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ANOTHER tax on owner occupiers is being discussed!


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OK, you are about to pay your taxe foncières and if you were living in the property on the 1st January you will probably pay your taxe d'habitation in November if you aren't exonerated.

Now yet another tax is being discussed:  a tax on the amount owner-occupiers would receive if they rented the house out.

It sounds very close to the formula used to calculate the base from which the other two are decided.

The difference is that this is an extra taxin some way supposed to make up for the fact that by living in the property the owner isn't paying tax and social charges on the rent.

Of course it can be argued that the owner is paying taxe d'habitation...

Let us hope that this is one that will not take off, but remember it  used to exist between 1914 and 1964, so it isn't new in France.



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