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Cancelling direct debit on french account?

Daft Doctor

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Hi, I had car insurance with Allianz until 31st March, but cancelled it in the correct way by lettre recommandée (template sent by new insurer) which Allianz received within 11 days of them sending out the renewal (even enclosed a photocopy of the envelope the renewal came in with the postmark on it).  Not only have they neither acknowledged the cancellation nor sent a relevé d'information for my new insurer (despite 2 requests - that's another story), but they have just taken a prélevement out of my account, being the first installment of the new premium, which as I say I rejected when I canceleed the renewal. 

I bank with Axa and there is no facility online to cancel direct debits.  I have of course written again to Allianz (again recommandé, again costing 3,41 euros!) to demand repayment of the amount taken, but before I make a fool of myself in a phone call to Axa, is it possible for me to unilaterally cancel a direct debit on a French account, or must it be done by the beneficiary?  In the UK it is easy to do as the account holder, but in my dim memory I thought it may be different in France.  I did trawl through the last 5 years threads in this section of the forum, but couldn't find a definitive answer.  Many thanks in advance for any insight offered.  [:)]  

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I've cancelled two DD's simply by going into my bank (CA) and telling them

what I wanted to do, I had to sign standard authorisations but that was it, job


If one bank can do it the so can they all so if yours tells you that it can only be cancelled by the beneficiary tell them they are talking BS.

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I just did the same thing Norman, I cancelled a mutuelle with Gan (which I did at LaBanquePostal). In fact the kind lady behind the counter wrote the sentence I needed and I signed....only because they were busy and she got a bit impatient with me wondering where to put the accents!  It did the trick. I'm just waiting for the fallout from Gan...the local office and head office don't seem to be on speaking terms so the request to stop it probably hasn't found it's way up the management tree yet and I'm expected a snotty letter.


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