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Everything posted by betise

  1. J'ai mes règles? Perhaps you were trying to say that you had your rules?
  2. Often the delivery service adds an extra handling charge, for their time and effort involved in processing non EU items.
  3. Hello again Rose, it is a bit quieter here nowadays, but there are still lots of familiar faces. Are you still doing your fabulous walks?
  4. Oh, so sorry Wooly, it's awful to lose a beloved pet. 😢
  5. Have you tried here https://lidentitenumerique.laposte.fr/nous-contacter
  6. No, never regretted it. My life is here, I take the good with the bad, and know that France has a truckload of faults, but despite that, I would never leave.
  7. Lori, can't be that, they'd be far too young. I think it's action films, where they chuck a grenade or something, turn their backs and walk away, and go "boom!".
  8. Nowadays it is often used as an exclamation mark might be, often accompanied by a fast-opening fist movement. Or at least, that's what the hip young things tell me. I'll fetch me coat...
  9. Sweet, I was using Boom as a modern idiom... boom An exclamation used in conjunction with a decisive or impressive statement or action Boom! You can't argue with that logic. Straight flush, I win the pot! Boom.
  10. It's so noisy that it knocks your fillings out? Boom!
  11. The owners spoke French well, because they are, in fact, French. As for the cat, you would have to ask her!
  12. So did we, chinese whispers gone mad. It's little short of a miracle that we managed to find them, given that the only true parts were that the cat had 3 legs, and that they spoke French well!
  13. And another one, equally dreadful... https://www.midilibre.fr/2023/11/27/trois-fillettes-tuees-a-alfortville-pere-en-garde-a-vue-mere-retrouvee-autopsies-ce-que-lon-sait-du-drame-ce-lundi-11605802.php
  14. I am delighted to say that the owners were found yesterday by one of our team. They are a French family, who were devastated that they had lost her, they will all be reunited at the weekend.
  15. Oh, that is so sad, those poor girls.
  16. A cheesy reduction of wet animal hair would probably put me off too.
  17. Me too it seems, there was definitely a link to another site at the bottom of Jothi J's first post and above Dave's. It has now disparued!
  18. Who put the France m%%%dia link in above Dave's post?
  19. The quoted study that the article is based on is here .. https://www.iledefrance.ars.sante.fr/system/files/2023-11/RAPPORT - Contamination des oeufs de poules par des polluants organiques persistants - Novembre 2023_0.pdf
  20. "Bled" is an Arabic word meaning country or region. [...]BUT, a "bledard" usually means a "yokel" or a "bumpkin" ( or "oaf", "hillbilly" or "rustic") according to context as mentioned upthread, someone not sophisticated, but who might be crafty. It's pejorative, but it can be admiring too. Very confusing! In my dictionary, it says: "soldierwho served in the interior of North Africa" Another interpretation could be the following: As a "bled" means a village in the middle of nowhere (pejorative word), a "bledard" could be a person that comes from that hole. Taken from ... https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/blédard.159694/
  21. We have our own chooks, so eggs aplenty. Whenever I use an egg yolk for mayonnaise, I freeze the white in a small container. When I have 4 I can make a pavlova, whisking always with an electric mixer. Your idea is great Lehaut, use both at the same time.
  22. Immediately googles "egg in a cloud recipes"!
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