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Bird catching.......


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Been spending almost 2 hours , with my neighbour, trying to catch this sort of beautiful bird, ( I know, it may sound silly to some of you... [:$])

 without harming it..


 She seems to be distressed, making little sounds for

" help !" , when we do one step forward she does two, she can fly, we've been trying with a net, but with no success... 

Could she survive in nature ? ( I doubt it ..)

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Frenchie, can you borrow a bird cage from someone and put bird seed and water in it?  If it's a bird who has been used to captivity it might go in the cage on its own and you can shut the door after tying a long piece of string to it.

Don't know if that will work, but it's how we used to catch budgies which had escaped years ago.


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As a one off it will not survive for long. The ones in Surrey (UK) are ring necked parrots and have been around for about thirty years, rumour was that a large number escaped together, therefor allowing them to be able to defend each other and obviously breed. 
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Not that it will help you catch it, but I think it's a white cockatiel - my sister used to have a pair. They can be anywhere on the scale of tame to absolutely wild. Google "white cockatiel" for photos.

I saw a zebra finch flitting around recently which was extremely pretty and extremely wild - presumably also an escapee as they're more usually found in parts of Australasia and America.

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Unfortunately it flew away , but it can't be far...  Looked around , couldn't see it, but we'll keep on looking  tomorrow, hoping we can find it....

It didn't seem wild at all, and what sweet eyes...


Thanks for your answers..

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[quote user="Catalpa"]Not that it will help you catch it, but I think it's a white cockatiel - my sister used to have a pair. They can be anywhere on the scale of tame to absolutely wild. Google "white cockatiel" for photos.

I saw a zebra finch flitting around recently which was extremely pretty and extremely wild - presumably also an escapee as they're more usually found in parts of Australasia and America.

Yes, definately a white cockatiel; we used to breed and show Australian parakeets and finches in the UK. I would think it has escaped from somewhere; could you advertise locally that you have seen it as the owner may well be able to catch it if they know the area it's in.

I love zebra finches, Catalpa, they were one of my favourite birds when we had avairies. Perhaps the one you saw has a mate somewhere and they are coping together, they do like to be in pairs or a group.

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