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The new French ID card will look similar to the CdS


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And will also have a chip on it with fingerprints.

Up till yesterday the card itself was bigger and had no chip...it also lasted 15 years, but the new one will last 10.

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I really don't understand the reluctance from sections of people in the UK to accept ID cards, probably the same mob who don't want vaccinations of health passes. It's funny that the French who as a nation tend to be anti-authority accept them with It would seem no problems. Am I right in thinking that most EU countries have ID cards?
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NO don't panic Lori [:D]

This is the ID card that French nationals have.

The point is that up to now it didn't have the chip with personal information on it that the Titre de Séjour has, and it was a larger size.

Now the EU has asked that the card  carried by French nationals conforms to EU regulations . Ironically this implies that the CdS is in advance  of the National one...

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One fine day, there’ll just be one piece of plastic which deals with ID / Passport + healthcare entitlement (carte vitale) + mutuelle + residency entitlement (TDS) + driving licence + all the other things about you which people / organisations need to know.

All that in one card rather than the bucketload that we all have at the moment.

Actually, by the time we get to that, things will have moved on so that it’ll just be dab your finger on this reader Monsewer Gardian and its all there!

Sadly, I’ll probably have turned my toes up before then.

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Or, as Amazon are trying out, just your fingerprint. I understand some new debit cards are going to incorporate finger print recognition too, which may facilitate a "universal" card

As an aside, got my new RBS debit card this week. The numbers on it were not raised, as is common on other cards. Used, I remember, to transfer the card details onto the carbon paper in the mechanical payment methods many years ago, but strangely retained, for what reason I know not.
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So I'm confused now... will we immigrants from that 19th century island off the coast of Europe need, at some stage to upgrade to the new i.d card, or will our CdS's (when we finally get them) be sufficient?

And while you're all here...

My friend who doesn't speak a lot of French recently went to the S/Prefecture for the fingerprinting etc. and signed her MAIDEN name.

Quite apart from the fact that it won't now serve to confirm her identity alongside her driver's licence/bank card/cheque book/passport etc, it's not actually her legal name!

Has she just misunderstood the process or is this some mad French Bureaucratic quirk?

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