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Everything posted by NormanH

  1. Interesting, thank you. Here in Béziers the tests are no  longer being done in the Lab as usual (which has at least cleared  the log-jam for people needing the normal ones done) and have  been moved out to a 'drive'. Fine for those with cars....
  2. A stereotyped view of Paris that hasn't gone down too well with the French critics..... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/06/plenty-to-feel-insulted-about-french-critics-round-on-emily-in-paris
  3. What a wonderful programme[:D]Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention...
  4. I think that the first thing to explore is yourself. I know a lot of people who move from place to place but always take themselves and their own dissatisfaction with them. I would not recommend the town I live in to anyone else but I have been here for 25 years, can see all the warts on its face it has many of the things that I want, and of course I have developed some networks which I would not be able to replace elsewhere. More generally you get older different things start to become more important. Easy access to a range of good health care is important for me, and I know I am a big town boy who lives who needs to live close to small shops pharmacies and markets who offer personal service, not to mention a range of small restaurants and cafes. This might be of interest:https://www.ville-ideale.fr/
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2020/sep/29/britons-in-eu-need-sufficient-warning-of-uk-bank-account-closure-warn-mps-brexit
  6. In any case the most important thing is to make sure that the house is well-insulated before thinking of changing  the heating system.
  7. I have  a 'clim reversible' which cools in Summer and heats in Winter. With good insulation I find it very cheap to run.
  8. A tip you may well be aware of:If you send a message on the internal message service in your espace particulier on the impots.gouv.fr site it tends to get a quicker and more prescise reply.It can be a bit fiddly as you have to go carefully though a list of exactly which impot you want to ask about...
  9. It depends of course on the criteria for admission. The authors who are there were chosen for "Major authors whose works and commitments defend the values of republican justice and tolerance: Victor Hugo, Émile Zola and Alexandre Dumas" not simply for literary merit as such..
  10. I watched the programme with  the French subtitles on...they worked for the songs as well as the rest. I agree that some of the songs have been  rather 'souped up' by the music, perhaps to make the text more palatable? That is particularly the case with Belle étoile; the poem paints a very stark picture of a social reality one could still see in cities today,  but the music is 'popular': 'Il fouillait les ordures pour trouver un croûton ""Encore un sale youpin qui vient manger notre pain "" Dit un monsieur très bien' Boulevard de la Chapelle où passe le métro aérien Il y a des filles très belles et beaucoup de vauriens Les clochards affamés s’endorment sur les bancs De vieilles poupées font encore le tapin à soixante-cinq ans Boulevard Richard-Lenoir j’ai rencontré Richard Leblanc Il était pâle comme l’ivoire et perdait tout son sang "Tire-toi d’ici tire-toi d’ici" voilà ce qu’il m’a dit "Les flics viennent de passer Histoire de s’ réchauffer ils m’ont assaisonné" Boulevard des Italiens j’ai rencontré un Espagnol Devant chez Dupont tout est bon après la fermeture Il fouillait les ordures pour trouver un croûton "Encore un sale youpin qui vient manger notre pain" Dit un monsieur très bien Boulevard de Vaugirard j’ai aperçu un nouveau-né Au pied d’un réverbère dans une boîte à chaussures Le nouveau-né donnait dormait ah ! quelle merveille De son dernier sommeil Un vrai petit veinard Boulevard de Vaugirard Au jour le jour à la nuit la nuit A la belle étoile C’est comme ça que je vis Où est-elle l’étoile Moi je n’ l’ai jamais vue Elle doit être trop belle pour le premier venu Au jour le jour à la nuit la nuit A la belle étoile Cest comme ça que je vis C’est une drôle d’étoile c’est une triste vie Une triste vie.
  11. That is one of the ones in the selection from the INA in my earlier post[:D]
  12. https://www.anil.org/fileadmin/ANIL/Editions_grand_public/serie_rapports_locatifs/charges_et_reparations.pdf
  13. "would be given a certain period after the end of transition (9 months?) to exchange their licence and after that date their UK licence would no longer be exchangeable" As I said above it used to be 6  months from the  date of arriving in France
  14. I saw him Conduct  at the Proms with my then-recent bride on honeymoon in 1975[:D]
  15. I strongly dislike his voice and his style...he is the same in the programmes about historic sites etc.
  16. One of my favourites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKalSURPAOc and a selection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvJSkGd-t6U
  17. Did you see that programme Sue?
  18. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oYr9PmOfkdKuKy0u_u93tq3Okc0GZKWG/view?usp=sharing Colloque sentimental Dans le vieux parc solitaire et glacé Deux formes ont tout à l’heure passé. Leurs yeux sont morts et leurs lèvres sont molles, Et l’on entend à peine leurs paroles. Dans le vieux parc solitaire et glacé Deux spectres ont évoqué le passé. – Te souvient-il de notre extase ancienne? – Pourquoi voulez-vous donc qu’il m’en souvienne? – Ton cœur bat-il toujours à mon seul nom? Toujours vois-tu mon âme en rêve? – Non. Ah ! les beaux jours de bonheur indicible Où nous joignions nos bouches ! – C’est possible. – Qu’il était bleu, le ciel, et grand, l’espoir ! – L’espoir a fui, vaincu, vers le ciel noir. Tels ils marchaient dans les avoines folles, Et la nuit seule entendit leurs paroles. Heart to heart In the lonely cold old park Two figures have just passed. Their eyes are dead, their lips are slack, We hardly hear their words. In the lonely cold old park Two ghosts evoked the past. - Remember our old ecstasy? - But why remember it? - Your heart beats faster at my name ? Still see me in your dreams? - No. Ah! the days of blissful joy When our lips touched ! - Perhaps. - The sky was blue and hope was great! - Hope has fled, beaten, to the black sky. They wandered like this through the wild grass And only the night heard their words. Set to music by Debussy https://youtu.be/L6ubmOh3bfo p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115%; background: transparent } a:link { color: #000080; so-language: zxx; text-decoration: underline } p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115%; background: transparent } p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 115%; background: transparent }
  19. This is the site to consult on these matters: https://www.anil.org/
  20. A fascinating documentary about her with lots of clips of her songs https://www.france.tv/documentaires/art-culture/1986585-juliette-greco-une-femme-libre.html
  21. I am surprised that there are people living and driving in France who didn't exchange their licence during the first six months that they  were here.I had to, but that may have changed since 1996..
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