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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. Mine is as before but that may be different from Commune to communehttps://www.economie.gouv.fr/particuliers/taxes-ordures-menageres Taxes sur les ordures ménagères : quels montants ? Montant de la TEOM Si le dispositif qui s’applique à votre commune est la TEOM, vous trouverez la somme due sur votre avis d’imposition de taxe foncière. Vous devrez donc vous acquitter de la somme demandée auprès de l’administration fiscale.
  2. No  she was elegant and I enjoyed her performances
  3. NormanH

    Ameli website

    I had  the same thing as nomoss, but as it says that what I intended to do can wait I left it till later..
  4. As far as I am concerned if it is in London it is already 'abroad'.
  5. https://www.leaderpharma.com/pommade-cicatrisante-neosporin.html
  6. Better than a p ric k up the ears as Joe Orton didn't write[6]
  7. I suppose one could argue that they  belong to the world, not just one country. After all Michelangelo wasn't English nor Leonardo French. Does this simply reflect the declining wealth and power of the two old Colonial powers?
  8. I am fine...there is a grocer whom I can phone and he prepares my order, a traiteur who does the same, one restaurant who delivers and another who keeps a table for me apart from other people (remember we can eat outside here all year round) Bars are a forgotten memory of ill-spent youth... I do feel for the business people who are being so hard-hit though.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/24/marseille-fury-at-paris-decree-to-shut-its-bars-as-coronavirus-soars This won't affect those of you who live in the country, but although we aren't  in the list we already have quite a lot of these...though many seem half-ignored.
  10. Peoiple tend to forget that any consequences of Brexit are entirely the responsibilty of those whe asked for it,voted for it and signed an agreement defining it. The UK chose to leave and lose these "passporting" rights. In being 'helpful' it simply wants to retain access to a market for services. It is of course possible  that some sort of negotiation of them is arrived at, but not by tearing up a treaty that has already been signed. "Rule Britannia, Britannia waives the RulesBritons always have been ruled by fools"
  11. Grey suits or white coats? https://youtu.be/XQMxSoZP_wA
  12. An up-to-date version of my tag that is doing the rounds: Ô rage ! Ô désespoir ! Ô virus ennemi ! Ai-je assez de PQ pour cette pandémie …
  13. You may well be right since I seem to remember that at one time I  saw Bank of America on some transfers a while back and those were for pension payments at the time.Perhaps it is up for tender at regular intervals?
  14. I accept what Gardian says about different arrangements suiting different people. I was of course referring to my own allergy to those two institutions [:D] What I am not clear about is how this might affect direct payments of such things as an OAP or Government pension to France. (I believe private pension schemes come into a different category) At the moment my two pensions are paid directly into my French account in Euros, but I imagine that there must be some intermediary bank involved in the transaction and I wonder if that bank might be affected by this loss of 'passporting rights" Somewhat in anticipation of this I set up a Transferwise  account with a debit card but to be honest I don't know if this  really provide a solution, nor indeed how to have my pensions paid into it if the need arises..
  15. Probably better known in France than in the UK, but with a distinguished career in both languages. https://www.lemonde.fr/disparitions/article/2020/09/21/l-acteur-franco-britannique-michael-lonsdale-est-mort_6053058_3382.htmlchchael
  16. None of them is worth more than the minimum wage.
  17. Better off without either Barclays or Lloyds I had nothing but problems with both of them and have lived happily without since 1995..
  18. https://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/orages-et-pluies-cevenoles-deux-departements-en-alerte-orange-20200918
  19. It didn't P down in the end and there were CROWDS of people in town..
  20. Did I catch  the words correctly?They DID sing.. " When Britain first, at Heaven's command Arose from out the azure main; This was the charter, the charter of the land, And guardian angels sang this strain: "Rule, Britannia! Britannia waives the rules: "Britons always will be ruled by fools." didn't they?
  21. This may help to distiguish though I find there to be not that much in the way of clear diffence in symptoms.. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/18/coronavirus-symptoms-common-cold-covid-19-flu-nhs-guide At the same time I have just received my annual invitation and prescription for the Flu Vaccine from Ameli. (I don't intend to set off a controversy for and against vaccines. This is just  for information and a reminder for those who do wish to be vaccinated)
  22. It also looks as if it is going to P down here...
  23. Lovely work as always, and lovely to see you posting[:D]
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