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I hate RYAN air

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Quillan, Ryanair only work out cheaper on the dates you have compared, if you don't have check in luggage, don't use priority boarding, or buy a snack and drink on the flight. All of which are included in the BA fare, which would have been a lot more cheaper if you book in one of the frequent BA sales.

Although, not a big BA fan, where I was impressed was during the snow in December when my BA flight was cancelled. I was advised by a text to my mobile phone and when I went to manage my booking on the BA website was immediately able to re-book within minutes of receiving the text.

By comparison, I heard stories where Easyjet and Ryanair passengers took hours or days of perserverance on their respective websites and phonelines to re-book.
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Look I picked the date at random, I wouldn't book priority boarding because I like to be the last one on anyway and I don't need a snack on a 1hr 50min flight and most people that stay here even for longer than a week manage with one case which they take on the aircraft so and extra eighty odd quid seems a lot more for things I personally don't want and don't have the chance to say no to and save money, I prefer the RA way of adding on the things I want rather than paying and it being tough luck if I don't want them plus BA takes me to an airport thats a further hours drive away. If BA flew to Carcassonne and charged the same price as RA and arrived at a time that was more convient to me (say 13:00 rather than early morning) I would fly with them but they don't likewise I don't have a problem with RA.
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In dozens of flights we also have never had any member of Ryanair staff be less than polite and smiling. If they were unpleasant I'd mind, but it wouldn't put me off flying with them. In fact I've never experienced any of their staff being impolite to any passenger, or vice versa. Maybe staff and passengers on our route aren't the norm, from what others on here have experienced. I also found Ryanair very easy to deal with during the ash problems, with cancellations for several days ahead, so we knew exactly what was happening, and simple arrangements for re-booking at no extra cost; I think I ended up re-booking 3 times.

Where they fly to near us suits us very well, and we hope they keep on flying to Nimes, although there is a risk the airport won't stay open; no news on that for a while.We'll no doubt have to choose another airline and airport if Nimes does close, but it will be much more inconvenient for us. Ryanair wasn't included in our planning when we bought in France, but it ceratinly helps us with our journeys.

We usually take a taxi from home to the airport in UK as otherwise it's a long journey by train/coach, with changes. We drive and leave a car at the airport only for rare short stays in France. Even including taxis (very expensive in our part of the south of England!) it all works out a very good price to and from France, and a short journey time. 

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The airfare probably does not cost as much as the taxi to the airport or the car parking charges.

O'Leary could charge twice as much, then throw in all the niggling extras for free and be the hero of low cost air travelers.

Trouble is he is such a contentious pixie that he gets up the nose of those who could so easily regard him as a hero.
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Somehitng on the Simpsons just made me think of this thread.  The dialogue was something like

Thank you for choosing XX low cost airline

The saftey instructions are ....................2 dollars

If you would like wheelchair assistance......................you booked with the worng airline HA, HA.

Just about sums it up!


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[quote user="crossy67"]Sorry it's the sun

Can't believe this thread is 15 pages long!

RyanAir divides opinion like crazy, People who live a long distance from the channel ports love it, either because of it's prices, or to get to a "local" airport,  Some others like myself who have used it occasionally have a different viewpoint. When I used it, I disliked  it mainly because of having to visit Essex and  enduring the cross London train journey. I then had an unfortunate experience where the wrong name was mistakenly put onto the booking form and although telephoning within minutes was told absolutely no refund, OK I accepted that and was told I could have the Tax element of the booking back which was 29Euro, but there was a 20Euro charge, six months later I'm still waiting for my 9Euro. So  personally I would rather drive via the tunnel, but from where our French house is and where we go to in the UK  that's not a problem, and allowing for not having to hire cars etc. the costs are comparable. RyanAir for me is OK as long as you don't have to deal with the people who administrate it, as their customer handling skills are non existent. 

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[quote user="dave21478"]Call me cynical if you like but.....

Man flies Ryanair, has ok trip. Says nothing, or maybe posts "had good trip with Ryanair", 3 or 4 people reply saying, yeah, they are fine. End.
Man flies Ryanair, gets bummed by an interpretaion of the rules or whatever the reason may be, posts up a moan and dozens of people are now discussing Ryanair and potentially thousands are reading this.

I compltely agree with you Dave that it just generates more publicity for them, they amy even be instructed to be rude wherever possible for that very reason.

I have to say though that if I were to have been "bummed" whilst travelling with Ryaniar, or anywhere alse for that matter I would not be posting on a forum that "I would be bu****ed if I fly ryanair again" [:-))] [;-)]


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Exactly and I wonder how many actually take the time to read the 'Terms and Conditions' which when you do a search for a flight you have to tick to say you have before getting the results. I suspect very few, they just tick the box and carry on. When something goes wrong they jump up and down demanding this and that then get annoyed when Ryanair tells them they can't have it and it says so in the 'Terms and Conditions' which they agreed too when they booked the flight.
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[quote user="crossy67"]Can't believe this thread is 15 pages long!
[/quote]It would be fewer if it weren't for all the people posting that they don't know why so many people have posted...[Www][6]

(I don't mean you, Crossy, as I realise that you made a further point in your post!)

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Having read this and other anti-Ryanair threads it seems that those who complain loudest about Ryanair T&C, unhelpful or rude staff etc are those unable/unwilling to read, understand and comply with said T&C. Eventually this latter group will realise that Michael O'Ryanair is not interested in customer care just the contents of their wallets and purses. Until then find another means of travel, there are plenty.



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[quote user="cooperlola"]

[quote user="crossy67"]Can't believe this thread is 15 pages long!
[/quote]It would be fewer if it weren't for all the people posting that they don't know why so many people have posted...[Www][6]

(I don't mean you, Crossy, as I realise that you made a further point in your post!)


And it would be fewer still if there wasn't a forum to post on to.[Www]

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There was a programme on the radio the other day about terms and conditions in general. There are people who suspect that terms and conditions are deliberately lengthy and obscure.

No-one mentioned Ryanair but I just looked at their website and discovered that there are 1 1/2 pages of conditions regarding the website and 14 pages of Ryanair's own terms and conditions.

The thrust of the programme was that it is unrealistic to expect customers to wade through long screeds of legalese and there is something of a movement to get something done about it.

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This is surely the root of the problem, Hoddy.  I remember in the days of British Rail there was a "Conditions of Carriage" booklet - yes, a booklet, not a few pages - and if one took the time to read it, it was obvious that there wasn't an obligation even to transport the passengers anywhere, let alone on time or in comfort.  Every ticket had a couple of lines printed on it to say that in buying the ticket you agreed to these conditions.  It's not new, and most businesses understand that to appear to be good guys and provide a reasonably decent service is good practice, even if their t&c's don't specify that that's what they'll do.  Every time I buy anything on line (and that's a lot) I find myself ticking boxes to say I've read stuff which I admit, I very rarely do.  One just trusts that a good reputation has been gained by satisfying customers - either with good service or a decent price.


It's interesting that quite a few posters on this forum who run gites and b&bs, regularly have discussions about the condition in which clients leave their property, and quote their terms and conditions in enforcing charges which they have levied on people who failed to comply, whilst others let most "offences" go, in the name of good business and future profits.  

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I dont' have an issue with there terms and conditions. Yes it was my mistake for not reading there conditions.

I HAVE ISSUE with the fact, THAT I ultimately did meet there terms and conditions when I put the duty free items in to the bag.

I was there, I know what happened, and I WAS penalised because I decided to repack rather than BE FORCED to pay.

Update from BAA

Thank you for contacting London Stansted Airport abour your experience on 29 January 2011.

I am sorry to learn what happened when you were preparing to board your flight, FR8868 from Gate 41.

We have looked at the CCTV system and whilst we do have a number of cameras in this satellite building, unfortunately they do not cover this particular gate area and therefore do not provide the confirmation of events you are looking for.

I am sorry we are unable to assist you on this occasion.

With regards,

Jill Vail

Customer Insight Analyst

On behalf of Stansted Airport Ltd
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I've not been around for a few days and I'm sure I'm not going to add anything else to this debate but... I like Ryanair [:$]

I get to book cheap flights, I only ever take one bag, that absolutely fits the box, I dont take extras of any sorts... I make everything very very simple so that I can go through quickly.  They fly from our local airport here in France to a local airport in the UK... the prices are so low our friends get to pop over for cheap visits too.  I know they have annoying rules - but I still manage to find great deals. 

The only time I've ever witnessed rudeness was by the english ex-pat I sat beside on one flight... who was determined to be mean to the young lady serving him... so rude I apologised when I got off the plane. 

I'm not saying that other's bad experiences aren't real... I'm just putting my hand up for the 'very happy' camp and I really hope RA continue as they are... I for one would really miss them!

Also, how come nobody moans about flybe and their prices... they have just as many hidden costs, they have silly rules and we've been charged extra for a bag that would have fitted in RA... and they're really not cheap.  And Easyjet... one bag rule just like ryanair, everytime I've had hold luggage it has been damaged (3 times) and flights are very often delayed.

I guess no airline is perfect - I'm just grateful that I've got the choice and that the low-cost flights are available -  I do also sometimes wonder what folks want for there very cheap flight... but that's just my opinion. [:$]

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Rose don't you just love to hate someone sometimes? (your avatar still does it for me by the way[:P]) Listening to a friend at the weekend just moan on about all the things her husband did which were wrong and all the things he didn't do which he should (he was playing golf instead of lunching with us at the pub as she spoke) and everyone said well why are you still there? to which she replied, well you know, better the devil you know sometimes! Wimin eh[Www] and MOL of course
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Just John - I'm blushing... and I also agree with what you say... I guess having a general moan is just part of life [:$]

NuB - I also agree with you, we should complain if we feel we have been wronged.... sadly quite often folks either never say anything OR have a huge rant and get nowhere

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