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Everything posted by Lori

  1. Not sure who you are referring to Ken, but if it is me, no I would not like to wait any further.  As I have said, I would happily have the AZ vaccine if I could.
  2. [quote user="Judith-aka-Judith"]... and I believe the results from the UK already show what a good impact it has had on both reducing spread and reduction in severity if the virus did strike .. [/quote] Same for Israel which used primarily the Pfizer vaccine.
  3. As I understand it, the U.S.A. is using vaccines manufactured in the U.S.A. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/12/us-tops-100-million-covid-vaccine-doses-administered-13percent-of-adults-now-fully-vaccinated.html https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/10/jj-covid-vaccine-biden-administration-to-buy-an-additional-100-million-doses.html
  4. I had read that about the Pfizer vaccine too Chessie. Again today more countries are suspending the AZ vaccine.  It is hard for me to imagine the EU is doing this for political reasons.  Yet, there don't seem to be any other understandable reasons.  Is there something they are not telling us?  Because, at this point, if they have no other reasons than the 33 instances, they will have blood on their hands. What are they telling people who have had their first AZ vaccine and are due for their second? What type of  'investigation' is being done and by whom? As Wooly said (I think it was Wooly) they have had to get these vaccines developed and manufactured in break neck speed.  And it does seem that there have not been THAT many side effects, considering the number of people who have taken the vaccines, at this point.  I'd still like to hear more about the clinical trials and studies.  It is a bit concerning that our MT feels the roll out has been too fast with not enough studies having been done yet.  In effect stating that we are human guinea pigs who have no idea what, if any, future side effects of the vaccine there will be. And again, no one (gov't or health authority) seems to have said what is happening to the AZ doses they are sitting on.  If it is all experimental (all the vaccines I mean), then why not give the AZ one to those who are willing to take it.  Cause, I'd be willing to bet they would have takers for every dose they have.
  5. Yes, I would have the AZ vaccine too, if it was offered to me. I found the letter sited in the article interesting too, along with the names at the bottom of it. A bunch of conspiracy theorists?  Certainly possible.  I'd still like to hear answers to most of the questions that were asked and not answered.
  6. [quote user="anotherbanana"]This however gives food for thought: https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/why-are-we-still-giving-people-covid-19-vaccines[/quote] This was one of the most comprehensive (to me at least) articles I've read on the subject. I know our MT feels that the vaccines should not be given until full clinical trials have been completed.  He agrees with the above article that the entire project is experimental.
  7. Yes, I've read that info. too Wooly and I hope they are correct. I thought the AZ vaccines had use by dates.  If so many countries have stopped giving them with some of them saying they will wait two weeks or more to see what investigations show, what is happening with the doses? I'd like one.
  8. On a similar subject, does anyone know what is happening with all the AZ vaccines that are sitting in all the countries who have now  suspended giving them?
  9. [quote user="CeeJay"]You lucky people, I still can't even get a first one yet!!![/quote] Same boat.  We don't qualify until mid-April (at this point in time).
  10. Yes, you do have a way with words.  Always fun to read and much appreciated these days especially.
  11. I sent him a private message via this site back in January and he replied.  Has anyone tried that? Hope he is okay.
  12. Idun is right.  Get out the dictionary and start writing.  Also there are now several good translation websites.  Give them a try.  Translate from English to French and then copy the French translated phrase separately from French to English to try to double check the accuracy.  Isn't always perfect, but your point can usually be understood. Do you have a fluent French speaking friend/associate/neighbor?  It would be helpful if they could be present during your doctor appointment to assist.  If not, write each thing down in English and translate it to French as best you can.  One issue at a time, French phrase followed by English phrase just below on the same page.  Have this list, no matter how long it is, with you when you speak to anyone regarding the problem(s).  I would try to sort the issues with most serious being top of the list and less serious ones further down.  The list could also be emailed, faxed or dropped off at a doctor's office.
  13. [quote user="nomoss"]Who needs vaccines anyway? [6] USE BIRCH SAP [/quote] I had no idea.  I really found that fascinating.  A thousand trees no less !
  14. Good advice Wooly. Also Chessie, if you have a different MT than OH, call them both. 
  15. Yep, that was a busy day ! I hope you stay on the mend. Thanks for the update.
  16. I agree with Idun Chessie.  If you are worried about having a RDV via phone with the doctor - while OH is in the house, perhaps you could say  you are going out for a walk and have the RDV via portable?  Make a written list of all the things that he's done so you will not forget anything.  Is the doctor truly NOT receiving patients physically?  I find this rather shocking.  All our doctors here will receive patients in the office.  If you only need a refilled prescription or to consult for something that can be handled via telephone / computer RDV, they will suggest this route.  However, they WILL take patients in their offices.  And, they have during this entire pandemic - short of the first lockdown (that was strictly via telephone/computer). As Idun says, this really needs doing.  For your sanity. P.S.  I rather like Cajal's idea too !
  17. That's great Judith !  So pleased for you.  Hope you continue with no strong side effects.  Was it the Pfizer vaccine? Just curious.
  18. We were not in France when we accepted an offer on our home.  The agency selling it advised us that the entire process could be completed without us being in France, as Wooly said.  It is not uncommon. We chose to return to France to complete the process rather than hiring a proxy, so not much help to you except to say it is certainly done. We did accept the offer and get all that paperwork going while outside of France.  All passing documents back and forth via email. Best of luck to you !
  19. So sorry Chessie.  I know you really need a break.  I'm hoping travel will open up soon and you will be able to go visit loved ones. As to your idea, I don't think the authorities would find out at all unless OH did something to get questioned (traffic violation, petty theft, physically harmed someone, etc.).  Based on my communications with Gendarmes (and obviously your mileage may vary), I don't think they would even care if you sent them details - unless he had done something illegal (other than not renewing his residency card). Even then, it can take months, even years for various legal processes to play out here.  Have your travel plans planned (at least in your head) so you'll be ready the minute you are able to leave. Get your vaccination as soon as you can as a vaccine passport may be needed.
  20. Thank you both so much for coming back to tell us your reactions. Cajal, I do hope you and especially your wife's side effects subside today.  Chest pains would be very worrying to me as I'm sure it is to the both of you.  Perhaps it was caused by anxiety, caused by the other side effects, caused by the vaccine....  Okay, I'm not really conveying that very well.  I think I know what she means when she says neurological more than flu shivering.  Hope she is feeling better and quick like. I presume OH and I will likely get the AZ vaccine based on our age and lack of known health problems.  Not sure really as by the time we are invited the J&J one may have arrived. Still, very interested to hear from all of you. My Mother (in the U.S.) had the Pfizer shots (first and second).  She had minimal side effects with the first shot, much like Dept.71.  However, the second one had her poorly with various problems for about 4 days. 
  21. [quote user="Judith-aka-Judith"]Well, I've just had a rather successful day!  [/quote] I love it when that happens.  That's great about the RDV.  Pleased for you.
  22. [quote user="anotherbanana"]For AZ I think 54 and above now but could be wrong.[/quote] 50 and above WITH comorbidities.  No luck for us.
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