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Obligatory social security payments etc


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Can anyone confirm that the self-employed in France are asked for a payment of what used to be approximately 20,000ff after their first year of work, regardless of whether they've even made a profit of any amount? Future years contributions are then based on a sliding scale which is related to earnings.

I've signed a contract but my 'employer' says can't actually allow me to work until I've received my cds (application currently with prefecture) and then he applies for my Carte Professionale. What counts as the start of this first year? Receiving the CP?

Final question: I've been told that my E106 cover can continue even after I start working, until the expiry date. This sounds a bit odd to me. Surely I'll need to enter the 'system' (whatever that is) and arrange whatever independant health insurance is appropriate.

Any words of wisdom gratefully received.
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The word you are searching for is Cotisation . I believe the current minimum is Euro 500 per month say say 3,800 per year.

Have a search of all forums including the archive for Cotisation. If you use Google or any US biased search engine then you tend to end up with Canadian sites ( check .CA suffix) . Also I believe cotisation best translate as annual subscription so you can easily find yourself in the French Jaguar Owners Club site

Two sites below were the best French sites which I found


be grateful if anybody else supplies more detail.
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