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Everything posted by idun

  1. Would Trump even admit to it if he had it?  
  2. idun

    Bin Day

    I usually put good clothes on when I leave the house. If I didn't then it would be the scruffs I wear at home and frankly my decent stuff would never get an airing. Bins though, well, I put them out at about 8 at night and usually am in my evening stuff, which are in winter, soft and fluffy and warm and perfectly good enough to put the bins out in.
  3. I do this. As long as it doesn't say you cannot freeze, well you can[:D] I have made puff pastry, but I tend to buy when I want it. When defrosted I take it out of the packet and leave it for at least an hour in the kitchen before using it, personally I have found it better like that. Thus far, I have never had a problem. Please not though, I like to buy the unrolled stuff, so have no idea what would happen with the rolled out once defrosted.
  4. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/23/health/arizona-coronavirus-chloroquine-death/index.html This should be a live link. Good job your SIL is a Dr and will understand dosing etc.
  5. Spoke to son today and there have been reports in his region of €3000 fines. Fair enough isn't it? I do hope that your neighbour didn't go wooly.
  6. And I needed a good laugh too. Great updating an old joke Loiseau. A few days ago, I started reading, This is Going to Hurt, by Adam Kay, it's the secret diaries of a Junior Doctor..........and have laughed until I cried at it. Long time since anything has amused me like that. And at times like these, a good laugh is essential for me.
  7. When we signed for our first house, our notaire from a very old fashioned well known cabinet in a big city dealt with us. His hair was a mess, his clothes were not chic, just shabby, but may have cost a fortune, hard to tell and white baskets. The only thing, I mean the only thing that he rabbited on about was that 'I' had not to peg any washing out in front of the house, but at the back. And he literally went on and on about it. Our other neighbours, all french, pegged theirs out at the side or front. All the possible problems with regards to access or anything else were brushed over and we were told that there was nothing untoward and the contract was completely normal.... and yet there were, lots of things that were untoward. Being there, well, maybe our french was not up to it, but even if we had spoken better french back then, I have a feeling that we had been brought up to believe that 99% of the time solicitors were decent and honest people working in our interests and so would not have questioned what we were told. We learned the hard way what notaires are, and that the french system was so different to anything we were used to. After too many disputes and things  costing what we could ill afford, we realised that really we should have had every last sentence dissected. Who knows with full knowledge, perhaps we would not have bought where we did.
  8. Looking at a few things on the internet today, and more often than not there were images of supermarkets shown with empty shelves. The irony is not lost on me. What was said, not that long ago, [6] that we would leave, we would have Brexit and end up with empty shelves and the country would be in disarray. Did those that predicted such doom and gloom EVER imagine that it would not just be the UK, but all of the 'great' Europe too this spring???
  9. Come on Paul T, ALBF said: Chancer had a good business model but I guess that has fallen apart. He had a great model, and that model  may have changed, but was in general long term lets to those studying or perhaps temporarily working at the Airbus factory (or some such thing)  opposite his place. And that could well have fallen apart for now. He didn't say it had sunk. People will always do as they want or think best. Everyone thinks that they know best. So that really poses the question as to why the OP EVER posted this question in the first place. With replies to posts, along the likes of 'et toc!' Well that is what it feels like to me, as they indicate family living in France. Using french professionals. Because everyone knowing best is an opinion, and asking on here will get as many differing responses as there can be. As I have felt forever, I have absolutely  no idea whatsoever why anyone would retire to France unless they spoke good french. And they may. And I may get another 'et toc' rely to that too.  And running a gite or b&b, beyond me. But that is me, I couldn't, wouldn't.
  10. I all too often wonder how long it will be before the gite and b&b market will be saturated. I also wonder, as does our son who remained in France, what prices will be like, getting to and from France in the future, ferries and planes and I suppose that there is always the tunnel when all this is over. And if this goes on, and you could not move until after December, unless things are on hold, you would have to justify your move to France and your income and health care, before being given the right to stay. And that will be an ongoing thing, getting new visas until a certain number of years has passed. Yes you can sign up for your house when living in the UK. The notaire can be given the power to sign on your behalf, paper work to be dealt with.  We did just that when we left. I still would not sign up for anything at all at this present time. Not at all, not in the UK and not in France, not anywhere.
  11. And finding a really good notaire will be hard. There are so many that are terrible, that I don't think that you should hesitate to get in touch with quite a lot of them.
  12. I would put any house purchase on hold, no matter wher at the moment.  No one knows what will happen in the future, and maybe all house prices will drop, I cannot see any going up, that is for sure.
  13. I wish you  had not mentioned 'recorder' Judith, it is a subject best not mentioned in this house[:D]
  14. OK, booze, well I was in the supermarket last Friday when the announcement was made about closing the pubs. I noticed the staff being busy bees around the beer area and asked why and they told me. I rang my husband and he said to buy  6 bottles of Black Sheep (beer, for those who don't know). So I did. Got to the counter and was told that I was limited to three items. So three bottles, which I paid for. The bloke at the next till had three boxes of 12 beers and he was OK. I pointed out that it was rather ridiculous that he had 36 bottles and I had three, but they said it was 'by unit'. I took my shopping to the car and went back in and bought the other three bottles......... hardly excessive, was it???? They were the last three bottles by then incidentally. Yes, I understand now,  booze can increase shopping bill sizes. I rarely drink and usually don't  think of buying any, but Friday's announcement was a prompt to call OH. I suspect that I am a cheapskate with regards to shopping, but we do eat very well on the way I do things[Www]
  15. A friend told me that her local supermarket had a limit of 40 in at a time, so I suppose that it would depend on the m2 of the supermarket. Isn't a 100€ a lot? sounds it to me, even for a big shop, but I am no longer used to french prices.
  16. I am very fond of northumbrian and we have a set of uilleann pipes here, but it is not I, who is the musician. [:)]
  17. Have to ask cornemuser, what sort do you play?
  18. Well in the UK it is mother's day. Been for a refreshing stroll along the prom, as lots of people were doing today. Refreshing is not quite the word, with that easterly wind blowing hard onto us as we walked there, it was bracing, coming home, onto our backs and blew us home. There appeared to be a lot of families out with three generations, ie some were out together for mother's day.Which I found weird as the government said to not do that, but heyho, granny or grandpa might be getting an extra present along with the chocs and flowers etc.
  19. Sadly some people will NEVER have any common sense. Have you considered buying one of these Lori, there is quite a selection, apparently the ones with the cover on are the best. And they do fold down quite well. https://www.amazon.fr/s?k=sechoir+chauffant&__mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&ref=nb_sb_noss_2
  20. idun


    HOUSEWORK![:-))] to fend off 'boredom' and occupy my time! You have to be kidding[:'(] What an awful thought that is. We are doing no more than usual which is enough to not live in a mucky house, and not enough for if ever we get friends round to think that I am severely unwell and had a personality change. All the baking I did yesterday apart from the crumble and custard was frozen into individual portions. And I gave my neighbour a baguette. If I am not going daft cleaning, I do have paperwork to sort out and a couple of cupboards to go through, and as these jobs have been in my pending list for some time, they will remain so, that is until I can be 'rsed to do them. It looks like I shall have quite some time to get on with them.
  21. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/france/ https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/uk/ Hopefully  both live links, both countries it took off around 4th March, so pray tell my why the numbers are so much higher in France. I have looked up testing figures , best I could find was from a few days ago and seemed that there was more UK testing than french. This ofcourse may have changed. What I do not understand is the spread in Italy and in France. Maybe I am wrong but it does not look, for the time being that the cases are going up as quickly in the UK. And I know it could, it isn't as if I don't know that.   BUT looking at the figures, well, what lifestyle differences are there which have proliferated the spread in Italy especially  and Spain and also  in France.
  22. idun


      Yes, the east wind was horrific, cut straight through me too. I wouldn't care the sun was shining, so I didn't put on a suitable coat for such a wind. I soon warmed up in my kitchen upon my return, in fact I was too hot a couple of times. I am going to order some books, some MC Beaton books, I am more than a bit addicted to them.Simply very light reading and so different to my usual reading matter. I read serious and all too often gruesome detective stories and when they get a bit much, I pick up an MC Beaton and read a chapter and then go back to my other book. Works splendidly for me.
  23. I will be eternally grateful that we don't have Corbyn, or May. And when it is necessary then things have to be done. I doubt that anyone these days will be as ruthless as Churchill was when push will come to shove, but who knows. Argue on here, isn't it strange that no one so far has said anything.
  24. idun


    Well I am dead beat now. Busy day, started two different lots of bread off. Went shopping, then the hairdresser, the last client as she is closing for the duration. Home agin, baked a big plain cake, 12 cherry scones, an apple and strawberry crumble and custard. Shaped the bread to rise again. Made dinner. Bread is just baking now. And I am just about out of flour, but will have a good stock of baked goods in the freezer, apart from the crumble, which was pud for tonight and tomorrow. My kitchen looked like a bomb had hit it when I had finished and I still have sorting out to do.[blink]
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