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Everything posted by Lori

  1. I feel for you Mint.  Salty foods are what I crave the most.  I made a point not to buy potato chips since we've arrived in France !! For me, that is a major accomplishment.  I knew that if I had them in the apt. during the confinement, I would eat them all.  Low sodium salt(s) were easily available in all U.S. shops.  My Mom has high blood pressure, so she had to use it.  I've never looked for it here, but I'm sure it is readily available. As for Magnums.  You people must stop.  As much as my snacky foods revolve around salt, certain ice-creams and ice-cream bars are simply irresistible.  I don't buy them.  I do have pretty good will power, but if they are in the house, I will not resist.  Especially if I am 'stuck' in the house. Our treats since Coivid; I guess the odd baguette as we had cut way back on bread and then cheese - which we also had cut way back on.  And more chocolate.  I don't even like chocolate (husband loves it), but that being the only sweet thing in the apt., that is the only choice.  And, I do have some regularly.  So, I guess this explains the extra couple of kilos !! Luckily, there had been no yeast available - UNTIL NOW.  So, I could not make home made pizza (husband's favorite).  I did pick up a box of yeast pkts, but so far, I have resisted making a pizza... even under husband's pressure.
  2. I have that same problem Idun.  Cannot wear pj's with pants or even shorts.  They just jumble up too much and make sleeping uncomfortable.  Only sleep dresses.  I'll need to order a nice winter robe as I did not keep my old one (donated many old clothes prior to leaving U.S.).  No idea where to look for that as the ones I see here seem to be flimsy thin and over priced. I hope you like the things you chose Mint and that they arrive without too much delay.  We've gotten all our Amazon items within 2 to 3 business days, including 2 new memory foam pillows (made in France) delivered yesterday. 
  3. I don't suppose we have done anything exciting this week.  However, in the current situation, just about anything outside the apartment seems rather exciting. We walk outside now each day for about 3 hours.  We take different routes in the 15eme and the 7eme, sometimes delving further out.  The walks are really wonderful. Yesterday I guess I did something exciting.  I went back to dry my clothes at the laverie for the first time since the confinement.  No one was there...  I wore a mask and rubber gloves..  Still, it was so nice not to have to turn on that Go* awful condenser dryer to try to dry clothes (takes hours and hours).  I took two large loads of washed clothes, set the dryer for 32 minutes, left and returned to perfectly dry clothes.  How nice.  There was no one there when I went back to get the clothes either. During our walk today, I was very curious what I would see as most everything has reopened.  The large Beaugrenelle shopping mall has reopened.  There were about a dozen people lined up at 1 meter distances waiting to go in.  So, I presume the regular guards are only allowing so many people in at one time.  Can't imagine how that will work as it is a huge mall with dozens of stores.  Once in, I wonder if each store is then controlling how many people go into their shop(s). The stores on rue du Commerce are individual shops, so they have been open for a week or so.  They only allow so many people in at one time, require masks and ask for distancing. Today, there were SO many more people out.  Many carrying various shopping bags.  Salons seemed very busy all over town.  Both nail and hair salons.  Saw less people wearing mask and more people out.  It is what I figured we would see.  It will likely be very crowded tomorrow along the river.  It had already gotten very busy there last Sunday.  So, we will avoid it.  Not difficult to do. We've made a list of the items we'll order for our new home (quite a list).  We ordered and have received our new FREE fiber box.  The current FREE account here is in our daughter's name.  So, even though we pay for it, names on the account cannot be changed (short of divorce, marriage, death).  So, we have to cancel here and start new service in our names at the new address.  Appointment for fiber line to be installed at new address is set for 9 june. I've written out the resiliation letter to EDF and to FREE.  So, things progress.  Exciting?  Well, yes to us, but I doubt to anyone else.
  4. Lori

    Amazon deliveries

    We've ordered several things over the past couple of weeks.  I don't think any would be considered essential.  Most were Prime; sold by and shipped by Amazon.  Now, from what depot, I have no idea, but most have arrived in 2 to 3 days - almost always faster than they said it would be when we ordered. We'll be ordering lots of things in mid June; sheets, pillows, mattress protector, bed cover, etc., etc.  I wouldn't think these things are considered essential.  I do hope they continue to ship things.  I too wondered if the warehouse had reopened.  I hadn't seen anything on the news about it, but I could have missed it.
  5. Yes, Idun.  I read about the patient in Paris that dated back to November 2019.  We were all over the Paris region using public transportation to search for a new rental in January, February and March.  We spent hours each day on buses, trams, trains and metro.  Constantly surrounded by sick people, which is pretty much the norm in Paris in winter.  We ended up getting sick in the beginning of February.  Terrible cough and strange symptoms overall. 
  6. Thanks for that link Mint.  Very interesting.  I did look at the various tests listed on the government link.  It doesn't say if any of them are available without a prescription.  I presume we will hear more about the availability of the tests as days pass.  As Idun said, we don't know for certain that having the antibodies gives us any real protection or if it does, for how long.  Also, I've read that the tests are between 90 and 95% accurate.  So, there is always the chance that you will get a false result.  Not really terribly reassuring, but I'd still like to have a test done.
  7. Interesting.  Husband and I were just saying yesterday how unacceptable (to us) it was that getting any type of test just seemed impossible unless you had symptoms. We were both sick in February and wonder if we might have had a mild version of the virus.  Probably not, but it would be nice to have the test, just to know. The antibody test is the blood test right?  Testing if you are sick is the nasal swab right?
  8. Ah sweet.  I hope you have many more years together. We lost our collie in April of 2014.  It was heartbreaking.  He was the most wonderful friend and companion.  We all miss him every single day.  The pain was so much that I have said no to any further furry companions.  It is just far too heartbreaking when they leave us. Enjoy the years you have.
  9. Thanks for the tip. Not using an Ipad.  Using a Lenovo Notebook (which I am counting the days until I can blow up). I do not see a smiley on any key.  Sadly, I will have to resort to your last suggestion. I hate that.
  10. Excellent !  Thanks GG.  I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
  11. That was sweet Chessie.  I cannot for the life of me manage to insert any emoticons.  I tried and failed.   
  12. Yes, very glad to hear back from her. Thankfully, our French taxes have been done.  U.S. taxes too.  Even did our daughter's U.S. taxes and my mother's U.S. taxes... All done during confinement.
  13. Thank you for coming back to us Chessie.  I'm so glad you found the CG's and the euros, etc.  The keys will likely pop up one day. I fully understand about not wanting to burden your family, who are too far away to really help right now and would certainly worry.  Also understand that you don't feel comfortable speaking with mutual friends about the situation.  However, I bet they have noticed changes in him, yet likely for the same reasons, do not bring it up to you. So, we are all here for you.  Please post when you can as we will all be thinking of you. Hugs..
  14. I understand Sue and agree with you.
  15. Thanks Sue.  I have just sent her an email.  Hopefully not over stepping my bounds by doing so. I know when I quit posting here, a LONG time ago, I had fallen into a very low spot and I somehow felt that same vibe from her last post.  Different drama, but same despair. Hopefully she is okay.
  16. Has anyone been in touch with her?  Her last post was 14 May (unless I've missed something). I'm worried about her.
  17. Oh Chessie, your post just brought tears to my eyes.  I feel the emotion in your words and I wish there was something I could do for you.  I too send you a very big virtual hug and also encourage you to post here about your life.  There are lots of smart folks on this site and I know they will offer support in any way they can.  And, I agree with Idun; posting a good rant as often as you'd like might lighten a tiny bit of the load. It does sound like he is hiding things.  Could he have taken the CG's because he thinks you might want to sell one or both of the vehicles to buy a new one - since you mentioned wanting one?  A quick search confirms Judith's suggestion.  Have a look here. Perte, vol ou détérioration de la carte grise : demande de duplicataVérifié le 19 décembre 2019 - Direction de l'information légale et administrative (Premier ministre) https://www.service-public.fr/particuliers/vosdroits/F1726 (Sorry, I don't know how to make a live / clickable link.)
  18. Understand Mint.  I hope we are able to cope up to 15 June.  We are excited to move.  Yes, we understand the translation, Sault (close to where we used to live), Sceaux, outside Paris, etc.  Must be so many other similarities. We will toast our new house when we get there, hopefully we do.
  19. Oh Mint, we don't actually move until 15 June, so we have another month to go.  There are many times of the year previously that I have preferred Paris, but now, it is like I have never seen it before.  Streets can be empty completely and the river walks have never been so quiet, even on winter snow days. Also, the house we are moving to has the Parc de Sceaux and the coulee vert within less than 5 minutes walk, so we will be set.  Husband is already planning to order a bicycle. I'm glad it sounds like you are all coping as well as can be expected.  Very odd times.
  20. Glad to hear each of your stories.  We are fine here. Paris is glorious now !!!  We did not go out until yesterday and had no idea what to expect since deconfinement.  Our first stop was to buy the masks.  That done, we headed to walk along he river, half expecting it to be a mob scene since we had seen that on the evening news the night before (but it wasn't the area where we walk/live).  Nope, nearly no one was there.  I think we came across 10 people in the 6kms we walked. Our area along the river in the 15eme is not nearly as crowded as other areas.  We were happy about that.  We normally walk in the direction of the Tour Eiffel (about 5 minutes from the apartment) and then past it, but we figured that direction would likely be more crowded as it is somewhat more scenic.  So, we headed the opposite direction - which we like to walk also.  I have NEVER seen it so empty.  So, we did it again today.  Even fewer people today !!  We presume because of the chilly wind.  Not sure. We did stop for some groceries and everyone does try to distance so far.  Still no levure boulangere.. I'm sure we will feel differently when the 1.2 million who left the city return.  Plus, when all the restaurants and shops reopen, it will likely change the situation.  But, we like it now.
  21. We bought a box of 50 jetable masks yesterday at Carrefour City.  39 euros for the box...  I honestly think my bandanna is more effective.  It is folded to have 6 layers; with rubber bands around the ears.
  22. Idun, I'm sorry about your shoulders.  I can now really relate. What did we do today?  Well, I toasted walnuts for a beet/walnut/goats cheese/salad for dinner.  Husband did 2 miles in steps.  I cleaned the shower door with liquide de rincage lave vaiselle; it really does remove all the water (calcaire) stains and removes the cloudy - ness.  What excitement ! We did not go out.  Won't tomorrow either.  Might on Wednesday.  We'll see.
  23. Oh thanks Loiseau.  We did manage to get in touch.  He was able to send me a message.
  24. Hi there:  Just FYI, I have not received an email from you as of 17h06 10 May.
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