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Everything posted by betise

  1. You can be 6 adults, that is the recommendation. Some will ignore it, and some will respect it. If it is for the 24th, they can stay late into the night. If it is for the 25th, they must be home by 8pm, or stay the night.
  2. You don't use the French covid app Wooly? It would tell you.
  3. Sorry ALBF, who are you saying are "...everyday French people from all sorts of backgrounds. Some are school kids. Some from aristocratic families." the black blocs? They are, as has been said, violent thugs who hide behind their hoodies and masks, there only to destroy, and for notoriety .
  4. The French one, from the prime minister's address tonight.
  5. Reported elsewhere , and sorry for the lack of paragraphs, crap spacing (thank you forum software) "We will not be able to vaccinate everyone at the same time. The logic will be simple, the most vulnerable people will be vaccinated first, followed by several phases depending on the people concerned". The government gave details of the timetable: a first phase from January to February will concern 1 million people: residents and caregivers in Ehpad. Then February -March, vaccination "will be extended to the over 75s, then from 65 to 74 years of age, then to health and medico-social professionals aged at least 50 or with co-morbidities", this will concern 14 million people considered to be at risk. Then, starting "at the beginning of spring", the rest of the population could be vaccinated, with priority being given to people aged between 50 and 64, security and education personnel, and vulnerable and fragile people.
  6. If we compare covid with the "spanish" flu, it lasted 2 years, and had 4 waves. That was without a vaccine. It infected an estimated 3rd of the world population. I imply nothing with these figures, it is just a comparison.
  7. Yes, but the article states what Macron said (and nothing has been said since that changes things for inter regional travel). Macron said that deplacements between regions were forbidden. Since the 28th November, thing have changed in as much as exercise is allowed for 3 hours etc. But even the government sites still say that after 12th December we will be able to travel between regions, theoretically meaning that at the moment we cannot. Although, following the logic of "we stay at at home unless we have a good reason to leave" any derogation that is allowed on the attestation is valid, even if in another departement or region, so confusing.
  8. Or the headline of this report https://www.leparisien.fr/societe/reconfinement-quelles-derogations-pour-vous-deplacer-28-10-2020-8405472.php
  9. Is Macron a good enough source, and BFMtv French enough? https://www.bfmtv.com/politique/confinement-les-deplacements-entre-les-regions-interdits-une-tolerance-pour-les-retours-de-vacances_AV-202010280349.html
  10. It is inter regional travel that is forbidden.
  11. Nomoss, the 20 km rule is only for exercise, dog walking or sport. To go to a business, if it falls within one of the derogations on the attestation, and is within your region, there is no limit.
  12. I watched it too Mint, it was on Arte, link here... https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/076282-018-A/jardins-d-ici-et-d-ailleurs/
  13. But, the figures in Norman's post showed 50% against the vaccine, if the remaining 50% were vaccinated, that wouldn't be nearly enough to guarantee herd immunity. Don't get me wrong, I would be against compulsory vaccination, and am not sure I would have it myself, due to a compromised immune system.
  14. The French news is all over the new conspiracy theorist/anti vaxxer film "Hold Up" today. I know everyone is entitled to their own view, but jeez, I wish they didn't get quite so much publicity... whoops
  15. Oxford university calculates that, for measles for example, 19 out of 20 people need to have been vaccinated to protect the rest of the population. https://vk.ovg.ox.ac.uk/vk/herd-immunity
  16. He may do a trickie Dickie, resign, have Pence give him the presidential pardon, and get off scott free. Except for tax evasion, even a pardon won't exonerate him from that.
  17. Honestly, if by DDL they mean deadline, why not just write it in full? For one use of DDL they then say "In constitutive systems: until the end of the application DDL (grace period) set by the respective Member State / after the end of the DDL + certificate of application."
  18. If it originates from competitors in a race, then elbow to elbow is perhaps the better comparison?
  19. There are some terrible, official, versions out there. The TXT one is just awful.
  20. I was watching for new attestations, and even well after the PM's speech, the old curfew ones were still on line. The clue was in the date at the top of the page. The new ones did not become available until late in the evening, but were available before midnight, as I downloaded several different formats (including the digital one) and they all had a box (the second one) for shopping.
  21. Ooh, so many people I remember from "the old days". Some others are still here, Sweet 16, Teamedup, woolyB to name a few, although they have new usernames now. I remember Saligo Bay, Twinkle (so sad to hear that she died) Coops (of course) Russethouse, Clair, even (whispers) Mikki. I've been around here since the 90s, with a different username then, but gradually stopped posting. Then log in problems forced me to re-reigister with a shiny new name, and now I pop in from time to time, mostly just to lurk (as proved by my lowly post count ) but I do post from time to time. I would be sad to see the forum disappear :(
  22. When I sold my late mother's house I found the notaire absolutely useless. He never almost never responded to phone calls or emails, cancelled appointments knowing full well that people had flown in from abroad especially, and delegated to people who had no idea. We didn't choose him, he was my mother's notaire, chosen (by her) because he spoke English. That said, we sold the house through a local agent immobilier, who couldn't have been more helpful. Good luck with the sale.
  23. For Paris, it all just seems unmanageable, better to say that masks must be worn in all outside spaces, from perhaps 9am to midnight. Otherwise the switching between mask free and masked up spaces will be a nightmare.
  24. That is so sad to hear, she was far too young, and so very twinkly.
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