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  1. Phew that's ok then ..lets hope the Tories don't put forward a euthanasia for the over forties vote and stand against it.
  2. What has ruined all our chances are the 'Chiselling Classes' When I was young (so oooo last century) we had public services, streets got swept, gas lights (really) got lit, Police walked the beat, nurses and doctors were respected members of society and to work for the corporation was a job for life. We, nowadays live our lives vicariously, hanging onto social media and the like as though it's the truth ...we question the Bible (other 'holy books' are available) Yet are creating a modern day 'truth' which just isn't 'true' Corporate greed has chiselled away at the very fabric of our existence..somewhere in this post it was mentioned that some have 'gold plated' pensions from their employment ...we know that they only exist for the mega wealthy now..but why? 'We can't afford it, the National Debt, we need to be competitive...la la la..It is all ovoid meaty nonsense! All these terms mean is that the guys at the top want our money to pay top their shareholder chums to keep them being the guys at the top. Get rid of the chisellers, take back what was ours in the first place - not the chisellers..and those days of man on the beat and junior doctor not pilloried can return..but then 'we need to be competitive....Hang on..that guy has got uncomfortably near the truth..QUICK!! who can we demonise or start a war with??? Every time I hear Cameron's now widely adopted 'Our Britain' I would cheerily choke the vacuous idiot spouting it.... So back to the original issue...protest vote...why would we have a protest vote 'to hell with the consequences'? Because, dear readers ..if you haven't fallen asleep yet...because our young, our old, our services dependent, our poor, our working class Northern neighbours have all been Royally shafted by the chisellers and that is the real reason for Brexit. Sadly had our Brexit voting friends really thought about it..one of the steadying hands on the throttles of corporate greed was the EU..It gave us human rights, it gave us health and safety...welcome to the workhouse..you voted for it and the Tories are secretly delighted.
  3. I am a Scot and can't stand Cameron ..with every fibre of my being I hope that The Scottish Nation sh17s on him and his record with the same contempt he has treated them. 'His West Highland Forebears' have created a new mountain range and source of thermal energy by virtue of the amount of grave spinning they are having to do. Goodbye Cameron you and Gormless George are not missed.
  4. Very , very bittersweet moment this. My day by day life has seen me away from these corridors for quite a while and I don't think I was aware of the passing of such an indomitable and utterly charming lady. As I dwell on tomorrow which will be my 8th Wedding Anniversary when I raise my glass I will be doing so in celebration of an event which has shaped my last 8 years and in thankfulness for the gracious and gentle humoured Coops who made me smile so many times..probably without realising so. Here's to you Coops x
  5. Mrs May appears increasingly less credible with every indecisive day that goes by IMHO The idiot Tories dragged us into this mess and a General Election would either ive them a full Parliament to sort matters out or kick them out and perhaps allow a Cntrl Alt Delete referendum.
  6. There is a very nasty element in the UK at the moment of people who voted Brexit and can't justify it in any way shape or form but getting quite militant about their right to be wrong. Another distraction as the Tories suck the last of the marrow from public service and kick the cold corpse of a once united kingdom. Cameron's legacy is the destruction of a Country.
  7. Well I got over twice and loved it. If anyone wondered who belonged to a black Yamaha FZ6S2 on UK plates and being driven by a thoroughly nice chap with a Saltire Helmet..... In other news 'France bike' nears completion for next summer. Does anyone UK or France have a CD175 they would sell cheapish? Trev
  8. Took about 1/2 n hour to get on here through Web Angler attacks..my Norton is going ga ga...will try later. Happy New Year all :-) Mac
  9. McVities do a mean Ginger Nut ....
  10. Y'know I can't help but think Paris has been trying to dictate to women how they should dress for years...it's the home of Haute couture dontcha know! My own view is given the choice I would prefer to see ladies in Daisy Dukes or mini skirts but it's not down to me or anyone else to tell them how they should dress and that includes religious zealots. Women are quite lovely things generally and have been popping out the next generation for generations. Let's celebrate the ladies and get off their case especially you Mullahs.
  11. Laughing here as the son of a Scottish greengrocer...yep 'turnips' are the big rough things and 'new turnips' are the little white fellas in my house :-) For an alternative take on mashed swede/turnip cook it with a couple of carrots and once mashed take it back to the stove and cook it still in the pan and turning it over gently to expel moisture...add butter and keep it on the heat till it sizzles and is 'catching' the bottom of the pan...add black pepper and allow to stand...serve with a healthy splash of Worcestershire sauce.
  12. Two things.. 1) Don't dress like a Teepee 2) Learn to drive I am now off on my motorbike complete with ski mask, full face helmet and iridium visor...got a night out at the double standards institute :-)
  13. Because (at least to a certain extent) music is logical and predictable. French (to me at least) looks very like the instructions for a dvd player....and I am a bloke..I fear this is going to be an uphill struggle as I can't delegate the learning bit off to the wife without giving her the whip hand! laughing here as the Mrs Mac already can speak a fair bit ..yes ...she can speak a bit....and at length...takes her half an hour to say goodbye on the phone!
  14. Hi John, I am an infrequent visitor to the board (mea culpa) and even rarer visitor to this part of it. It was an absolute treat to 'discover' your portfolio. I think my love for music stems from an acceptance that I couldn't play a note with any degree of skill and therefore am unburdened by any ideas of 'I could do that' Fine woodwork I would maybe put in the same category so your efforts are to someone like me a joy to behold. Watching a skilled Artisan is always a fascination for me and for sure your woodworking falls into the 'must be appreciated' category! I need a couple of oak newel posts creating with little fat owls as the tops ...almost tempted to give it a go I am weighing up which is the better, a naff result and minus a finger or two or find a John somewhere in the Loire! ...
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