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Everything posted by idun

  1. Good luck to one and all, may you all get your appointments very soon.
  2.  Well, what about these parents, if they have been locking in her room and beating her. Sadly, I would imagine that the gendarmes would return her to them. I cannot say that there are not any good, conscientious and decent gendarmes, but too many, well, what can I say about them, too many are jobsworths, who will take the easiest solution according to their way of looking at things, and do not take into account consequences. I have known them be grossly negligent, stuff that would have been on national news in the UK, even senior officers ignored a very serious situation. Unless this girl is made some sort of ward of court, I simply cannot imagine that this will end well. AND the boyfriend being unemployed, well, he lost his job because of this relationship, he may be a very good and decent bloke, so I shall not pass judgement on him, and he came immediately when she needed him. But yes, I think that contacting the gendarmerie is necessary.
  3. This is awful for you. I don't know what I would have done wooly to be honest. I am a sucker for helping. In France we had a barred window next to our front door, so I would have opened that at night, not that luxury here. Also, very bad people use young girls pleading for help, so it could have gone:-  she says you tried to assault or rape her. Or her boyfriend rushes in and which ever, you are in big trouble. You did what you did, and am wondering as to what you should do about it now, maybe call the local gendarmerie on Monday, because if the parents have reported her missing  and they check the boyfriends phone, they  will be able to trace your number from the call history. OR if the gendarmes have not got the boyfriends number, they will be able to get it from your call history, that would work both ways. You will have to decide. Sounds like those video interphones are a great idea.
  4. Hadn't had the news on and said to husband, 'what time is the rugby' and he explained. Why haven't the french team at least been vaccinated????????????
  5. As I spoke to two people at the DVLA a few weeks ago, certainly in the UK this letter was not required, say last December. But suddenly was and now it isn't. I am curious as to how things go with Motorhead. I daresay that they will get a reply to their queries and questions within the next 10 days and they will post accordingly. Remember that the licence from the other country goes back and if the person has points or lost their licence, then I am sure that the authorities in either country will let their counterparts know.
  6. They knew the risks and still were courageous enough to let the world know. And talking of good people. I still have no idea why Navalny went back to Russia, none at all. Although as was shown, they are capable of poisoning anyone anywhere. Will he survive the penal colony?
  7. I care what is happening in France, we are french income dependant, so yes. Re Scotland, well we are not that far from the scottish border and I frankly don't care what they do. Cludo, never played. AND this is just a question, but what is wrong with going commando?[blink]
  8. I know things will be different. Lots of stuff will have closed or no longer operating, but others will move in and take up the slack as demand increases. As to my wardrobe, well, I have some lovely things, and actually when I go shopping, I sometimes put on something nicer, other than the things I wear at home ALL THE TIME, but you are right Lori, cuts down on washing. Sometimes when I have better clothes on, I put on some make up when I go out, even though with a visor and mask no one can see it, just feel better for tidying myself up. But my posh frocks, well, I shall be getting them out soon, as well as his good clothes..........and we will be going to our favourite restaurants and be seeing our friends!
  9. And doesn't that explain the current longevity of so many[Www] quite unnatural actually, and maybe nature has given us these 'vices' to reduce population numbers again. Our two friends who got type 2 first, in their early fifties actually were fit and slim. OK so others got it later in their late 60's and 70's of all shapes and sizes. Me I have low blood pressure, naturally and no cholesterol problems. And most of my thin, fit friends have blood pressure. Let us face it there is little reason behind all this, apart from us all being different with different blood groups too, which with Covid, actually makes quite a difference.  I don't mind living longish, as long as my mind is still working AND  my quality of life is OK and that means no prolonged pain and I am not a burden to anyone, but that is also a cruel act, and doctors treat, but it is NEVER they who turn up to give daily care....... If I have any of these things then I hope to be on my merry  way.......... and I have signed a DNR.........
  10. There is light at the end of the tunnel now, so I was wondering what you fancy doing when life starts to look normal. I am looking forward to going for coffee or simply meeting up with friends. And us both getting dressed up to the nines and going out somewhere nice to eat. Won't care what others are wearing, after basically slobbing around in the same old clothes for most of the last year, it will make such a change. We don't have hairdressers that are open, so a visit there too. Of the big things, well, I really fancy cruising up to see the Northern Lights. North of Norway or Iceland.  No idea if we will manage this trip, but I really really would like to do this. And that is about it really, as you saw, seeing friends is a very high priority for me.
  11. I made full fat pastry and used it in tuna and sweet corn quiches, of which I gave two away, to those who do not bake.  There is rubbed in pastry left, but that will do for another day. I confess all this talk of being fat, has made me think what the h ell, one of the few things I am good at is cooking and baking and what I make makes  'me' happy. And no one loves me less when I put weight on either. So none of the preaching has in anyway encouraged me to be good, au contraire[6]
  12. The wrong people, non, just few people[:(] From what I have read on here, it depends on several things in the UK. If the first vaccination is done via the GP, then that is down to the GP to sort out the second dose, some let the patient know at the time, and others do not and will be in touch. Not as if anyone is going anywhere, is it! When we book online we book both, with a 10 to 12 week gap between the two. As I said in another post, soon, all those second doses will be starting soon, that were booked on line and the fully vaccinated numbers will start going up in leaps and bounds. I also said, that you cannot have the second before the first......... so France, start vaccinating the population, I have friends and there is also my son too, all are very very unhappy.
  13. Unbelievable, so sorry to hear more of the same.
  14. I always wore a seatbelt even before they were compulsory. Seemed the sensible thing to do. And yes, I know someone who, if they had been wearing one would likely have been killed. They were so drunk that they were just hurtled out of the car and flopped down. The police assured them that they would have been dead. HOWEVER, as someone who drinks what, about three or four units a year and none in the last year,  there is no way I could have taken to the booze to make me so relaxed in the case of a  bad accident. The trouble with this thread is that it is so easy to have a go at people who are heavier, and yet, all those women in France, after lunch stinking of booze when they returned their kids to school, by car, they as well as some of the teachers.  Almost secret drinkers. Surely those with knackered livers will also be having problems if they catch covid too? I am far from perfect, I like foods that are bad for me, as well as those that are not. I put weight on far more easily than some friends, and yet, they actually eat more than me. AND that is because we are all different, our bodies do not react in the same way with what we put into them. Had enough of this thread now. I shall go and bake[blink]
  15. I wonder what you see as grossly overweight. I am told that I should be the weight I was when I was 18 according to my BMI report. We were all thin then. I would look horrific at my age, I would look wasted and scrawny. And as I would never do that voluntarily, I would be very ill with something that was wasting my body away if was that thin again. Saw it with my mother, not only her body but mind going too, so no thanks.
  16. Fact is that these vaccines have been rushed out, usually they would take years and years. And then some would still have side effects, because everybody, has a different 'body'. Should any of us be more worried about the possible side effects than getting killer covid, don't think so. Methinks that the best thing this newspaper could have done was have a damning report on the governments miserable rollout of this vaccination, without probably putting some off. For me the side effects on the list they gave me was well documented. I have a bit of a sore arm and shoulder, and felt giddy yesterday, but I am on medication for something else that can  also make me feel giddy, both have this side effect, I am fine today, although the puncture site is still slightly sore.
  17. Ken we are humans, with our foibles and vices and food is not expensive anymore and we have the means to easily keep it fresh or frozen at home, or order it to home. The other thing is that we all have to eat to sustain life. We cannot give it up, like all those other things you mentioned. My weight and health are my own concern. I don't get het up about smokers, drug takers or alcoholics, or anything else. All that just is. AND I daresay the young generation who are overweight will not live long lives, but I will be gone before then.
  18. Chessie the DVLA haven't been at fault, just post brexit, things got a little fraught/messy. And now they come to an agreement with the french so things have been remedied, at least they were for us, and hopefully for motorhead too. I have had to get extra paperwork for lots of things over the years, more than I care to remember and some very  costly, but this should have been simple from the outset and wasn't.
  19.  Well Wooly said ordannance, and that is the BIG difference. We don't have them, we simply make an appointment or are told to go to a certain point and get our jabs, c'est tout. IF the GP organises it, they call and they tell you which site to go to, or we go on the web site and input our National Health Number and then answer the questions asked, there are not many and the site asks a few health questions. The hard bit is to get both appointments locally. Although, I admit the temptation to have a good drive out somewhere to get a jab, was really quite tempting, it would have felt like a real adventure. Once you start adding layers and layers, it slows things down. I am surprised as France, for some things is well organised, and why they are not for this, well, I just do not get it. What is the 'game' they are playing? About time that people started writing to their deputes in vast numbers and then something should get done. The fonctionnaires do not like to be questioned by those elected by the 'people'. And the next thing I will add is, that the GP's as far as I am aware, have not yet automatically given second appointment dates, although I would imagine never the less, that they are in hand. HOWEVER, for those of us who booked on line, we have our second appointments booked, so those figures, for being fully inoculated will start going through the roof soon.  There are 446 million people in the EU and only about 32 million vaccinations done. And what 67 million in the UK and we are getting on for 20 million with a first dose and as I said, those second does figures will rush up in the next few weeks. You cannot have a second dose without a first dose.
  20. I am pleased that you have made some progress, but can anyone tell me what they are playing at, messing people around like this. Everyone should have a health number, whether they are in Alsace Lorraine or elsewhere with Amelie. So why not contact people by letter and let them book on line. A bit of a hassle, but never the less, if they have plenty of options then most people will manage to get their booking and vaccinations. And those in very rural areas, call the forces in and their medical staff to do the rounds. This is not rocket science just a little organisation.
  21. I have written the PM and sent it to you. Hopefully it will get there, otherwise I will send it via the email system on here.
  22. I don't need to see the transcript as what you have been told was not valid as long as you have a full french licence. So better than that, I will pm you an email address for the person who dealt with us. They had the good grace to give us their email address.
  23. Auxadrets, you have explained why so few vaccinations have been done in France, people will be waiting, as Lori pointed out, years at this rate. As I said, about 10 minutes in total once I got inside. I did wait a few minutes outside, but not very long at all. It has been organised like a conveyor belt and that is how they are getting through so many so quickly. For some they have a 15 minute wait afterwards in the seating area, for me, I was told not to drive for 15 minutes, depending on what they give you.
  24. This, I believe is from america, and couldn't one say: 'I woke up one day and realised that I too had to consider/do something about social issues? So using that odd idea, wouldn't  'reveille' do in french? It would sound wrong, but 'woke' does to my english ear without playing with it and trying to make some original sense of it.
  25. I had the astra zeneca jab today. It was well organised and I was there for all of  just over five minutes, that includes  registering and a Dr going through a few questions and saying that my arm could ache and that I could feel ropey for a few days. Sounded like the info after a flu jab. Then on to someone to give the jab.  I was told  not to drive for 15 minutes and that was it. I was issued with a number to call if I had a reaction later on, along with a card to take to my next appointment in 10 weeks. All done. edit, I had to edit this as I the title was auto censored, isn't it strange, that french words that can be construed as a little rude, are not!
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