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Everything posted by betise

  1. I have a sneaking suspicion that we may have an AI bot posting somewhere on this, and other threads.
  2. If you can find powdered quails eggs, try them. Mr Betise suffers from horrible hay fever, but since he started taking 3 tablets par jour, he no longer has to take antihistamines, and despite often being in our garden, cutting the lawn etc (and we live in a very rural setting) he can live a normal life. We pooh poohed the idea, but it really does work for him.
  3. Yes, sad times. Our Super U mini has just got rid of the self checkout stations, due to people cheating on their vegetables! Apparently they would weigh, and get a ticket, for a cheap veg, and then refill the bag with something of the same weight, but more expensive! Whatever you think of the rights and wrongs of self checkout, it is a sad sign of the times.
  4. Yes, I mentioned her in an earlier post here, she was the animal welfare expert, but hasn't posted here in over 10 years. I wonder what happened to her?
  5. I have no idea, and to think that people pay to receive it!
  6. I think that all of Europe are in agreement about doing away with the phantom hour, the problem is that no one can agree about whether we stay in Central European Time, or in CET+1. And so it goes on ...
  7. I think I probably know them by heart, unless they've changed recently. I didn't mention the other forum. But maybe you're referencing the right of Archant to make whatever use they see fit of anything that is is posted on the forum? Out of interest where ARE the t & cs now, can't find 'em.
  8. Didn't she go off in a bit of a huff about one of the France magazines publishing something she posted here, without her permission? I think she started her own forum. She last posted here in 2007.
  9. Idun last posted on the forum January 1st of this year, to wish everyone a happy new year. She said she hoped to have more time this year to be able to post here again.
  10. Oh yes, of course Claire, who I did meet in person, IRL as people like to say now, before we "met" each other again on the forum. Although it did take me a while to realise that they were one and the same person. She had the patience of a saint.
  11. I helped Coops a bit with that, contacting ministers and journalists, and also with the dreaded tax FAQs for the forum. Sadly I never got to meet her in person, although I know that some forum members did meet her, on the itchy feet tour.
  12. Yes, or crispy pea (in my head). He was the wildlife expert, and Christine Animal was the animal welfare queen. I remember Chris Head and his amazing chainsaw totem poles. And Teapot, and Bugbear, and 5element and Catalpa and Tresco were all favourites of mine. It would be wonderful to hear how they are all doing now, unless they are back, but posting under different names?
  13. Hello Ernie *waves*! Lovely to see you posting. Do you still have your lean, green, machine? Unfortunately, the forum software was changed in 2004, so anyone who joined before that is stuck with that date now.
  14. Cassis? I remember also Sunday Driver, always so helpful. EDIT, no, it was Mikkie!
  15. I joined in 2004, although due to a forgotten password and change of email address, I had to re-join later, at that time it was a thriving forum. Changing email address was always problematic, as forum profiles were glued to the address.
  16. I notice that you made no reference to how you would finance the deal. If it is dependant on the sale of your current home, there would need to be a clause suspensive, which some sellers would be adverse to.
  17. I really like topinambour, but the resulting gas could fell a small army in the next village for around 2 days! I love aubergines though, grilled with olive oil and garlic, or made into aubergine caviar, yum. And celeriac is another favourite, so I must be Mint's evil, opposing twin.
  18. I contacted HMRC several times before getting the answer I was looking for. I duly sent off the forms late last year, and I had an email to tell me that I should expect a reply in August this year. So I now mustn't pop my clogs before another 4 years have passed.
  19. We are currently half-way through a lovely Morbier from SuperU. So far so good...
  20. When you say based on genetics ALBF, do you mean if our ancient ancestors were of a particular nationality?
  21. I saw that Mint, apparently the lack of access to a telephone contravened their fundamental rights.
  22. We were on the autoroute today, there are still closures, but mostly where they are clearing up the mess left behind by the farmers.
  23. The sugar is for the first recipe, sweet crepes. I prefer the second, savoury, recipe.
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