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Everything posted by idun

  1. I have just had to go through paperwork and found all sorts of things including a copy of my last carte de sejour. It was issued in 2007 and was permanente. I had no problems getting it either. I had been on this board, on and off for about 7 years by then. I remember that all the hassle of getting carte de sejours started  three months after our arrival and things did change with regards to them over the years, including the name from Carte to Titre. But my curiosity is peaked now, as to why so many on here don't seem to have  them or had them, and at what point did it become unnecessary. I have tried to look it up, but I keep getting things about the current situation, whereas I wanted  to see when everything really changed and people no longer felt the need to get one. Or worse the Prefecture sent them packing[blink] Ofcourse one could always have insisted as it really did not matter what the Prefectures said, they were never abolished by the french government.
  2. Moi ' A place in the Sun' person......... you are kidding. We lived in a proper french city for over 2 years in an appartment with other appts  surrounding us.......... and the bins collected every single day...........and shops under the appts, rarely used the car, used public transport, and walked or cycled everywhere, as everyone else did. It was OK and it was what it was and I am glad we did it, but too noisy with the work schedule, and colleagues lived outside the city and suggested we did too. So then we moved into a village in between two french cities. No other brits there, in fact I would say about 99% french, although being where we were plenty of families with italian anticendents. And I don't like the summer and the sun, and when we were considering an adventure somewhere one of the things which had to be on offer was skiing.  If similar things were on offer elsewhere, what with us being very regular skiers, we could just as easily of moved to Austria, or Germany or Italy or even southern island New Zealand. As it happens, there was at least a job for OH and skiing... so off we went. This way before it became normal to even think about a move to France, only odd people like us were doing it, and we had lots of 'whys' when we moved. Next to no one understood. Now it would seem that everyone knows someone  who has moved to France.... and do you know what, I still don't get it, at all and never will, especially retirees who don't speak french. So no comparisons with any tv program, we moved, planned on moving back to England upon retirement and did.
  3. Ah that is the bliss of living in the Alpes, one can live on the flat, well pretty flat in the valleys and see the mountains all around. And then go up when the fancy takes one. Best views, as far as I am concerned are from the valley OR at the top when skiing and that is often breathtaking.
  4. Never had Bombay Duck, and reading about it, don't think it is for me and the anchovies certainly are not. They have their place, but only in very very small doses.[:D]
  5. Exactly NH always go by official information. Sometimes though, the rumour mill has me checking on things officially, so I suppose they have their place for me at least, as they act as a prompt. NH I have pm'd you.
  6. and the date on the recipisse was not for last year, or the year before......... and they were not the same start date either, nor the same 'working' or not either, and there was me thinking that running a gite was a job as there was income.
  7. I still use a cooker top chip pan. I have a great extractor fan, and the smell really is not a problem. In fact the worst smell from frying we ever have and then we set something up outside is frying prawn crackers. I will fry bugnes in the house, but they are a far smellier thing than chips. I don't fry chips very often, strange we can go weeks without them, and then maybe have them a couple of times in a week.
  8. I have sent you a PM mint about this. What can a say, a program using smoke and mirrors as that portion was obviously filmed some time ago, well years actually, which poses the question, why were they saying that they HAD TO HAVE THEIR CARTE DE SEJOURS all those years ago. I despair of some of the stuff on tv.
  9. [quote user="mint"]I saw a puzzling incident on "New Life in the Sun".  Puzzling because a couple new to France had bought a house in Quillan and wanted to convert part of it into a gite and managed to sort out their CdS as simply as falling off a log! The couple (only been in France a matter of weeks) were shown going to their préfecture with the wife carrying a bagful of files.  Then they emerged waving their CdS.  I believe that the programme was made in 2019. So, how come they could swan in and swan out within the hour with their cartes?  Do they not have to show Avis d'impots for 5 years, 6-monthly bank statements for 5 years, etc etc etc? Are they really such a pushover in Quillan préfecture? PS for Norman and those who do not know the programme, it's a step up from buying houses in the sun type of thing;  they show couples in France and Spain setting up businesses with great success, having overcome ALL obstacles; the theme being just look at these plucky Brits! Nobody actually fails and goes off back to Blighty. [/quote] We have been watching A New Life in the Sun, but haven't seen them all, so please mint, when was this episode. Trouble with these programs is that they 'do' stuff that isn't actually right, so will watch that episode if I do it on catchup. EG weddings etc at their castles or where ever and how can they be a legal french wedding?  Now paperwork, is it the wonder of tv and the french wanting to look super efficient?
  10. Same same mint, I got in from shopping to 17 - 0. Didn't surprise me, it has happened before when England has done well the previous season, ie the World Cup. Also there were a lot of new players weren't there and that means a new team. It is what it is. France should always be brilliant, they have put so much into the game and the players for years and years. And yet, they are not always brilliant[blink]
  11. How we are all different with our cooking things.   None of my cooking was any good when I used my Tefal slow cooker, OK that was a very long time ago,   a wedding present as it happens. I would never have another. My current best casseroles are Wilko's own and a Tefal, my Lakeland, far dearer, I do not use, didn't get away with that either, I have only had it for three years. As I said, we are all different with our cooking things and probably the way we cook.[:D]
  12. I don't think that I would be quite thinking that it was possible to spend as long as one wanted in the UK, think of the tax implications, could get complicated.
  13. LOL I have very little steam left, but I suppose that cooking is my not only something we do to eat, but a hobby as well and it is one of the few things I can do well. Not by any means masterchef, not British Bake off, just good home cooking and baking. And I am rotten at serving, no fancy plating up from me, whether it be a meal or cakes even. That is my other 'talent', being cack handed when I serve food.[Www][:$]
  14. Another poster mentioned to me that it could end up being 90 days out of 180 in France. You will have to keep your eye on it. It is a nobody knows situation at the moment isn't it.[:D]
  15. I hardly use sunflower oil any more. I used to, did for years and years and years, but it is not what I thought it was, at all. Scientific testing showed strangely that for frying at a high temperature, lard was the very best. Sunflower about the worst. I still have some in, but have to watch the dates these days. Here is a link (should be live)  and I watched the program on the BBC when it came out, with Dr Michael Mosley. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3176558/It-s-healthier-cook-LARD-sunflower-oil-Extraordinary-experiment-shows-ve-told-cooking-oils-wrong.html I realise that you would not eat lard Pat. Just passing on what I saw.
  16. If no one else can help look at this link for France Forum, there is a search forum at the top of the page too. This link should be live. http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance-forums/cs/search/SearchResults.aspx?q=private%20health%20care&f=&u=
  17. What no salt Lehaut? I cannot use dried yeast, so never bought a bread machine as no one with one we know who uses one, has ever told me that I could use fresh in one. My husband is very seriously ill if he has dried yeast. And so I make bread from scratch and thoroughly enjoy it, and have been teaching a friend recently. Hand kneaded bread follows the following, 1 2 3. Beautiful imperial measurements, which I appreciate no end and know that that is why we had our old fashioned measurements to start with, so nothing 'imperial' about it, just 'practical'.[:D] 1       =    I pint of water 2       =    2lbs of flour any will do 3       =    slightly rounded teaspoons of salt Plus of course a little yeast and for that I would use about half an oz of yeast, no more and I wouldn't use more if I was making up three 3lbs of flour and just a tadge more if making up up to 7lbs. A friend of mine once made up bread without salt as she never likes cooking with salt and she was very upset as it was actually tasteless, it was awful, so always used it afterwards. Hence my question Lehaut. I must add that using so little yeast the proving time is extended, which is fine, as the yeast can do it's thing.
  18. When I first moved to France and lived in a city, we bought flour directly from one of the artisan bakers. And then one fine day, it was full of grubs and I never went back urrgggghhhh! After that I just bought cheap and cheerful and had very successful bread. Once I did try and buy proper french bread flour and did a testing. One batch cheap and cheerful and the other, stuff probably 5 times the price. Did a blind testing with my french neighbours. They said that the dear stuff had more flavour, and then when I put some butter on it, yes I know that that is not quite french, but they happily tried too and could not tell the difference. Recently I have been buying strong flour from Asda, as it is about the same price as plain flour, cannot say that I can tell the difference.
  19. mint, I realise that you don't cook meat much, so a pressure cooker for cheap cuts is probably not something you would need, or want[:)]. I seal braised steak and then when my wood burner oven is not in use, I pressure cooker it, usually lovely. In fact I have noticed them being used on some master chef type programs for cheaper cuts, or say, tongue. I also cook my xmas puds in it, save a LOT of time. The only omlette I think is OK is a spannish one with potatoes. Boy have I tried with the others, and with savoury souffles and I am not that keen on fruit souffles either. Not for me at all.  Although I do love authentic quiche lorraine, and there are a few other of these tarts that I rather like, including fishy ones. I use a lot of eggs, but am funny with them, and cannot stand snotty whites, OR the yolk still being bright but firm, both literally make me [+o(]. Ofcourse my OH and son don't mind either of these, and I will cook them like that, if they want.
  20. Hm, I don't think our local job centre could cope with everyone having to verify that they were 'alive'. They don't seem to cope with finding jobs, but do the french 'proof of life' with trepidation each year.
  21. No, sorry mint but a cocotte minute is a pressure cooker, so the inverse of a slow cooker. I hated my slow cooker, but love a pressure cooker[Www]
  22. NH, that doesn't cover those who may have simply moved and are using an EHIC illegally[6]
  23. Mijoteuses, or maybe cocotte.
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