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Another week over and how is everybody doing?


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Unsurprisingly, we have had a glitch in our internet connection during the last week.

I was sort of expecting it sooner, but instead of getting mad about it, because we are with Virgin and I think that they cost a rotten fortune, I was rather philosophical about it...... and just pleased when I could get back on.

Apart from that, we are doing just fine. The days glide by and we will be outside applauding again tonight.

It was mentioned on another thread about people saving money. And that is something I have noticed, our bank balance.

We have ordered some things on line. In fact quite a few, but obviously our usual spending exceeds this. And our larders are as full as usual.

Initially I was amazed at the amount of money we hadn't spent.

So, I have been giving this some consideration and there is ofcourse, filling the tank up.

We do like to eat out as a couple, at least a couple of times a month, good restaurants but not costing an arm and a leg either, and we no longer have wine with our meals.......and I lunch with friends quite regularly, but that is usually a light lunch, not a meal, so not expensive. Is it going out  that really makes it all mount up because the bank balance is rosey.

If it is simply eating out that makes the hole..... well, it will be very very nice when we can make a hole in our budget again.

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We're fine thank you idun, not a lot has changed in our tiny village and probably won't for the next few years, we decided to stay put here to avoid the hurly-burly of London. Thank goodness that we can use Skype etc. to stay in touch with the grandchildren, I walk every morning and am wasting loads of paper filling out a form every day. The only other Brits in our village had to go back to the UK and now can't return, so I have something extra to do every few days to keep their tiny garden tidy and check the house to make sure it's OK. something I don't understand is why do old postings keep on showing up on the forum? They show up on the index page as current but when you look they are sometimes several years old. Do you think the forum is sliding towards oblivion, it would be a shame if it did. Anyway, stay safe you and everyone else.
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I think I can explain the resurrections of old threads.

We seem to have had a spate of people posting on old threads when what they have to say is completely irrelevant to the forum.

I think a lot of people are spending much more random time on the internet.

I delete them as fast as I can but it doesn't stop the old thread showing up as 'current'.
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Cajal wrote: "Use one form and fill in the date and time in pencil. Then erase and add the info as required".

I may be wrong but I was under the impression that the forms had to be written or filled in with ink or Biro?

Thanks Hoddy, that makes sense.

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We are fine here.  Just counting the days to the deconfinement. 

Husband also thinks we have spent less money than normal.  To me, it feels like we have ordered so many things online, but I guess, in reality, it doesn't add up to what we would normally spend going out each day.

I think I've gotten rather used to staying inside.  I don't like it at all, but now, on the rare days I go out (to pick up a prescription that could not be delivered or for food), I feel a bit nervous, apprehensive.  Kinda like I'm taking my life into my own hands.  Heart beats a bit faster the first few minutes outside.  Very very odd.

We have signed the lease for our new place !!  Yeah !!!!  We are scheduled to move on 15 June.  We've given notice to our current landlord, who is such a nice lady.  So, that is still on schedule and everyone PLEASE send us all your good karma that this does not have to change.  The owner of the new place has given us the name of someone he knows with a van who he thinks will be able to move our few items for us.  We've yet to contact him as it is still a bit early on.

So, you have our updates.  Thanks for asking Idun.  We too have had many internet drops.  My tablet more than husbands laptop.  My tablet was always intended to be a temporary computer.  I really hate it, but don't want to buy more to have to move.  Ironically, husband's laptop died about 3 days into the confinement.  He managed to order a nice, new one from Amazon and it was delivered in about 3 days time.  It works great with far fewer drops.

Take care everyone.  I'll be watching to see how everyone else is coping.

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We’re fine here in Berkshire, almost 7 weeks into self-isolating, but luckily we have a reasonably big garden - with the lovely weather we’ve had, it’s a real blessing.

Everything is coming up - well, not roses yet, but so much blossom on the apple trees, the magnolias have been/are terrific, fuchsias are flowering, both perennial and annuals lazily left in pots from last year, osteospermums and penstemons are flowering and primroses, going over now, have been the best in the 38 years we’ve lived here.

We have regular deliveries from the supermarket, most things we need are available, but Brita jug filters are unobtainable and frozen peas haven’t been available for 2 weeks. Our son lives nearby and bought us giant packs of toilet rolls, tissues etc for us at Costco a few weeks ago, so we’re happy to pass some on to neighbours, who we see at a 2 metre distance on Thursday evenings to clap for all carers.

We had a big surprise yesterday evening, not only did our 8 year old grandgirl accompany our son on the bike ride to see us, but the 5 year old tackled it for the first time too, undaunted by the hills - she had to push her bike up them. They couldn’t stay to chat from across the drive for long, as it had taken so long with the little one, but they did lots of self-cuddles for us, as we did to them, and lots of kisses were blown and caught.

I hope that all on this forum are OK, and thank you for asking, Idun.
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[quote user="NickP"]

I may be wrong but I was under the impression that the forms had to be written or filled in with ink or Biro? [/quote]

What would you use, considering we're all under the lockdown cosh, and your last pen ran dry?

We quickly realised that this form filling requirement would turn into a 'paper fest' of wastage so mrs.c reduced the size of the form and now prints 2 on an A4 sheet. We have 3 forms, one each for  walking, shopping and medical visits. All 3 have the date and time filled in with a pencil when in use. We have been checked once and it wasn't an issue.

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Gosh yes, another week over. Thanks for asking, idun.

The days seem to pass easily enough. Joe Wicks exercises first thing, finishing some odd craft jobs, tidying the garden, watching the alliums and roses coming out, phone calls to check on friends, Zoom gatherings, family Facetime, jigsaw puzzles. Reading "Mrs Dalloway" for book group next week.

Very true about little spending! The cost of my weekly evening foray to the local shops is limited by what I can carry home.

Fingers crossed for your move, Lori. Keep us posted!

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Trying hard, but seem to have lost control. I’ve grown my own tights; had a go at a beard, but only managed one white hair. And as for the hair on my head - think dandelion clock ready to blow away plus a husband waving scissors at me, and you’ve got the rather unpleasant picture. Have I lost my self respect? Should I pull my holey socks up? Make more of an effort?

I really am trying. Keep safe.

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I cut my hair about ten days ago and husband's.

I am not a hairdresser, but have hairdressing scissors and usually do a fairly decent job. Biggest problem is bloddy arthritis, and my arms and shoulders especially do not take well to being held up for more than a few seconds at a time.

Still, once started, I have to grit my teeth and get on with it.

I don't like wearing trousers, and haven't worn tights for a few weeks now........... just let the hairs on your legs grow if you want extra warmth or covering.......... #trendsetter  [;-)][Www]
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You have fantasised rather than thought this out haven't you?

My shoulders, especially my right one is painful, and the longer I have it held up the worse the pain gets, ends up feeling like cigarettes burning inside the joint. So a torture contraption would be just tickety boo, wouldn't it.[:(]

And if I wanted to 'clip' him, I would suggest he runs, rather than moved around..... if I was feeling that way inclined, best get out of my way nez pah![blink]

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I attempted to cut my bangs a week or so ago.  They were hanging in my eyes and I just hate that.  So, I did the unthinkable.  I've done it before in the past with dreadful results.  I knew this would be the same...  Still, did it anyway.  Yep, keep me away from scissors.  At least they are no longer hanging in my eyes.

I keep a short haircut and now, sadly, the back at the bottom near my ears is starting to flip up,  looking really stupid.  So, I figure I will ask husband to use his hair trimmer to cut that part off.  God only knows what I'll end up looking like when we actually get to see the light of day.

Yet, I still don't plan to visit a hair salon anytime soon.  I've even considered a total head shave.  Sounds interesting to me.  And easy to do, even for someone who should not be allowed near scissors.

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Cannes does help, of course. Daily walk with dog Henry, but not on the Croisette. Occasional interrogation by police officers. Not many people about. I feel very cut off from family. One daughter in Gothenburg, one in London and one in Rome plus a son in Holland. I miss the knowledge that we are only a flight away from any of them, and they from us. We Skype and WhatsApp, but as you all know, it’s not the same.

Thank you for listening.

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