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Holiday cancellation


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On 26/07/2022 at 11:41, menthe said:

Catalpa, thank you so much for your link to the Lichfield article.  That has clarified for me the underlying problems that nobody else seems to be talking about.

Perhaps Lichfield or some other trusted person would write an article listing ALL the Brexit dividends that no UK politician has actually been able to describe?

Brexit DIVIDENDS?  Do they exist?  Can pigs fly?


Quite, Menthe ... problems crossing between Spain and France yesterday too .. coming back into France .. huge queue yestarday, almost back to La Jonquera for those who know it, though I gather that was compounded by an accident.  Today at about 1pm there were only two booths open, for both telepeage AND non ticket holders, so nearly everyone was having to stop and take a ticket.  There was the 30 telepeage working, but only on the inside lane, where all the lorries were .. and of course I couldn't get into it. Queuing for about 2km, happily it did move, albeit slowly.  Much more traffic than usual, I presume holiday makers (I went to see my dentist - not a pleasure trip at all), so if there problems on the French autoroutes, when there is no checking of passports etc (at least now Covid is over), translate that into having to check and stamp EVERY passport (or not stamp those resident, but they would be a small portion only I would suggest) on one of hte busiest departure days of the year, then it's no surprise it was chaos.  But then, I don't understand why everyone must gon on holiday on the same day either!!  I've come across at that time before and this is the first time is was so bad .. but then before it wasn't full holiday season!



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12 hours ago, anotherbanana said:

Please note that our software will be updated on Monday morning which should resolve our posting problems, inshallah.

Cross fingers

Well,  goodbye to everyone and thanks for all the fish, just in case!

  • Haha 1
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I just tried, using incognito mode, but still not possible.  I could select the topic (you have to click on the topic group, which then gives you a drop down list), but still got the "oops, something went wrong" message.

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I wonder if the techies assuring us that the problem is fixed from their view INSIDE the website, have ever tried using the website from OUTSIDE the website as a user like us?

Many times I have had to tell a company that i am trying to buy an item from that their website doesn't work properly and ask them do they ever enter their own website as a customer does? - the usual answer is no!

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