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Eight years ago today

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Mr Coops , Ian, has posted on FB that it was eight years ago today that Coops left the Uk to go home to France and had her life altering accident....

I so often wonder she would have said when I read different posts.......

I'll be raising a glass in her memory once the sun is over the yard arm
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I think of her often.

At the moment the Tall Ships are visiting Blyth and it was either Blyth  or that immediate vicinity that she wanted to visit again, looking forward to it, but I think she became too poorly.

Yes, I was very very fond of her. RIP.

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Same here, RH, she would have had so much to say about the Brexit vote, about Trump, about the burkini ban on the south coast and she would have said whatever it was she wanted to with good humour and clear thought and would have stood up unwaveringly against anything she considered unjust.

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Yes, I'm sure she would have had lots to say about Brexit and would have been prepared to take up the cudgels again if needed....

As for Trump!!!!

We all miss her, but for those that don't know , Ian has remarried and splits his time between France and the U.K., he is still in the same house and her beloved horse is still going strong.....
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I miss her too - she always had a sensible, balanced view of things and managed to stay positive and cheerful even when she was ill. And the illness lasted for ages (post accident, then cancer.)

Idun - I saw that on Breakfast TV about Blyth and the Tall Ships to Gothenburg. Blyth is my home town, and has had strong links to Sweden for centuries, because of having been such a  busy port in the past. My Dad's ancestors used to trade by sea on that crossing.

I didn't know Coops was connected with Blyth.

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I hadn't realised it was so long ago .. how time etc.

Very much missed, she was a bright spark, always had something useful to contribute and never insulted anyone, newcomer or old timer. 

Maybe we should instigate a Coops award, for those who treat this forum and its contributors with respect, are helpful and who make life better for everyone of us ... an annual award, to be voted on by the current contributors????

Just an idea, but it would be great to keep her spirit alive and not only in the memory of those her met her on this forum.

I am also so pleased that Ian has turned the corner and is doing so well.  It's always great to see him when he pops in to say hello from time to time.

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I think about her too.

People keep asking post Brexit about how health cover works without an S1 and I think, "I know this stuff because I worked with Deb on the campaign in 2007/8”.

A brave person who put her ideals into practice.

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Two of my saddest moments during my time in France were learning of Coops terrible accident and subsequent untimely passing, and more recently the tragedy which took Carol aka Sheridan from us.

I hadn't met either in person although I had personal communication with both and we came close to meetings but nevertheless there was something special about both and I still feel much sadness when I do happen to think of them which is surprisingly often.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Very , very bittersweet moment this.

My day by day life has seen me away from these corridors for quite a while and I don't think I was aware of the passing of such an indomitable and utterly charming lady.

As I dwell on tomorrow which will be my 8th Wedding Anniversary when I raise my glass I will be doing so in celebration of an event which has shaped my last 8 years and in thankfulness for the gracious and gentle humoured Coops who made me smile so many times..probably without realising so.

Here's to you Coops x
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Coops was an excellent photog; and we shared a common love - affliction? - motor racing.

I nicknamed her John-Eric?

Anyone ever wonder why?

Coops understood this instantly: her full username was Cooper Lola. Two racing car marques. The founder of cooper Cars was one John Cooper; and the founder of Lola Racing cars was Eric Broadley.

Hence John Eric!

Deb wanted to live near the Sarthe circuit; the home of the famed 24 Hour le Mans race, which dated back to the early 1900s. She attended as many memorial meetings as she was able and took copious wondrous photographs.

I well remember when she suffered her horrendous car crash when returning from UK, how her precious and valuable camera was damaged; she was perhaps more concerned over this than much else.......

Brave and lovely lady: and Ian was and I am sure remains a tower of strength.

R.I.P John-Eric.

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