time, he never did see the mountains.

Several springtimes when it felt like winter was returning.

And several summers when it was cool and wet quite a lot. I remember getting back from visiting family in England and our house was that cold in mid August I wrapped up in a winter quilt, refusing to put the heating on as it was mid summer in the south of France!

We even had mild winters with too little snow. AND my nightmare, the canicules I endured and I hope I never ever encounter again!!!!

I could never count on the average though, when we had cold winters, spring's wet'ish and variable temperatures, and summers starting in June usually hot, and often heavy and we'd get big storms and  autumns often wet and cool, when it would snow on the mountains.

It's weather, and it'll do as it pleases.

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[quote user="krusty"]Where has the sun gone ? It's not gone , it's there in the sky , "pass the sun cream dear" lol wink wink[/quote]

But in Cyprus hasn't the government imposed a levy on bank accounts - was that for the sun? [6]

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Well it has been nice and sunny today here also, around 20 deg. I just had a quick look at the weather for tomorrow, more doom and gloom. Max temp for us it says is 18 with 70% cover and a 66% chance of rain compared to sunny and 26 deg last year. I had a quick look at Tuesday and I would rather not talk about it. [:'(]
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