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Everything posted by mint

  1. Norman, thank you for the giggle.  I'll never be able to watch Joe Wicks again with a straight face. Wools and Loiseau, don't tell me you are both pining for each other......now THAT will put a smile on everyone's face[:D]
  2. [url]https://www.theguardian.com/food/2020/may/06/no-flour-no-problem-try-these-recipes-for-delicious-sweet-bakes[/url]
  3. [quote user="woolybanana"]Do worry, Weegie, his piles are troubling him again.?[/quote] I wish people would be more specific[8-)]  Piles of what?  Piles of dosh, piles of food stockpiled in the pantry, piles of dog mess just outside the house? BTW, the latter is what we have and I have yet to catch the person/s responsible.
  4. Some of the commentaires amuse me hugely. Here is one I like (although I don't do those things that the writer does): TemoinOculaire le 06/05/2020 à 11:30 Je veux bien croire que certains ont pris des kilos ces deux derniers mois. Quand l’activité physique a été réduite chaque jour à un lever, puis une petite marche jusqu’à sa SDB, puis quelques pas pour aller à la cuisine pour un petit déjeuner plus copieux qu’à l’habitude. Ensuite un déjeuner, suivi d’une sieste-lecture, puis d’une pause-thé-gâteau.... en attendant un dîner concocté aux petits oignons, suivi lui de 3 heures de canapé pour voir Netflix... que pouvait-il arriver à nos corps ?
  5. [url]https://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/confinement-les-francais-ont-pris-2-5-kg-en-moyenne-20200506[/url] Come on, let's have it, who's put on weight?  And who's been doing what to put it on? I'll start, yes to question one (BUT thankfully not as much as 2.5 kg) and yes, again to number 2, haven't been able to resist chocolate with whole hazelnuts, Magnum (the ice cream, not champagne) and a glass of chardonnay whilst cooking lunch[:-))] They do say that confession is good for the soul?
  6. https://www.sudouest.fr/2020/05/03/pas-de-quarantaine-pour-toute-personne-en-provenance-de-l-ue-espace-schengen-ou-royaume-uni-7457026-10861.php GG, you can come back to Uzés[:)]
  7. Yes, in the Lot at least, there has been an explanation for the error.  Apparently people admitted to les urgences on suspicion of having the virus were counted as hospital admissions for covid. I always knew the first map to do with movement of the virus was wrong as regards my département.  I have been following the local news and there had never been any suggestion of more than a handful of infections and a mere 10 or 12 en réanimation. Didn't know the testing situation but that has now apparently been modified.  Personally, I didn't much care for such strict measures for our rural areas.  It always seemed ridiculous that I could only walk for an hour and no more than 1 km from my home.  I literally could walk 10 kilometres and not meet a soul! I don't want to go to cinemas or restos but I do want to walk on my own, not posing a threat to anyone and not having to have the attestation on me at all times. 
  8. make confinement a little more bearable? Mine is a Magnum, the one with the chocolate and hazelnut on the outside or, failing that, the one with white chocolate outside. BUT, I only allow myself one every other day[:P]  Last week, I ran out and nearly went a whole week without until it was time to go to the shops again. Tomorrow, it is OH's birthday so I will make him a cake and as I won't eat cake and a Magnum on the same day, I will have to just have the cake[:(]  Not so good as it is Magnum day tomorrow.......! Anyone else reverted to childhood behaviours?[:-))]
  9. Re Lori, me too....that sounded like a really horrible pain.  Also, is your move still going ahead as planned, Lori? I shall be thinking of you WALKING in your garden! Tried to go for my usual walk today but it was really no pleasure and gave up after 15 minutes.  Rain driving straight into my face and the wind trying to blow my hood off.
  10. No, idun, I would call it yellow. I mean lemons are yellow but oranges are orange, n'est ce pas?[:D]
  11. [quote user="idun"]Is it my screen, or 'me' but isn't that 'orange' actually yellow in colour?[8-)] [/quote] In the French news, they call it orange. It's currently my favourite colour; I have a beautiful leather handbag in orange and a watch with an orange strap, face and casing. I suddenly decided that my wardrobe needed a pop of colour and I have since acquired a couple of orange tops and a jumper in orange. I used to have 2 Dutch friends (now both dead[:(]) who were always in orange as it is the national colour of Holland. It has a touch of cheerfulness and boldness, in my opinion[:D]
  12. I ordered a sun visor a few weeks ago and had an email to say it has been sent.  And voilà, it arrived today and is superb with a nice wide brim and another peak of darkened plastic that can be pulled down well over the eyes. Only problem is, we have had no sun for a few days but plenty of rain.  The forecast is for incessant rain for a few days yet. As they say, you win some and you lose some......(emoticon needed for "resigned")
  13. There are at least 2 articles about this in Sud Ouest this morning.  One says that the placing of the Dordogne in the orange category has "suscité l'étonnement en Périgord" and another that the president of the Dordogne was "stupéfait". The criterion on testing is said to have been 300 a day and that the capacity (yes, that tricky word again) is 1000 a day.
  14. The orange was an afterthought.  Certainly, in the link that Norman provided on another thread, the C dans l'air discussion did not touch on oranges! Yesterday, in the le Monde article, there were in fact 2 maps, one for the "activity" of the virus and the other for the hospital bed occupancy situation.  Pour autant que je sache, as the French commentators put it (!), orange means the status has not yet been established and that it could be basculé either way. I was indeed most surprised that the Dordogne was orange because, I look in on Sud Ouest every couple of days and the figures have always been very low. 
  15. mint


    Wonder if my neighbour will be leaving a bunch of muguets on our doorstep tomorrow morning, something she has always done in previous, happier years.
  16. Norman, sorry but both your links are too hard to watch at this time.  Just don't have the stomach for it.....
  17. Ugh.....I sure ain't going to Croatia.  What if there were a sudden second wave and I couldn't get back home to France and am stuck in Croatia for 4 months!!!  Doesn't bear thinking about..... There is an English couple in our village (quite new to our village) who spent winter in Portugal and cannot now come home.  Their house and garden are beginning to look abandoned and very neglected.
  18. Sid, I have grounds for hoping that we are a département vert because, the last time I looked a couple of days ago, there was only one single death and fewer than 10 en réanimation in the Dordogne. I posted about this déconfinement régionalisé and was laughed at by some and opposed by others.  It wasn't my proposal, but that of some heads of départements that have been the least touchés.  Makes sense, if infection is so low, why should we be treated as the Grand Est, for example? Noman, thanks for the links; might get a chance to watch them this evening after my walk (weather permitting) and the pilates, such as it is, that I have learned from a video.  No idea if I am doing it right but it's been most effective in reducing the waistline.
  19. Yes, thank you, an excellent discussion and clarified in my own mind what I gathered from the PM's statement today. Delighted that the plan has been voted on and generally approved.  I don't think the different political parties in France, in this instance, have cooperated as well with the government as those in the UK. Being in the Dordogne, we will be a département vert and I am keeping my fingers crossed that all déroulera smoothly.
  20. [quote user="Gardian"]I hadn’t missed him - didn’t even realise that he wasn’t around. You women do fuss, just because a bloke lies low for an hour or two.[/quote] Oy, you, Gardian.....us women didn't start the fuss.  For reasons of accuracy, it was Wooly that started the man hunt.  And I thought Wooly's intentions were completely altruistic......[6]
  21. All the assembly members have to vote for it later today and the consensus seems to be that it's a good and safe strategy that is being proposed.
  22. OK, calm down everyone[:D]  He only wanted to test whether we still loved him[:P]
  23. Un distributeur de billets?  Or le DB?  Not that it distributes any old amount.  It's positively stingy.... For larger sums, you need to go in and ask nicely[:D]
  24. Kicking is all very well, nm, but that could be some sort of muscle memory reflex.  We need to know if the rest of him is still ticking?
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