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Vaccine appointments


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Maybe I'll get my vaccine in 2023 (or later), after every other country has vaccinated their entire population.


Aucune primo-injection ne sera effectuée

dans les hôpitaux d'Île-de-France à partir du 2 février, compte-tenu de

la difficulté d'approvisionnement des vaccins contre le Covid-19, a fait

savoir l'Autorité régionale de santé (ARS) d'Île-de-France, citée par

l'agence Reuters. Martin Hirsch, directeur général de l'AP-HP, précise

ce jeudi que cette mesure concernera aussi bien les soignants que les


Aucune dose de vaccin

ne sera donc délivrée aux établissements de santé (...), précise l'ARS

"compte tenu de la situation extrêmement tendue sur les doses de

vaccins, et la nécessité de garantir la deuxième injection pour les

personnes déjà vaccinées".

Seules les deuxièmes

injections seront ainsi délivrées, précise l'ARS dans un document envoyé

mercredi aux acteurs du milieu de la santé. Le ministère de la Santé

n'a pas fait de commentaire sur ces informations.

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Lori, you are not alone[:)][:P][:'(]  Don't know what emoticon would be appropriate.

Been checking the vaccination centre near us, been telephoning, asking around, etc.  I see today that 409 doses are expected les prochains 28 jours.  As the site is only open for 3 and a half days a week, I work out the number of people they are injecting to be around 50 a day!

And that's just for OH who is 89 and I guess he will have to have his 90th birthday before I can even get on the site.  As for me, a mere 71 year old, maybe in a year's time?  Or perhaps a bit longer than that?

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Now they come out with this:

Malgré le décalage de certains rendez-vous pour des

premières injection de vaccin, l'ARS Ile-de-France assure que la

vaccination reste soutenue dans la région.

Les annonces de déprogrammations de rendez-vous de vaccination se multiplient ces derniers jours en France, faute de doses. En Ile-de-France, l'AP-HP a annoncé ce jeudi suspendre les injections de 1ère dose de vaccin, dans tous ses établissements de santé, tout en continuant à assurer les injections de secondes doses.


l'échelle de la région et dans les autres centres de vaccination, l'ARS

Ile-de-France assure néanmoins que la vaccination se poursuit "à un

rythme soutenu". Des reports de rendez-vous pour des premières

injections vont bien avoir lieu mais "dans le volume le plus limité

possible", promet l'ARS. L'agence de santé a souhaité détailler le

calendrier prévu pour les prochaines semaines et affiches ses objectifs

de vaccination.

I would say this is embarrassing and shameful, but those words just don't cut it. 

Angry !!!

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I have had to go to my GP's a couple of times recently and they are next to our local hospital. For the last week, really long queues of people waiting for their jabs.

Most of those in the queues were older than me, but some were younger, I suppose that they were  essential workers.

No idea when we will get it, but they seem to be getting on with it.

Also, I know quite a few people who have had their jabs now, including the second one.

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The same announcements have been made by Les Hauts-de-France and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. Expect more departments to follow in the coming days.

«Afin de garantir l'administration de la seconde injection pour toutes les personnes ayant déjà reçu la première dose en janvier, l'ensemble des rendez-vous de primo vaccination (1ère injection) prévus jusqu'au mardi 2 février inclus seront déprogrammés et immédiatement reprogrammés à partir de la première semaine de mars», écrit l'Agence régionale de Santé (ARS) des Hauts-de-France dans un communiqué.

Son vis-à-vis en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté avertit, quant à elle, que «certains rendez-vous pris en février pour une première injection sont susceptibles d'être reportés de quelques jours ou semaines». «Aucun rendez-vous ne sera annulé», assure l'agence dans un communiqué. La réservation en ligne de nouveaux rendez-vous sera à nouveau possible «dans les prochains jours», promet-elle, disant «mesurer l'impatience légitime des candidats à la vaccination».

from https://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences/en-direct-covid-19-pandemie-confinement-couvre-feu-veran-20210128

There is a delay in the Pfizer deliveries as due to upgrades of the production plant https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-55666399
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I reckon that it’ll be the late Summer (at best) before I get done. Mrs G maybe a bit sooner on account of her MS.

No complaints from us. The reality is that (sadly) we’ll have no visitors here this Summer unless they’re family who have been vaccinated. That’s not because we wouldn’t want to ‘receive’ them, but because they’re unlikely to get past ‘go’. Plus, they (completely understandably) wouldn’t want to come down here unless we’d been vaccinated.

All of that is in the air, so we just leave things for more than a little while and they (family) will travel if they’re allowed nearer the time.
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 Not easy to get it done in where I live in England either. One has to be called in to be vaccinated. As I said lots are being called in, so that is good.

The only thing anyone can get done pretty easily is go and get a covid test, if one is asymptomatic, or just wondering if they have caught it, and with few symptoms.

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There is a legitimate discussion to be had about whether to give a single dose without a clear date for the second (as seems to be preferred in the UK) or whether to ensure that the target group  will be able  to have both first and second  injections at the recommended interval.

The French authorities seem to take the second approach erring on the side of caution and respecting the manufacurer's protocol,  while in the UK the strategy seems to be to reach the maximum number  with at least one shot, possibly preventing the most serious effects for as many as possible.

I am not in a position to judge the scientific basis for either choice though I can Google  in the same way as anyone else.

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Just before Hancock came out with the first shot to as many as possible, Blair had already very publicly said that that would be his preference.  Then Hancock had to sheepishly admit that, yes, he talked to Blair and asked for advice.

So now you know, nothing partisan there that you can detect[:P]

Meanwhile, I used the site of the covidtracker, in an idle moment, to see when we might expect our vacs.  Put in OH's details to start with, and the site said he should have been vaccinated already; huge consolation that, or perhaps not.

When I put in my own details, it said that, at the pace of today's rate of vaccination, I should get my jab in 6 months.  So, I took that to mean, how long is a piece of string, 6 months if you are lucky and never if not.

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Caution. How does that work, when folk can catch this and die or be seriously ill for months or seem to get better, or not even have been ill and then still be ill and very unwell with long covid?

I know a few people with long covid now. They hadn't even realised that they had had covid last year and yet started  feeling awful a few months ago and long covid had started.

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It must be especially worrying for those of you particularly in France with elderly people in their families and/or whose health makes them vulnerable. Several French friends have commented about the lack of appointments.

However, I was very worried about my brother, aged 88, who has some very serious health conditions, but had heard nothing about his vaccination date although some living locally and younger than him had had their first jab.

We live in Berkshire and have a very caring and efficient GP surgery, which has steamed ahead - we’re 76 and had our first vaccination nearly 3 weeks ago. My brother lives in Hampshire and eventually had his first vaccination after my niece went on line and was jabs for him at Marlow and at Fleet!

She drove him to Fleet, about an hour long round trip, so we’re all relieved that he’s rather safer, not that he or we go out and about or mix with anyone.

The dispute between the EU and Astra Zeneca is worrying.
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How very dare you Wooly.

Insulting the EU.

I am going to complain by email.

But you are right.

At the worse possible moment, the EU have just proved that they are indeed usless.

You have gotta say it, Brexit is working in the UK's favour at the moment.

France can't even decide what a lockdown should be in fear of rioting.

Do folks riot in the UK ?
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Wooly, no not like with the flu vaccine. Covid vaccinations can’t be bought like that. It has to be done via GP surgeries, large and small vaccine hubs and now quite a lot of pharmacies, but done via fairly strict guidelines according to which group you’re in.

We came into the group under my brother’s as he’s a few years older than me, but our GP practice was extremely efficient and got ahead, as did a few more places. Now supply has been held back in such places to allow those in the most deserving groups to catch up on vaccine protection.

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‘ Deserving’ was my choice of word, Wooly, maybe not the most suitable.

The official word was ‘priority’, used by The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation:

Priority Risk groups

1 Residents in a care home for older adults and staff working in care homes for older adults

2 All those 80 years of age and over and frontline health and social care workers

3 All those 75 years of age and over

4 All those 70 years of age and over and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals (not including pregnant women and those under 16 years of age)

5 All those 65 years of age and over

6 Adults aged 16 to 65 years in an at-risk group (see clinical conditions below)

7 All those 60 years of age and over

8 All those 55 years of age and over

9 All those 50 years of age and over

10 Rest of the population (to be determined)

Are vaccinations being held up for that reason? I’ve not read or heard that.

But I feel it’s right to get well-known people being used in adverts to get more from those groups to go for their vaccinations when called, as they are at more risk, as seen in the deaths, just as white ‘personalities’ have been doing to try to get certain groups to be vaccinated.

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, anti-vaxxers seem to have been successful at spreading that DNA will be altered, that parts of unborn babies (presumably aborted) are used.

That sort of false story has been spread to many, regardless of position, colour, background, income etc.

One of my French friends is adamant that she won’t have it, and has been sending links to such stories to us by email; she’s intelligent, caring, thoughtful, not ceprived and usually won’t accept b... s... .

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I asked the following question on another thread but only Norman (good old Norman) answered and, for once, he couldn't give me a definitive answer.

The question was:  has anyone managed to get a RV in a neighbouring département.  I tried to get one in the Charente Maritime where we used to live but it said I didn't have "le droit" or a similar word, can't remember, to have the jab there.

Has anyone tried/managed to do the unthinkable and get it in a centre not in their département?  Please let me know if it's possible....hey, my husband's life might depend on your answer[:-))][:D]

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Here is a carte and tableau of vaccinations by départements.  If you feel as depressed as I do, on no account consult it.


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I can't help feeling, with sympathy, that it's a great waste of emotional energy searching all over for an RDV. Quite simply we have run out of vaccine. There's some held back for second jabs but no more. Just consult sante.fr from time to time to see if vaccines have become available. When it does I don't doubt there will be a blast of publicity and only then will it be worth starting to look for an RDV.
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And I can't help admitting the sensibleness of your reply, Kong[:)]

Yes, I do need some perspective on this.  It's just that in the last 10 days or so, I have had a slew of medical appointments and must have spent almost as much waking time in waiting- rooms, in hospital, lab, surgeries and today in the massive queue for a PCR test in a car park.

I am stressed, anxious, wound-up and I have left copious notes for myself detailing everything I have to do before my admission on Monday.  It's only for the day (though I have a RV for the same hospital the following day as well).  Ugh....just getting things out of proportion.....[8-)] 

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I feel for you .. yes, Likewise, I have spent more time in various medical establishments and public transports thann I would have liked in the last 2 weeks .. not worrying, as it is not too bad around here (I think !), but I do get annoyed by the masks worn wrongly! 

I expect that our small local centre will be the last to get more ..

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Ah mint, what can I say but simply wear two masks, or a mask and a visor, keep your distance and keep using your gel.

There is nothing else you can do. AND the vaccines apparently take several weeks to work, so even if you could get one tomorrow, it wouldn't help for now.

If you know of any relaxation excersizes, do yourself a favour and do them, clear your mind and take yourself off to another world. There is nothing you can do other than not take your appointments and hunker down at home, and that I reckon is not what you feel like doing.

Worrying, I have done enough of that in my life, but life is too short for me to worry about the things I can do nothing about.

Good luck for your appointments.

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