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Everything posted by betise

  1. As posted on another thread, the UK has just announced that, starting at 4am on 11 February, there will be no requirement for vaccinated passengers arriving in the UK to do post-arrival lateral flow tests.
  2. Also, the UK has just announced that, starting at 4am on 11 February, there will be no requirement for vaccinated passengers arriving in the UK to do post-arrival lateral flow tests.
  3. This is what you will need https://uk.ambafrance.org/COVID-19-rules-for-travel-between-France-and-the-UK-28918#:~:text=Prior to departure%2C vaccinated,A declaration of honor
  4. They thought that their good constitution would protect them. Ironically they had no fear of needles for botox.
  5. Glad I'm your mate now. ALBF. I deserved French nationality by right too. Don't make too many assumptions.
  6. Don't worry Lehaut, ALBF has made it quite clear before that he can't understand why anyone would apply for French nationality. Doesn't matter where you live, he will view you as an expat numpty. I believe he is trying for UK nationality for his wife though!
  7. The Daily Snail said a ministry source had told them no problem, the French news agency AFP then quoted the ministry saying that there was, and now Eurotunnel are saying all is well, subject to their journey to the UK having been completed before the 28th December 2021. So that's clear then
  8. The cancel culture gone berserk. If we are to be damned for saying people who were born female, and must refer to them as people who menstruate, then I'm a pretty p**sed off PWMs.
  9. No Christmas past, or present, or future, what the Dickens? There's a tale!
  10. We always enjoy les fêtes here, no need for pubs, we have family and friends. We all share the load, everyone brings something to eat and drink. This year was a little different, we thought we had covid, so were obliged to isolate. Christmas was a write off, but our tests were negative this morning, so bring on new year's eve, there will be feasting, singing and dancing.
  11. Forgot to add that you would have to give the address of the hotel as your place of isolation on the éOS online form https://passager.serveureos.org/forms/?fbclid=IwAR3r-vDLd-QVoQAjoRPjwBJ5z4OjUdMRJghluD16tEL1e98dfxAN5txqVtA
  12. You can isolate in a hotel, but you are obliged to isolate in the same place until you have either done your 48 hour test to release or the full 10 days. So you would have to stay a minimum of 2 days at the hotel ISOLEMENT 1. Où puis-je effectuer ma période d’isolement lors de mon arrivée en France ? Vous pouvez effectuer votre période d’isolement dans le lieu de votre choix : à votre domicile, à l’hôtel, chez des parents ou amis…. La période d’isolement doit être faite dans un lieu unique. https://uk.ambafrance.org/Conditions-de-deplacement-entre...
  13. Do you really think that this will bring the UK to its knees?
  14. Teapot, if your question is for JP 53011, he was only posting to advertise some kind of lamp (link now removed). I somehow doubt he'll be back ?
  15. At the risk of ALBF jumping down my throat, I have the right to vote.
  16. Do we even know if people CAN reply? Maybe they are faced with the same problem.
  17. betise


    If you are over 65 you can go to any vaccination centre, no appointment needed. Castex announced some time ago that all vaccination centres are now obliged to give the booster, without RDV, to anyone over 65.
  18. I just tried, there is no way to type a text message, only insert files.
  19. In my experience, many people here tend, in the first round, to vote to "exprimer leur ras-le-bol". Either by voting for a more extreme candidate (often Le Pen, perhaps this time Zemmour) or by using a vote blanc or nul. Then, come the second round, they vote for the candidate they dislike least.
  20. You just need to do the pre demande, get ID photos, and make a RDV (for me it was the sous-préfecture). No need to wait for the documents.
  21. What he actually said in his address was a test of less than 48 hours, for people arriving from outside of the EU, vaccinated or not. For those arriving from within the EU, if not vaccinated, the delay is reduced to 24 hours. Which seems rather odd, as they are giving greater leeway to the non vaccinated coming from outside the EU than to those from inside it.
  22. You have to have had the 3rd dose within 6 months plus 4 weeks from your last dose. Allowing people to take their booster from 5 months after their last is purely to give people more time, it has nothing to do with invalidating the pass sanitaire.
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