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Everything posted by betise

  1. We really shouldn't start stereotyping people. Where on earth would it end?
  2. An update to this, the deadline for voluntary NI contributions has been extended to April 2025, which is good news for anyone getting nowhere with telephone calls to the service. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/deadline-for-voluntary-national-insurance-contributions-extended-to-april-2025
  3. So? If everyone there was vaccinated, 100% of the people that caught it would have been vaccinated. Of the 1,800 people present, only 181 reported testing positive.
  4. I'm not sure who that is aimed at, nor what you are trying to say?
  5. Le Figaro calculated "more than 120 attacks per day" so yes, 700 per week actually sounds slightly low. In the UK, knife attacks are calculated at around 800 per week (House of commons paper https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn04304/ ). Emergency services say that knife attacks are more and more common now.
  6. There are few fake cards, it is illegal health tourism (the loaning of a card to overseas visitors) that the government is targeting. It won't be the reissuing of carte vitales, but rather including a social security number when a new carte d'identité is issued. Makes sense to me. "On peut imaginer un modèle où, à compter d'une certaine date, quand vous refaites votre carte d'identité, cela devient automatiquement votre carte Vitale", a avancé le ministre délégué chargé des Comptes publics, sans plus de détails."
  7. This is what is *supposed* to happen in hospitals, anyone with an appointment is supposed to show a form of ID and their carte vitale. The problem arises when someone who is entitled to free healthcare "lends" their card to someone else, who then profits from free healthcare, creating an extra strain on the system.
  8. Bl**dy hell man, have a biscuit! After trying 35 times the day before yesterday on the Future Pension Centre international number, I tried the one you kindly gave, and spoke to somebody first try. To say I was amazed is a massive understatement (I think the person I spoke to could tell)! Thank you so much, you hero 😀
  9. Out of interest, how many calls did you have to make to the future pensions centre before speaking to an actual human? I keep getting either the "your call cannot be connected" message or get through to the recorded pensions blurb, before being cut off. Feeling a bit grrrrrr!
  10. My sister in law used to be a midwife here, she said that it was not uncommon for several people to use the same card. It seems no checks were made, and that one "card holder" gave birth to 3 children in the space of a year!
  11. They often seem to quote their previous post, and then insert a link into the quoted text. Miss (mister, master, ms ?) Dallas has a very pretty photo though. I'm not sure that Alina Stanislavovna Sanko knows that Debbie has pinched her photo! https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=Alina+Sanko&meta=&rlz=1I7GGLL_enFR425
  12. I have the tiniest suspicion that Miss Dallas is not a real person (apologies if not true). Sounds a bit AI to me.
  13. I'm sure he'll do just fine (strangely it seems like I have known him so long).
  14. I always book fights, hotels, car hire in advance, after that I'm more flexible. I think it's an age thing, when I did my backpacking year, many moons ago, I would arrive, find a phone box (before the mobile phone era) and find accommodation from my Lonely planet guide/traveler's recommendations. If the room had a hook or nail on the wall to hang things, and hot water, it would do. Mind, towards the end of the year, even cold water would do!
  15. It looks as though children living abroad are still obliged to pay, at least for countries in the EU. For countries outside it depends whether or not they are signatories of the Haye convention (Albanie, Burkina Faso, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Union européenne, Norvège, Ukraine, et États-Unis d’Amérique) "Que faire si l’obligé alimentaire réside à l’étranger ? Une personne dans le besoin peut très bien demander à ses obligés alimentaires résidant à l’étranger de lui venir en aide, notamment pour payer l’accueil en Ehpad ou lui verser une pension. L’expatriation n’annule pas l’obligation alimentaire. Si le débiteur d’aliments refuse de payer, il est possible d’entamer une procédure de recouvrement de créance à l’étranger. La demande se fait auprès du bureau du recouvrement des créances alimentaires à l’étranger (RCA) du ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères. Si l’obligé alimentaire réside dans un pays hors de l’Union européenne, le RCA peut intervenir uniquement pour les pays signataires de la convention de La Haye du 23 novembre 2007."
  16. A bit off topic, but did you know that you can apply to have the oak listed, by having it included in the PLU? "Le moyen le plus sûr pour protéger un arbre est de l’inscrire en tant qu’Espace Boisé Classé (EBC) dans le Plan Local d’Urbanisme (PLU). Dans ce cas, l’arbre ne peut pas être abattu sans autorisation (sauf s’il est dangereux). La législation a évolué au cours du temps. Le texte qui, à l’origine, permettait seulement de protéger une surface boisée, autorise aujourd’hui de protéger un parc, une haie, un alignement et même un arbre isolé. Article L130-1 du code de l’urbanisme. L’article 123-1-5 du Code de l’urbanisme permet aussi de localiser, dans les PLU, des éléments de paysage à protéger et de définir des prescriptions de nature à assurer leurs préservations. Pour qu’un arbre soit réellement protégé, il faut définir un périmètre de protection dont le rayon correspond à la hauteur de l’arbre adulte. Sans cette marge de protection, l’arbre peut être irrémédiablement altéré par la proximité de l’urbanisation."
  17. Can you explain your interpretation of normal? Also, are you saying queers AND trans AND perverts, or queers and trans ARE perverts? Brain firmly in gear.
  18. I see that you have posted the same question on a lot of forums, including Australian and Finnish ones. We would probably need more information, hopefully without advertising links.
  19. On a different note, congratulations Dave (or not)! I see you have sold your soul to the woolly bee 😄
  20. Yes, but... Nothing justifies setting a home on fire (something that happened in March, but is only being reported now due to the Maire resigning). Or why not just put a tyre around their neck, and fill it with petrol?
  21. Not forgetting Paris, Texas!
  22. Treated timber has an Euro class B rating, apparently.
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