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Complete France Forum


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Everything posted by idun

  1. I always do wonder about people who move to France and don't register. How many do it. The thing is that many will move to villages, won't they? And that should be down to the Maire to check if the people in their village are living there legally, surely. Would be different if people moved to towns, there again, there are the taxes, fonciere and habitation. Doesn't stop me wondering what is going to happen to our pensions and starting to look at how it would affect us, and where we might move to. Just looking at our future options.
  2. Eymet has been on british news a couple of times and showed the British food shop there. Along with these programs ie new life abroad etc, it would seem that people 'need' their beans, HP and tinned pies etc etc. We love such things, but we always had them as real treats. In fact the only thing that we had to have, I mean, had to have, was decent tea and fortunately eventually Carrefour started doing some, although they do not any more. First time I saw a tin of beans after I moved to France was actually in Geneva and I paid a £1 for it, probably 20p or less in the UK. And in truth we would stock up a little when we went back to England, but no enough to eat anything more than say monthly or more, so a special treat. It has made me wonder how folks diets actually change when they move to France. Embracing local produce, or using the traiteur, tinned french foods, frozen french foods, or just supermarket food.  All of which my french entourage do. The last three being the most predominant, economy  and time for preparation I suppose for those working.
  3. idun

    Face masks

    Thanks for that link. Not so bad where I used to live, maybe that is why no one has mentioned it. There always was too many cases in my opinion, chez idun, thankfully usually escaped.
  4. If people fear for their pensions then they should move back to England. We too could have problems with our french pensions, and would move back to France if we did. I would certainly PREFER not to, but heyho, we need to live and have an income, so we would just get on with it. People can worry about nowt, there are terrible problems in the world, flood, fires, drought, war, sickness and viruses and the titchy witchy thing of just crossing the channel seems never to be mentioned. Maybe I am simply a very practical person, although if you actually saw my life you would doubt it, but if I have things to do, I will just get on and do them WITHOUT having 'fears' about whatever it is. I have a perfectly good and decent life in the UK, what is that expression....... ah yes.........quality of life...... so often mentioned about the move to France, well, mine is a very very decent quality of life. And in many ways, better than that of the one we had in France and that was perfectly OK in general, otherwise I would have moved on. Sadly some of the problems we have, would be with us, no matter where we live.
  5. idun

    Qui Pro Quo

    Cheers, that's the word!
  6. idun

    Qui Pro Quo

    LOL I did misunderstand, you had me thinking that the photo was manipulated by scammers, there must be a proper term for that, and I know it happens.[blink]
  7. Bummer getting old, well for me it is. Over the last few years I have developed allergies to a few things, however, nothing as complicated as yours. I do understand you liking those fish spreads, some things are just what they are, and please us. I think that I would make some if I were you. There must be lots of recipes out there, and I would use fresh or tinned salmon. And I would chose a recipe I could freeze in small quantities, so quick to defrost and so easy to spread. And to make it feel a bit more authentic, reckon I would put in a few  toasted very fine breadcrumbs, not too many though, just to give that slight grittiness of the original.[:D] I now have problems with milk, but only sometimes, depends, as you  are with eggs. Pineapple and rhubarb.
  8. idun

    Qui Pro Quo

     At what point was Prince Andrew set up with this. Remaining friends with someone already convicted of sex offences is one thing, cosying up is surely another........ In reality I don't suppose that there would be swop, but he should talk to the FBI.
  9. idun

    Face masks

    Gastro in France, pray tell more.
  10.  Bloke on tv tonight from China, saying all he wanted to do was get home the UK, to his family and something along the lines of a normal life. A sentiment I understand, but, is that possible, exactly what does 'isolation' mean? What risk for this family he wants to see so much???
  11. Those returning from Wuhan have been told to self isolate. Does anyone else think that this is sufficient, trusting people to do that??? What the alternative would be, well, I do not know. But in the interests of public safety, this certainly seems insufficient to me.
  12. You want Prince Andrew? Give us the woman who killed Harry Dunn" This has been trending on the internet, and it is exactly what I was thinking last night. My thought was that exchanges  have happened, I have recently watched Bridge of Spies, and that is exactly what happened then, and organised exchanged. And in fact has happened on numerous occasions. I do believe that Prince Andrew should be interviewed by the US authorities as there are questions that need answering. As Anne Sacoolos needs to be interviewed by the british authorities. This therefore all seems very fair to me. Will it happen, well I won't hold my breath.
  13. Wonder if the French will be so equitable, looked but I couldn't find anything, no surprise there. So will have to wait and see. Don't suppose there are so many with our set of circumstances.
  14. Slightly confused as the laws pertaining to protecting species will not be altered, surely they won't....... and then the gendarmes and garde champetre should do their duty. Do they need more money, with a very few exceptions our local gendarmerie were usually disinterested in local crimes, and the garde champetre, well...... even worse, but never the less they are paid to do their jobs. I know people who have moved nulle part and then whinged and whinged about farm animals making too much noise, my thought is always, 'idiots', really what did they expect.
  15. What on earth is wrong with you. This is sounding like paranoia now. And I have found your attitude awful.  Heard of trolling.... well think on it, we have had them on here before, and you are certainly heading that way. It wasn't me who changed a post, in what I consider an inappropriate manner. You obviously don't like any of us.....so why are you here? And as I wouldn't give you the time of day in real life, I am  steering clear of you and your posts!
  16. Yes, well, as long as farmers are doing things legally, ie not putting the pig slurry into local streams and rivers, that is OK with me.
  17. Caught out, dear me, is that why you think people amend their posts. You imply that you don't care? but it would seem you do, and care enough to be offended by everyone and everything that does not meet your exacting standards, which are at best OTT.
  18. Ah so now you are adjusting your posts CT, really!!! I know darn well that that was not what was there earlier and IF I had been 'you' probably would have copied it to check up..... but I will not start that, as that would have been weird and creepy. I know you think that we are a band of felons, but this has to stop. There are many bad people on this planet, without having a go at a group of folk who are perfectly decent.
  19. There is only one driver on here who worries me and that is you CT.   How judgemental and nitpicking...... if you are like this in real life, well, what can I say, I truly pity your entourage....... you really need to lighten up a bit. And several boxes of wine will never be over a limit in France....... dear me, and before you start again, because I am starting to believe that you cannot help yourself...........I rarely drink, I mean, say about maximum 10 units a year, usually  a lot less. YES! I SAID A YEAR! 
  20. Ah I have been known to drive below the speed limit too.  I certainly did in France if I had bought wine from the producers in our region, wouldn't do to drive other than sedately with precious cargo, now would it. [Www]
  21. Ah, it is not even on my list of places to visit and I will be struggling to get to the ones I want to. We all have very different tastes and the south and warm places does not draw me.
  22. I use cruise control sometimes, but not the part which blocks top speed, I reckon that is really dangerous. I will use it depending on the length of journey and the traffic conditions. When there is lots of traffic, there is no point.
  23. This could apply to us too, hope that we don't start paying our french social charges in the UK again, although I know if we did move back to France we would certainly  have to. A voir[Www]
  24.  Turkey, also not at all on my list of places to visit either. I am sure that there are some interesting places to see in Turkey proper, but no, not for me. My Dad often said he fancied visiting Istanbul, and yet he never did in spite of visiting a lot of the world.
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