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au revoir


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je viens d'avoir une très très mauvaise expérience sur ce Forum - avec des menaces et des insultes, qui m'ont fait vomir toute la nuit, surtout puisque les mods on refusé de retirer les postes.  Je m'en vais donc. Je vous envoie à tout et toutes ici mes amitiés et mes meilleurs voeux pour le futur. Si vous voulez-me contacter, faites le par e-mail et non par pm- car je ne reviendrai pas pendant longtemps ici, si jamais.

Bonne chance à tous/toutes         j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à faire votre connaissance et à bavarder avec vous. x0x0x0x0x0x0x  Swissie/Odile

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Oh, Odile, we have had so many laughs with you on the Forum.  All those French phrases and expressions you taught me that I have been able to use on a day-to-day basis with great effect and to the amusement of my French friends and neighbours.

You have many friends here, Odile, even if we are only "virtual" friends and I am also upset that you feel the need to say au revoir.

Take care, be in touch soon.[:)]

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Odile... I think it's a real shame... perhaps you could just have a few days off and let the dust settle?

Now... I am not intending to inflame or belittle the situation but I did chuckle just a little bit when I saw the number of Cendrillon's post... [Www]


(p.s. if this doesn't make you giggle even just a little bit... let me know and I'll remove it )

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If you feel better out of the forum, I'll respect your decision, but you ve been so good to me, always supportive when I was down last winter, always there ..

I will miss you Odile.

But definitely keeping in touch. [;-)]

Think twice before taking that decision, my friend.



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Oh dear Odile.  I hope that you can rejoin when you feel more confident.  There are some strange people in the ether, who hide behind their computers.  I have experienced this.  I'll try to email you about it but my email doesn't work on this Forum for some reason.  Good luck whatever your decision (though I hope that it's to come back!)...
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Maybe I've developed a terrible veneer of insensitivity over the years but I struggle to think that anybody could write anything so awful that I would have to give up reading or posting let alone be kept awake at night. In theory, I suppose, Odile won't be reading these posts, but on the off-chance that she is I would say let it wash over you and carry on.
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[quote user="Frenchie"]

I would not use the word naive, I'd say sensitive.



Apologies I should have made it clear that I meant naive in what can be done with computers.

She was badly shocked by abusive so called humour. It is all in the eye of the beholder and the recipient was scared badly.

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

I have no idea what is going on, but if the thread was pulled is that not proof that it was not very nice?



Nor me.  [:D]

I think the "evening crowd" got together and made all of this up just for our entertainment. I haven't read anything so funny for a long time. I bet Weedon's at the bottom of all this.  [:P]

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[quote user="Russethouse"] On the contrary Christine, it was pulled because Dog and possibly Odiles posts were contrary to the Code of Conduct. [/quote]


I was wondering why the whole thread was pulled and not just the posts which did not comply with forum code?

After all, the whole thread had gone completely off topic, so why was it not just pruned back to where either  (A) the posts that did not comply were removed, or (B) the subject changed so completely from the title of the thread?

Many people contributed to a thread that was then taken off subject, and because of this change of topic and the posts made by the people who took this off topic, it was complete removed.

There may be a good reason for this, perhaps you could enlighten me.


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It may be of interest that the thread was taken off topic by a moderator.

I am not quite sure why it was concidered why my personal experiences and opinions where against the rules.

It could be suggested that the rules are interpreted in a less than forthright way.

It would be far better if the system was more open and fairer.

Perhaps I will be banned now - the fact I wasn't may give an indication that the reason the thread was pulled was not entirely to do with my contraventions - or will this thread disappear?

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[quote user="Dog"]

Odile may be naive but was subjected to some pretty nasty bullying.

She cannot be let go as she has too much to offer.




In my opinion it was Odile who was trying to bully other posters into submission, in particular the Moderators, by continually making the same point, and demanding that something be done.

Fortunatly ,the Moderators stood up to her, and she did not like not getting her own way therefore she left. 

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With my mod hat on:

As Odile is now unable to post to explain or justify her previous comments, in the interest of fairness, please do not refer to the specifics of what she may or may not have done or posted.

Thank you.

Hat off.

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[quote user="Boiling a frog"][quote user="Dog"]

Odile may be naive but was subjected to some pretty nasty bullying.

She cannot be let go as she has too much to offer.




In my opinion it was Odile who was trying to bully other posters into submission, in particular the Moderators, by continually making the same point, and demanding that something be done.

Fortunatly ,the Moderators stood up to her, and she did not like not getting her own way therefore she left. 


You are more than welcome to your opinion - mine differs and I would not like to put words into her mouth but I belive that she was genuinely shocked and upset as she did not realise that the personal threat made to her was a joke in the form of giving her personal address away. Not having the knowledge of such software is something I also shared until then.

It's the ones that got away without reproach that we should be paying attention to.

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