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[quote user="oliveau"]...........which she put in place with great guile, ready to ensnare the unsuspecting Yvette,...........[/quote]

who had already consumed ,at least three large Drambuie's and was feeling very, very ....

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... decided to take matters in her own 2 hands. That chimney of hers needed a good rodding! and she was going to get it done!. Jules Camembert, her husband, was to busy serving these 'punaises de sacristie' as she called that posse of elderlly women that came to the shop. None of them aspired to or gave any desire of elegance, sophistication, lust and glamour to anyone except Jules. He emberlicoted them good and fine with his shmarmy/shmootzy lethario manners. He was after their purse! Yvette was livid at that sight and in one of them moods not unlike a werewolf mood at full moon. Armed with a saucisson sec, a baguette, a bottle of piquette, she quickly marched over to Ramon l'espagnol. His parents came over as refugees from the bad days of Spain. He was a bit twp and didn't learn much in school but was good at climbing high up and awkward places like chimneys, so he set up as the ramoneur du village. As he saw Yvette Camembert approaching at a furious space, he decided .....

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get off to the local brocante where she had heard a rumour that the local 'anglaise' was going to be selling off a large collection of secondhand, outsize, M and S, white cotton undies! Now obviously these would be far too large for the slender Yvette but for her husband.. Well that was another matter!

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However on entering the brocante...the thoughts of knickers dropped from her mind when she saw Harry Corbet's son... (His father having long since gone to the Puppetteer's Paradise in the sky)...demonstrating to the pretty plump 'anglaise'...the correct positioning of his long fingers inside...Sooty's smooth velvety....
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by the young girl in the local bakers - who had carefully scrubbed her fingers after the previous evening's dalliances.

Meanwhile, back in the auberge, a now 'very stressed' Maire was pacing backwards and forwards like an expectant father, and gazing out of the window across the square to La Poste. As he watched, he saw the very beautiful Delphine coming out. He quickly pushed open the window and shouted, "........... 

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